
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Jiddu Krishnamurthy a spiritual revolutionary - an astrological perspective

Born into a Telugu Brahmin family in Madanapalle,Andhra Pradesh,Sri Jiddu Krishna Murthy became a well known speaker and writer on Philosohical and spiritual subjects.He was born on May 12th, 1895 at about 12.23 am.A write up on his life and achievements has been given on the wikipedia at the below link:

He wrote books like 'The First and Last Freedom','The Only revolution' and the Krishnamurthi's notebook. He claimed allegiance to no nationality,religion,caste or philosophy.His ideas were quite revolutionary at his time. 
Above given is the vedic chart prepared as per his birth details.
On a study of his chart we can see the following placements and configurations of planets which caused him to be a philosophist World Teacher:

Ascendant is placed in Capricorn.The lord of the sign, Saturn is placed in Libra his exaltation sign which is the 10 th house from his Ascendant.This placement of Saturn forms a Powerful Sasa Mahapurusha Yoga.It is this Yoga which resulted in his world wide fame as a spiritualist.The  yoga made him a wanderer physically and also psychologically in search of truth .The Saturn so placed in Libra, is conjunct 'Uranus',the planet of altruism and revolution. Uranus is the planet which brings about drastic changes in age old practices and beliefs.

Fourth house is the one which signifies the state of mind and thought process of the native. The conjunction of Saturn-Uranus aspecting his fourth house and the exalted Sun placed in the house is the chief causative factor of his revolutionary way of spiritual thinking,beliefs and also his writings. This is very evident from the names of his books  'The First and the Last Freedom' and 'The Only Revolution'.

Sun's placement in his exaltation sign in Aries in his fourth house shows his exalted state of mind from birth and is the reason behind him being identified as one with an amazing aura around him by the Clairvoyant Theosophist Charles Webster Leadbeater.

The placement of Uranus in the 10 th house in conjunction with Saturn, the planet of detachment and in opposition to the natural/naisargika Atma Karaka Sun , induced in him, a continuous and progressive spiritual evolution which caused him to say "I maintain that truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. That is my point of view, and I adhere to that absolutely and unconditionally. Truth, being limitless, unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organized; nor should any organization be formed to lead or coerce people along a particular path. ... This is no magnificent deed, becaause I do not want followers, and I mean this. The moment you follow someone you cease to follow Truth. I am not concerned whether you pay attention to what I say or not. I want to do a certain thing in the world and I am going to do it with unwavering concentration. I am concerning myself with only one essential thing: to set man free. I desire to free him from all cages, from all fears, and not to found religions, new sects, nor to establish new theories and new philosophies".  

His continuous spiritual evolution made him drift away from the basic ideologies of the Theosophical society,and there by distanced him from Annie Beasant and Charles Leadbeater his mentors from child hood and led him to eventually dissolve 'The Order of the Star',an organisation which was formed by the Theosophical society. Uranus in his 10 th house  spurred him to make all efforts to break free from every kind of limitation and brought about a strong tendency in him  to be independant and unconventional in his endeavors.

Moon in the 12 th house in his chart, in the constellation of Moola,indicates a mystical ability and an interest in spirituality.The moon in his chart is aspected by Saturn, the planet of detachment. In 1922, Sri Krishna Murthy had a life altering experience which he describes as a mystical union, during which he experiences a state of 'Otherness'. He continued having this experience all through his life thereafter.

Saturn's aspect over his Moon and also Sun in his chart forms a Dasee Prabhava Yoga and shows him to be the son of a servant maid or influenced by her as per Sambhu hora prakasika.In this context it was Annie Beasant who adopted him on behalf of the Theosophical society. Sri Krishna Murthy considered Annie Beasant as his surrogate mother as he was trained under her supervision.

Placement of Saturn, the lagna Lord in a Kendra and aspected by Jupiter results in a powerful Chamara Yoga,which is the reason of his eloquence.

Neptune,the planet of divine mysticism and  Pluto, the planet of regeneration and transformation in  conjunction in the 5 th house of creative intelligence and procreation  gave him an understanding of the mystical world which is beyond the course of a single human life and Mercury ,the planet of communications, conjunct with the Neptune-Pluto here, gave Sri Krishna Murthy an uncanny ability to communicate easily, the ideas of mystical or other worldly flavour.