
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dhari Devi's Displacement Reason for Uttarakhand Floods

In continuation to my earlier post on the Uttarakhand floods about the astrological factors which caused the devastating floods, i would like to make another important observation in the same context .So much has been said and written about  shifting of the Idol of Dhari devi just before the flash floods in Uttarakhand.Below is a link to the news brief about the issue:

The Idol is said to be shifted from its original place on a small island in the Alkananda river to an elevated location close to its original position to avoid it being submerged in waters due to construction of a Hydal Power Project in the area.It is said there was lightening followed by heavy rain and cloud burst just after the idol is shifted.

The temple of Dhari devi (a manifestation of Kali devi) is said to be one of the Shakti Peethas and is believed to be the guardian diety of  Uttarakhand.Shifting of the idol surely is the cause of  cloud burst and floods.

In my earlier post  When Lord Shiva Lets loose the Ganga i made an observation that in the Trimsamsa chart on the day,  Retrograde Neptune being conjunct with Retrograde Pluto and Saturn over the Galactic centre, in the constellation of Moola which is lorded over by Niritti, the Goddess who delivers curses of Gods.The conjunction indicates the wrath of  supreme powers resulting in the event.

Friday, June 21, 2013

When Lord Shiva Lets loose the Ganga

340 mm of rain fall on the 15th June,2013,375% higher than the normal monsoon rainfall caused the divine river Ganga and its tributaries to flood  the state of Uttarakhand.About 60,000 people are stranded at various holy places and thousands are missing till date and many declared dead. Nothing was left behind at the Kedarnath temple area apart from the holy shrine.Many hotels,building,bridges and roadways collapsed across the state.Following is a writeup on the floods and the damage caused on wikipedia.
On a study of the astrological factors which contributed to the devastation we can see Neptune and Saturn playing a significant role in the event. All the airy signs Gemini,Libra and Aquarius are afflicted currently. Gemini is afflicted by the presence of an Atichara Jupiter who is in a multi planetary conjunction with Mercury,Venus and Sun.Libra is afflicted with a Retrograde Saturn and Rahu conjunction.Saturn which is conjunct with Neptune in both Trimsamsa and Khavedamsa Charts is about to turn direct within a few days.

In addition following are the contributing factors : 
1.In the Rasi Chart,Neptune, the God of waters, is currently transiting in the constellation of Satabhisha.,in the sign of Aquarius,which is an airy sign.

Rahu is the lord of Satabhisha and  presiding deity of the constellation is Varuna.

This combination of an airy sign and Neptune is the trigger for the storm.

In addition to this, Neptune, who is transiting satabhisha as said above, has turned retrograde on the 5th of June.
Retrogression of Neptune in the star lorded over by  Rahu shows strong karmic forces in action which were long overdue.
Neptune placed as above in the Rasi chart is supported by explosive formations in the Trimsamsa and Khavedamsa.
2.In the Trimsamsa chart for 15th June, we can see Retrograde Neptune conjunct with Retrograde Pluto and Retrograde Saturn over the Galactic centre. If we observe the longitudes in the Trimsamsa chart both Neptune and Saturn being retrograde are in the constellation of Moola.Which is lorded over by Niritti,the goddess who delivers the curses of  Gods.
3.In the Khavedamsa chart for the day, we can see both Neptune and Saturn being conjunct in the Watery sign of Cancer.
4.Most importantly,the Constellation of Satabhisha where Retrograde Neptune is transiting,signifies North Indian regions of Kailash,Tibet,Himachal Pradesh as per Brihat Samhitha of Varahamihira.
Human intervention with the nature by way of diverting several rivers and tributaries to fuel many hydro power plants and rapid deforestation in the name of development should have caused the supreme Lord shiva to let loose the Ganga without stopping it !!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Jupiter's transit in Gemini - Results for all Signs

Jupiter has transited into Gemini on 31st May following are the results of the transit for various signs.Study  both for your Moon sign and Natal Ascendant too : 

Aries :
Travel will be beneficial. Gains will be possible through foreign country or associates. Students can look forward to go for higher education. A pilgrimage is on the cards. Some of you will have a new relationship. Benefits will be there through father, friends and elder sibling.
There will be lack of courage and confidence. You might be moving around without a purpose. Heavy or unexpected expenses are likely in business. You may get engaged in tall talking. There could be unnecessary misunderstanding with younger siblings, neighbors and associates. Loss is likely in short project.

Taurus :  
Unexpected monetary gains will make you happy. New member will join the family. Gains will be possible through oratory skills and inheritance. Family wealth will increase. You will enjoy good health. There will be an inclination towards occult or esoteric science. Professionals will enjoy advancement in career and unexpected promotions. You will be able to win over enemies.
Relationship will suffer due to ego clashes. Father may have health issues. You will have a laid back attitude. Speech has to be checked. Siblings and friends will not be around for support.

Gemini :    
Children will be a source of happiness. Inclination will be there for religious activities. You will benefit through learning and chanting of mantras. Pilgrimage is on the cards. Your knowledge will increase and you will develop new hobbies. Sharing of knowledge will be beneficial. Expansion of business or starting new business is likely. A new relationship will come up.
Expense will be there through health. You will have to work very hard to achieve success in profession. Disturbances are likely at home. Problems could be there through assets. Mother will suffer discomfort. There is a chance for mishaps through vehicle.

Your comforts will increase. A job opportunity will be possible in foreign country. You will be able to easily win over your enemies. Students will go abroad for higher education. Your assets will increase and you will participate in philanthropic work. There will be happy atmosphere at home. You will enjoy success in all your ventures. Expenses will be there for auspicious events. Divine blessings will be there for you.
Health issues will be there for father or fatherly person. Relatives will bring expenses. A theft or loss of possessions is likely to take place. It will be a bad time for relationship with spouse, separation from the partner also likely. Expenses will be there for health. You may suffer due to sleeplessness and bad dreams.

Gains will be there through children, partner, and younger siblings. You will have more interest or involvement in speculation and trading. You will be knowledgeable, wise and spontaneous. Friends will be there to help. Romantic partners will spend good time. Some of you will be blessed with progeny. Intuitive powers will be more. You will be spending more for amusements and entertainment. You will experience inner transformation.
You will have difficulty in repaying debts. Some discomfort will be there due to health. Students trying for scholarship will find it difficult. Expenses will be there for children education. You need to hold your excitement in romance.

New beginnings and new business opportunities will be there. Your comforts and money will increase. Education will be beneficial. Your speech will improve. A new person will join the family. There will be peace at home. Hard work for your company will bring you gains. Partnership business will prosper and legal issues, if any will get resolved. You will have gains through father. Spouse will excel in profession.
You may have to stay away from home. Separation from partner is possible due to professional reasons. There will be lack of energy. Children will be a cause of concern. There could be rift between partners due to misunderstanding.
You will earn name and fame through profession. There will be opportunities to improve skills and increase knowledge. Gains will be possible through communication and travel and even through enemies. Romantic relationship will bring happiness. You will be able to complete stagnated or pending works. Health will improve. You will be able to pay off your debts. You will have peaceful sleep.
Relationship with mother may suffer due to misunderstanding. You will have to keep a check on your emotions. Expenses will increase and it is imperative to handle your finances cautiously. Some purposeless travel will be there. Father will suffer from ill name. Your hard work will go unnoticed.

Expenses will be there for auspicious events. You will benefit through sudden gains and inheritance. Unexpected gains are also possible through trading. You will be more inclined into spiritual practices. There will be good bonding with the family, especially mother. You will earn through foreign associates. You will be buying property, vehicles, jewels, and other assets. Spouse will enjoy monetary gains.
Hard work will not reap rewards. Speculation will lead to losses. There will progeny issues. You may suffer due to laziness and lack of focus. Those staying in foreign country may face problem. You may have to bear unnecessary expenses. Expenses are likely through siblings. You may get involved in disputes with friends, father and gurus.

Gains will be through mother, spouse and friends. Your communication skills will be good and entering into new business venture will be successful. Dealing in short projects will be favorable. Love relationship will blossom. Siblings and neighbors will be there to support. You will work towards your goal and expect to fulfill some of your desires. Expenses will be there for auspicious events.
Hard work for career will not be recognized. Disputes are likely in property and you may incur loss of valuables. Professionals will feel insecure at work. Sudden expenses may come up. You are likely to suffer from inferiority complex and may get bad dreams.

Travel will be favorable. A foreign travel is on the cards. There will be good opportunities for making investment. Hard work in career will be recognized. Favor from government sector will make you comfortable. Siblings will make progress. You will be able to repay your debts. There will be some dream experiences. You will get opportunity to meet renowned people. Expenses are likely for auspicious events. You will love to do charity. You may stay away from home for spiritual benefit.
You will feel lazy and will lack confidence. Expenses are likely through father, medical expense also likely. Travel will be discomforting. You will not be able to depend on people for help.

Children will be a cause of gains and happiness. Students will go for higher education. Your friends circle will increase and your desires will be fulfilled. Gains will be there through speculative activities. You will enjoy good health and spend good time with the family. You will be more popular among friends and associates.
There will be some hidden difficulty. Expenses will be there through family members, entertainment and romance. Imprudent investment will bring loss. Caution is required in professional life.

Your popularity will increase. A promotion is likely. You will be associated with eminent people. Those staying abroad will be inclined to comeback to home country. You will be seeking comforts. Traveling for professional reasons will be beneficial. You will get mother’s affection. Hard work will bring you success. You will be participating in auspicious events and may also go for a pilgrimage. You will earn a new property and a long pending will or inheritance will come to you.
You may get involved with a dispute with father. Friends will not be cooperative. Improper investment may cause loss. You may get minor injury due to fall. Expenses will be there through vehicle and maintenance of property. Children will be a cause concern.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Agatha Christie's horoscope - Some observations

Agatha Christie is a prolific and most famous writer of stories and plays whose main themes revolve around murder mysteries,Thrillers,Crime fiction,Detective investigations and romances.
According to the Guiness book of world records,Agatha Christie is the best selling novelist of all time.
Astrodata bank gives her birth data and the link to the data is here in below:,_Agatha
Horoscope chart prepared based on the data given in the site is given here :

On a study of her chart we can find some very peculiar combinations which correlate to her thinking and creativity revolving around murder mysteries and Crime fictions.  
For analysing the writing skills of any native, placement of Mercury, its strength and the planets influencing the third house are studied in detail for coming to a conclusion.Mercury is the significator of all literary men.
In Agatha Christie's chart , Mercury surely played a very  significant role. Firstly, Mercury is the Third and 12th lord placed in the Third house.While the Third House shows ones writing skills the Twelth house shows the innerself of the native.

In her chart the Ascendant is placed in the constellation lorded over by Mecury. And Mercury in turn is in the constellation of Moon, the ascendant lord.This placement of Ascendant and Mercury is one factor which made her a writer.

Along with writing skills any writer should obviously have creative talents to write the kind of stories Christie has written.Creative abilities in any chart are seen from the 5 th house from the natal ascendant.

In Christie's chart, Scorpio is the Fifth house from the natal ascendant and has Ketu in it. Scorpio significantly is the Eigth house of the natural zodiac which signifies mysteries and being the 5 th house   (house of intelligence)  from the natal ascendant in Christie's chart and having Ketu in it (which signifies assassins and behind the scene activities ) gave the flavour of mystery to her thinking.

Ketu significantly is in the star of Mercury and Rahu who aspects the fifth house is in the star of Mars,the fifth lord, adding up to her creative talents.Both Rahu and ketu are in exaltation by placement.

In addition to this, the Fifth house is aspected by a retrograde Pluto and retrograde Neptune.Pluto signifies assasinations,conspiracies and Neptune is again the significator of Mysteries.These aspects over her Fifth house of intelligence, have influenced her thinking and presenting about the murder mystery themes.Moreover both Pluto and Neptune are in the constellation lorded over by Moon, the Karaka/significator for Mind.!!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Will Narendra Modi be the Next Prime Minister of India ????

As a preparatory step to project Narendra Modi as the Prime ministerial candidate in the 2014 general elections,BJP on Sunday appointed him as the chairman of the party's election commission.Above given are the links to the news of his appointment and write ups about his life and rise to power. On a study of his chart prepared for the time given on the astro sage site (link of which has been given above) we can see the following :

Mars the ascendant lord  placed in  Scorpio ascendant with a BAV Score of 6 is forming a very powerful Ruchaka Maha Purusha Yoga making him a natural,enterprising and bold leader.This placement of Mars in the lagna is the main contributor for his rise to Power.

Moon his 9th lord too is placed in the Ascendant,conjunct the Ascendant lord Mars,who  cancels the debilitation of Moon.Moon has a BAV score of 5 and is a very strong benefic in this chart.In addition to the above there are two more powerful yogas in his chart which caused him to be the Chief Minister :

Rahu in his chart is the Amatya Karaka and is placed in the 5th house of power and following and is in opposition to the 10th Lord Sun. Amatya Karaka placed in a Kona results in making him a Famous Minister and Amatya Karaka related to the 10th lord by being in Opposition gives him a very powerful Raja Sambandha Yoga.

Sun the 10th lord of Status and Profession  is very well placed in the chart by being in a friendly sign of Virgo which happens to be the 11th house of gains from the Ascendant.Sun is also conjunct the 11th lord and is very strong in Shadbala and ashtakavarga bala.Every aspect explained above caused him to become the Chief Minister of Gujarat for four times Consecutively.Involvement of Rahu/Ketu with the 10th lord shows that he is destined for higher positions.
He was first inducted as the Chief Minister of Gujart in October 2001 when he was running the dasa of Venus-Saturn.While Venus is placed in his 10th house of Status and Profession , Saturn is in his 11th house close to his 10th lord,resulting in his elevation to the Chief Minister ship. In addition to the Dasa/Antardasa running,peculiarly, Rahu and Jupiter who were in conjunction at that time were aspecting  the Dasama Aroodha(A10) in  Libra.
At the time of General elections next year around 31st May,2014 :
1.Exalted Saturn would be transiting  close to his Rajya Saham at 0 Sc 11 and would be transiting over the saham shortly signifying the start of a new phase.
2.Jupiter has come a full circle from 2001 and would be closely aspecting   A10(at 3 Li)  at the time of General elections next year as he has done in 2001 when Narendra Modi has first become the chief minister and would be forming a trine in the coming months to the Rajya Saham.
3.Rahu who is forming the Raja Yogas described above would  be transiting closely to the A10. 
In addition to this, he would be running the Dasa and Antar Dasa of  Moon-Rahu.Moon is the 9th lord and Rahu the Fourth Lord ,placed in the Fifth house of Power and following in addition to forming Yogas described above. 
To Conclude,the above transits over his A10 and Rajya Saham and the dasa and antar dasas definitely show an elevation to a higher position of the Prime Minister ship.  But before that the low SAV Score of 17 in Libra ,which happens to be his 12th house from Natal Ascendant and Moon and  where Saturn is right now transiting in conjunction to Rahu would be bringing in some turbulence.He might have to face  threats from foreign terror outfits which he should be alert about.