
Friday, August 30, 2013

Jupiter's Transit of Gemini - Trigger for Indian Economic reforms and liberalisation

 In the wake of continuous deflation of the Indian rupee in recent times, i wanted to study the astrological factors which may have contributed to the fall in the rupee value at present and also in the history of Independant India using the Indian Independance chart erected for 15th August 1947. Jupiter in the Independance chart is the 8th and 11th lord and his transit of Gemini is for sure bringing upheavals in the Indian economy not only in the current times but also in the past. A writeup on the Indian Economic reforms and liberalisation is on the Wikipedia site. The link is given herein : . As per the Writeup, economic reforms were attempted in India earlier in 1966,1985 and then in 1991. The earlier two attempts were unsuccessful and were reversed within short time. But the reforms made in 1991 were successful.

In 1966,Jupiter was transiting the Sign Gemini. Gemini in the Indian Independance chart has an SAV score of only 19 out of 56. In the year Rupee was devalued by the Government under extraordinary conditions,when foreign aid was cut off by USA and other developed countries.In 1985,Jupiter was transiting the sign Capricorn which is his debilitation sign and with an SAV Score of 20 out of 56.In this year economic reforms were initiated by Rajiv Gandhi but were stopped in the year 1987.
Jupiter is the Natural/Naisargika Dhana Karaka along with being the lord of Gains(11th lord) and also of impediments(8th lord) in the Indian context and his transit of the signs with lowest Bindus in the SAV chart is surely triggering economic upheavals which result in the corrective economic reforms and liberalisation.Also Gemini is the Second house of wealth from Taurus ascendant.

In 1978,when Jupiter was again transiting in Gemini, it is around the period when the growth in GDP was very less at 3.5% and less than that of Pakistan and other third world countries 

In 1990,the economy was again in doldrums with the country unable to pay up for the balance of payments and has mortgaged the 'Gold' reserves(Gold is signified by Jupiter) of the country to bail out from the crisis.In the year Jupiter was again transiting the sign Gemini and in the year 1991 July economic reforms were brought in by the then Sri PV Narasimha Rao led Congress government. 

The next transit of Jupiter in Gemini was in the year 2001 and the trend was broken when a strong Saturn with a BAV of 7 out 8 was transiting the sign Taurus which is the ascendant of India having an SAV of 44 out of 56 which is undoubtedly an exceptionally strong transit of Saturn.This transit resulted in the economy growing leaps and bounds during this transit of Saturn and bypassed the negative effects of Jupiter's transit in Gemini at that time.

Now again in 2013,Jupiter is transiting in the Sign Gemini from  the end of May this year and is causing the current economic crisis. This crisis would surely trigger another phase in the economic reforms/liberalisation in the coming year when Jupiter transits in the sign Cancer,which is his exaltation sign.

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