
Friday, January 11, 2013

Ashtaka varga of Venus

Happy Family Life :
Venus with 5 or 6 bindus and in a kendra or Trikona results in a happy and prosperous family life.If this Venus is aspected by Mars,the wife will be from a noble family.

Fine Vehicles :
When Venus is in Lagna,4 th or the 10 th bhavas assosiated with 5 bindus and has an aspect from a benefic,the person will possess fine vehicles.

Early Marraige :
When Venus is in a Kendra except the 7th bhava or Trikona from the Lagna,associated with 5 or more bindus and is not aspected by Mars,the person will marry early in life.

Difficulty in getting Married :
When Venus with 5 bindus is in debilitation rasi or Navamsa and is connected with Mars by association or aspect,the person will undergo great difficulties to get married.

Obstacles in Getting Married :
Venus in a Trikona or the 2nd house from the lagna occupied or aspected by malefics will create many obstacles for marraige

Good Fortune,Vehicles :
If the lord of the sign occupied by Venus is in a Kendra or trikona from the lagna and associated with 5 bindus in the ashtakavarga of Venus,the person will possess wealth,lands,vehicles and good fortune.

Ill treats Wife :
If the lord of the house occupied by Venus is in the 6th or 8th house from Venus and is in trine to the Lagna,the person will illtreat his wife and become a pauper in course of time.