
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Storm on Saturn

The most fascinating news of today is NASA Capturing images of a gigantic hurricane on the north pole of Saturn.In view of the current transit of multiple planets situated in Aries, in opposition to Saturn  and the Shashstaastaka position of Jupiter/Saturn, the  storm happening now is surely interesting. Saturn is definitely not an exception to the planetary influences on it. Last week there were three coronal mass ejections from Sun in two days. Sun being in conjunction with multiple planets and in opposition and Saturn should be the reason behind the Solar flares.In turn Saturn too seems to be influenced by the said conjunctions and oppositions.

Solar flares seem to happen surely when Sun is involved in multi planetary conjunctions. Here  is a link to the information and planetary alignments at the time of gigantic solar flares : 
Given below is the link to the news of the Storm on the Saturn.

Adjoining is the picture of the Storm on Saturn released by NASA.Another amazing aspect of Saturn is the similarity of the Kurma Yantra which is used as a remedy for malefic effects of Saturn and the Planet's north pole.While Saturn's north pole is in a hexagonal shape, the Kurma yantra too is hexagonal in shape.                                                       

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Gods must be Crazy

It all started with Venus and Mars going into combustion on 5th and 22nd of March respectively. The period from then was quite turbulent as the world has seen many un toward events. All the premier astrologers warned about the impending disasters,in view of the planetary alignments,their transits, the twin eclipses,retrogression of Saturn in conjunction to Rahu in Libra.
The signs involved in the conjunctions and alignments were Aries and Libra. While Aries is a fiery sign lorded over by the warrior planet Mars,Libra is the sign lorded over by the passionate,Sensuous and Artistic Venus.

The Sign Libra is symbolised with a balance and extreme malefic influences over it signify the imbalances prevailing in the world and the corrective/Balancing energies in action.Saturn,the signifier of Justice situated in the sign currently and being exalted here,  denotes the balancing energies in action.

War like situations in the countries Korea,Japan,China and India  are the result of these alignments.

The bombing of  Boston marathon happened just when Sun was transiting over from Pisces to Aries on the 15th of April to be conjunct with Combust Mars ,Combust Venus, with Ketu and in opposition to a Retrograde Saturn and Rahu Combination in Libra.Sun is the signifier of fire arms and Ketu denotes terrorists.While a strong and unafflicted  Mars signifies army and police personnel , afflicted and  combust Mars in conjunction with Ketu denotes terrorist violence. Gemini is the natal ascendant of  USA and the malefic transits happening over its MC(10th house) should have resulted in the event.  

Mars is the signifier of Accidents,Violence,Buildings and is said to be the Bhoomi Karaka as he is described as 'धरणी गर्भा संभूतं ' .His combustion and being in opposition to another great malefic Saturn who is retrograde resulted in  many Earth quakes and Building collapses and accidents in Mines.
Venus is the signifier of Passions,Luxuries,Vehicles.In conjunction with the fiery Mars signifies extreme passions. Both the planets were combust making them even more malefic.The combination in opposition to Retrograde Saturn and in conjunction with the Rahu/Ketu axis has resulted in the events related to the rapes of minors.Saturn-Venus combination is said to result in deviating from the normal sexual Patterns.

Venus being combust and under many malefic influences has resulted in the deaths of some noted  Artists/Singers.

The period still seems to be unstable till the time when Saturn turns direct on 6th of July. Around the 1 st of May there might be a volcanic eruption in or in countries around Portugal/Japan. There may be a Meteor hit as has happened in Russia recently, in Europe ,USA,India,Tibet or Alaska or a plane crash.

Please  pray for World Peace.Meditate and recite the following mantra daily as many times as possible : 

ॐ स॒ह ना॑ववतु। स॒ह नौ॑ भुनक्तु। स॒ह वीर्यं॑ करवावहै। ते॒ज॒स्वि ना॒वधी॑तमस्तु॒। मा विद्विषा॒वहै॥ ॐ शान्ति॒ शान्ति॒ शान्ति॑॥
om sa̱ha nā̍vavatu | sa̱ha nau̍ bhunaktu | sa̱ha vīrya̍ṁ karavāvahai | te̱ja̱svi nā̱vadhī̍tamastu̱ | mā vidviṣā̱vahai̎ || om śānti̱ḥ śānti̱ḥ śānti̍ḥ ||

Links to some of the events which happened due to the alignments have been given herein below:
Earth Quakes:
New Variety of Bird Flu : 
Building Collapses:
Dhaka Building Collapse :
Thane Building Collapse
Tanzania Building Collapse
China Mine Blast:
Vehicular Accidents:

Disclaimer : Please note the above writeup is posted only in an astrological study perspective and may not be true.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturn's Ashtaka varga

1.When Saturn is in the Lagna with no bindus the result is death or loss of property or great sickness
2.If Saturn is in debilitattion ,in the lagna or in an inimical house with more than 4 bindus and is aspected by a benefic,the person will have a long life
3.When Saturn is associated with 4 or 5 bindus and occupies debilitation,inimical house or is in .combustion,the person will be riding on horses,elephants,camels and other conveyances and will be rich
4.When Saturn is debilitated in Navamsa and occupies the Lagna or the 5th house associated with more than 4 bindus,the person will be poor ans suffering from diseases in the neck such as Goitre,laryngitus etc
5.Saturn in the lagna or the 4th house with 3 or 4 bindus,will make the person short lived if the said Saturn is not in exaltation or in his own house.
6.Saturn in a kendra or Trikona occupying his own house in Rasi in Navamsa associated with 1 to 3 bindus,makes a person earn wealth by various means
7.When Saturn as the lord of the 9th and 10th houses is in the 3rd,6th or 11th house,associated with 3 bindus,the preson becomes a king or equal to a king.
8.When Saturn is in his own house with 4 bindus and that happens to be the 2nd house or the 12th house and other malefics are in Trikona to the lagna,the person will be a beggar throughout life.
9When the lord of the 8th house from the lagna or Saturn,is in an ininical house or is combust and without any benefic aspect,the person will be a beggar life long