
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturn's Ashtaka varga

1.When Saturn is in the Lagna with no bindus the result is death or loss of property or great sickness
2.If Saturn is in debilitattion ,in the lagna or in an inimical house with more than 4 bindus and is aspected by a benefic,the person will have a long life
3.When Saturn is associated with 4 or 5 bindus and occupies debilitation,inimical house or is in .combustion,the person will be riding on horses,elephants,camels and other conveyances and will be rich
4.When Saturn is debilitated in Navamsa and occupies the Lagna or the 5th house associated with more than 4 bindus,the person will be poor ans suffering from diseases in the neck such as Goitre,laryngitus etc
5.Saturn in the lagna or the 4th house with 3 or 4 bindus,will make the person short lived if the said Saturn is not in exaltation or in his own house.
6.Saturn in a kendra or Trikona occupying his own house in Rasi in Navamsa associated with 1 to 3 bindus,makes a person earn wealth by various means
7.When Saturn as the lord of the 9th and 10th houses is in the 3rd,6th or 11th house,associated with 3 bindus,the preson becomes a king or equal to a king.
8.When Saturn is in his own house with 4 bindus and that happens to be the 2nd house or the 12th house and other malefics are in Trikona to the lagna,the person will be a beggar throughout life.
9When the lord of the 8th house from the lagna or Saturn,is in an ininical house or is combust and without any benefic aspect,the person will be a beggar life long