
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Mars-Saturn Mutual aspect and Crane Collapse at Mecca

Mutual aspect of a debilitated Mars and Saturn in Scorpio should be the primary cause of the Crane Collapse at Mecca,Yesterday.
Wikipedia quotes a local source saying the incident to have happened at 5.45 pm.
Lagna is Aquarius and has the aspect of the debilitated Mars and the lagna lord Satrun too has a strong aspect of Mars.
Mishaps happening at Mecca around the Haj is not uncommon in the recent past few years. Saudi Arabia being the birth place of three Abrahamic faiths/religions is related to Sagittarius and Aquarius.
Sagittarius is where Pluto is transiting from the past few years and the Khavedamsa and Timsamsa charts for the time of the incident show an aspect of Pluto and some malefic combinations effecting Sagittarius.
In the Khavedamsa chart in particular,While Pluto is placed in Gemini in conjunction with Saturn, Mars at the time of the event, in conjunction with a retrograde Neptune was transiting in Sagittarius in Khavedamsa both the planets being in moola nakshatra, indicating a big mishap at a religious place.
The lagna at the time of the event at 12 degrees Aquarius (a vayu tatwa rasi) is in Aardramsa. Aardra means moist or wet.Mars placed in the last degrees of Cancer, a Jala tatwa raasi is aspecting the lagna. The reason for the crane collapse is said to be strong winds caused by a Powerful storm !!!
I believe Mishaps will continue in the region till the time Pluto changes over into Capricorn some time after 2020.But before that, we may see some cataclysmic events in the region whenever Pluto combines with other malefics.