
Monday, October 19, 2015

Mercury,Saturn and Mario Moliner

Was Checking the Astro data bank site and found this interesting horoscope of Maria Moliner, a Spanish Librarian and Lexicographer. She is the author of 'Diccionario de uso del español' a dictionary which contains detailed definitions,synonyms,expressions and families of words and is more detailed than Real Academia Española's dictionary.
The Natural Significator of writing and Grammar is Mercury and in an individual horoscope the third house and lord signify the communications the natives makes.
In Maria Moliner's horoscope, the natural significator Mercury, is retrograde,debilitated and in her Fifth house of creative intelligence. The lagna lord Mars is in her Fifth house of creativity as above and in a parivartana yoga with her Fifth lord Jupiter who is retrograde in lagna.

The Third house of communications is extremely strong with a SAV of 39 and the Third lord Saturn is in the star of Moola in the 9th house of zodiac signifying her mission.

What is most interesting in her chart is the placement of most of planets either in the constellations of Mercury or Saturn both of which signify Writing,Grammar and communications!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Week day wise activities that can be started for favourable results

Each week day is favourable for some certain activities. Following are the week day wise activities that can be started for favourable results :
Lord of Sunday is the Sun,the king of all planets.As per Parasara Hora sastra, Lord Rama is born with the amsa of Sun.
Sunday is generally favourable for the start of the following activities :
Coronation,Service to the Government/King,King worship,fire related works like performing homas,yagnyas and worship involving use of fire.
The day is also favourable for weapon making,war,teaching mantras,Purchase of Cows,giving and listening to religious discourse,learning music,usage of forest items,animal rearing,wearing of new clothes,climbing mountains,
giving and taking initiation of Agni Mantras etc.
Monday favours starting of the following activities :
Agriculture,farming,gardening,planting fragrant trees,lotus and other flowering plants, starting to learn dancing,water related works,starting to lay roads,making and wearing ornaments,sale and purchase of cows,buffaloes,purchase of gems,pearls,shells,conch shells, starting to learn singing etc
Tuesday favours starting of the following activities :
arresting culprits,encounters of criminals,inciting insurgency,and other works invloving violence. Tuesday is the day of Mars and hence favours starting of any work related to Police and military actions. Tuesday favours planting of red coloured flowering plants,buying and selling red coloured items,blood donation
Wednesday is the day of Mercury and favours the following activities : starting of education, writing,learning of vedas,idol making, mantra kriya,marraige,friendship,starting of fast, holy bathing,favourable for trade,creative works,starting of war, collection of articles, communications,starting of physical exercise
Thursday is the day of Jupiter and is favourable for starting of the following activities : doing of Yagyas, Havan, start of worshipping, negotiations of peace,installing of idols,decoration, start of education,works related to knowledge like inauguration of libraries, educational institutions,starting to live in a house,visiting the doctor,inaugurating medical shops, all medicine related works,development and expansion works,travel
Friday is the day of Venus and is favourable for starting of the following activities : Starting to learn dance,music,singing,painting,acting, doing celebrations,wearing new clothes,ornaments,starting friendship,trade related to food grains and agriculture,farming, selling and purchase of land,sugarcane,juciy foods,gems,gold,silver
Saturday is the day of Saturn and is favourable for starting of the following activities :Entering into new house,city, for dreadful deads,insurgency, works related to obstruction, trading of arms and ammunition,usage of iron and steel items, appointing servants and learning secret mantras from Guru( deeksha_) , starting any community service activities

The Rahu-Mercury Conjunction

Retrograde Mercury and Rahu are exactly conjunct today.This combination leads to excessive thoughts,hyper imaginations and some times paranoia like thoughts.
Natives of Vrishabha,kanya and kumbha rasi will be the most effected.
Please do not take any hasty decisions regarding education and also please check and recheck any communications you send and receive.
be careful with your cellphone, laptop and tabs. If possible visit Lord venkateswara and Durga devi temples and perform abhishekam.
This combination will continue for another 20 days. Just beware.
The Russian involvement and now the Chinese involvement in the Syrian conflict will lead to major diplomatic confrontations between the Nations involved

Friday, October 2, 2015

Some Nadi Principles

Following are some Nadi principles :

Jupiter is the native and the placement of Jupiter in a horoscope shows the life style of the native. If the Jupiter is placed  in Sagittarius in a horoscope, this shows  the native is very dharmic in nature and lives his life like an ascetic.
Jupiter placed in Taurus shows the native will be from a rich family and lives a royal life.Jupiter placed in Libra shows the native is sensuous,inclined towards luxuries and is from a well to do family. 

Placement of Mars tells about the brother of the native. A well placed Mars shows that the brothers of the native would be leading a comfortable life. The number of planets in conjunction with Mars shows the number of brothers of the native.  

Placement of Venus says about the sisters of the native. A debilitated Venus shows that the female siblings of the native would be unfortunate and or shows the sisters would be less in number

The number of planets in conjunction with the Sun would indicate the number of brothers and sisters of the native. Placement of Sun tells about the father of the native. If the Sun in a horoscope is placed in Leo, it shows the father of the native is a Government employee or a politician depending upon the other indications in the chart. Sun placed in Sagittarius shows the father of the native would be spiritual natured.

Saturn, the naisargika karma karaka shows the profession of the native. 10th house from Saturn and the lord of 2nd house from Saturn indicate the profession of the native. 

Mercury shows the nature of education of the native. Mercury in conjunction with Rahu may indicate study of psychology. This combination also indicates breaks in education. 

In a male horoscope, the sign in which Venus is placed shows the direction from which the spouse of the native would be coming.

In a female horoscope,the sign in which Mars is placed shows the direction from which the spouse of the native would be coming.

Applying Ashtakavarga principles :

The Sarvashtakavarga strength of the 10 th house from Mercury indicates the success of the native with respect to education.

The SAV strength of the 10th house from Saturn indicates the success in profession of the native.

Study of Ashtakavarga strengths from various reference points indicate intricate details about the native.