
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Will Narendra Modi be the Next Prime Minister of India ????

As a preparatory step to project Narendra Modi as the Prime ministerial candidate in the 2014 general elections,BJP on Sunday appointed him as the chairman of the party's election commission.Above given are the links to the news of his appointment and write ups about his life and rise to power. On a study of his chart prepared for the time given on the astro sage site (link of which has been given above) we can see the following :

Mars the ascendant lord  placed in  Scorpio ascendant with a BAV Score of 6 is forming a very powerful Ruchaka Maha Purusha Yoga making him a natural,enterprising and bold leader.This placement of Mars in the lagna is the main contributor for his rise to Power.

Moon his 9th lord too is placed in the Ascendant,conjunct the Ascendant lord Mars,who  cancels the debilitation of Moon.Moon has a BAV score of 5 and is a very strong benefic in this chart.In addition to the above there are two more powerful yogas in his chart which caused him to be the Chief Minister :

Rahu in his chart is the Amatya Karaka and is placed in the 5th house of power and following and is in opposition to the 10th Lord Sun. Amatya Karaka placed in a Kona results in making him a Famous Minister and Amatya Karaka related to the 10th lord by being in Opposition gives him a very powerful Raja Sambandha Yoga.

Sun the 10th lord of Status and Profession  is very well placed in the chart by being in a friendly sign of Virgo which happens to be the 11th house of gains from the Ascendant.Sun is also conjunct the 11th lord and is very strong in Shadbala and ashtakavarga bala.Every aspect explained above caused him to become the Chief Minister of Gujarat for four times Consecutively.Involvement of Rahu/Ketu with the 10th lord shows that he is destined for higher positions.
He was first inducted as the Chief Minister of Gujart in October 2001 when he was running the dasa of Venus-Saturn.While Venus is placed in his 10th house of Status and Profession , Saturn is in his 11th house close to his 10th lord,resulting in his elevation to the Chief Minister ship. In addition to the Dasa/Antardasa running,peculiarly, Rahu and Jupiter who were in conjunction at that time were aspecting  the Dasama Aroodha(A10) in  Libra.
At the time of General elections next year around 31st May,2014 :
1.Exalted Saturn would be transiting  close to his Rajya Saham at 0 Sc 11 and would be transiting over the saham shortly signifying the start of a new phase.
2.Jupiter has come a full circle from 2001 and would be closely aspecting   A10(at 3 Li)  at the time of General elections next year as he has done in 2001 when Narendra Modi has first become the chief minister and would be forming a trine in the coming months to the Rajya Saham.
3.Rahu who is forming the Raja Yogas described above would  be transiting closely to the A10. 
In addition to this, he would be running the Dasa and Antar Dasa of  Moon-Rahu.Moon is the 9th lord and Rahu the Fourth Lord ,placed in the Fifth house of Power and following in addition to forming Yogas described above. 
To Conclude,the above transits over his A10 and Rajya Saham and the dasa and antar dasas definitely show an elevation to a higher position of the Prime Minister ship.  But before that the low SAV Score of 17 in Libra ,which happens to be his 12th house from Natal Ascendant and Moon and  where Saturn is right now transiting in conjunction to Rahu would be bringing in some turbulence.He might have to face  threats from foreign terror outfits which he should be alert about.

1 comment:

  1. Thoughts on the horoscope of the Bharatiya Janata Party.
