
Friday, February 21, 2014

All is not Well for Telengana

Loksabha passes the 'Telengana Bill' on 18th February.The bill with all  amendments was passed at about 4.27 pm( Time of Passing of  bill in Loksabha has to be taken as the  formation/birth time of the 29th state of India as the bill is classified as  a Finance bill and cannot be rejected by  Rajya Sabha.President's approval of the bill too is only a formality.For all purposes, time of passing of the bill in Loksabha is the authentic time of  birth of the new state.

Chart prepared for the time shows the ascendant as Cancer and the Ascendant lord Moon in the Third house Virgo. Here in is the chart prepared for the time :
Placement of the Ascendant lord in the third house makes the incumbent state to have a courageous temparement.Moon as the ascendant lord in the sign of Virgo shows the state would have a famous woman chief minister in future.

However, more planets in the Movable/chara rasis result in the formation of a Rajju Yoga which  causes the state to be of an ever changing nature,indecisive and a fickel mind

Fourth house in a mundane chart like this rules masses,natural resources,agriculture,mines,minerals,landed properties,peace,general stability,natural calamities,educational institutions,law and order,housing and communal harmony. In the chart, fourth house from the Ascendant,is Libra and  has a combination of the three great malefics Mars-Saturn-Rahu. Undoubtedly,the state would be much more afflicted by the naxal menace. All the above mentioned significations of the fourth house are sure to suffer. Malefics aspecting the 10 th house is calamitous to the Chief ministers,top executives,Representatives of people like MLA s and MLCs.  Saturn being in the rasi sandhi between Libra and Scorpio is not good for the 4 th house significations. Being in the rasi sandhi, Saturn becomes all the more malefic in this chart.

Co incidently,almost at the same time when the state formation is formalised in Loksabha, there was an announcement by the Atomic Minerals directorate that deposits of Ianthanite, a rare mineral of Uranium has  been found in Akkavaram village in Mahabub Nagar district ( which is now part of Telengana.This discovery is the result of the combination of Saturn-Rahu and Mars in fourth house as the house rules over mines and minerals as said above.

The state would be soon classified  as a earth quake prone zone with higher risk than that before.Mars transits back and forth over its natal position in the year would cause turbulent and violent situations apart from causing wide fluctuations in the land prices.Mars the bhoomi karaka in the Fourth house which rules over the lands causes the land prices to plummet to all time lows.

More areas with deposits of minerals would be identified in the near future.

Vimsottari Dasa of Moon- Saturn is running now. While is Moon is a benefic by being the lagna lord,Saturn is a malefic by being the 7th and 8th lord in the chart.In addition, as Saturn is in Rasi sandhi as said above between the fourth and fifth houses and would cause some unwanted situations. This can be confirmed from reading the 'Ashtamsa' Chart which shows sudden and unexpected events. The Saturn transits, foraying into Scorpio and turning retrograde and returning to Libra would cause  unwarrented situations very soon.

Transit strengths of Saturn in Scorpio,in Ashtamasa, are very low .The current period till March 24 th and again from November this year till end of 2017,when Saturn transits Scorpio, Unrest  would be at its peak in the new state.Main leaders would have to be very very cautious as Saturn transiting Scorpio would be aspecting the natal Ashtamsa positon of Mars,the 10 th lord in  Rasi chart. 

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