
Monday, October 19, 2015

Mercury,Saturn and Mario Moliner

Was Checking the Astro data bank site and found this interesting horoscope of Maria Moliner, a Spanish Librarian and Lexicographer. She is the author of 'Diccionario de uso del español' a dictionary which contains detailed definitions,synonyms,expressions and families of words and is more detailed than Real Academia Española's dictionary.
The Natural Significator of writing and Grammar is Mercury and in an individual horoscope the third house and lord signify the communications the natives makes.
In Maria Moliner's horoscope, the natural significator Mercury, is retrograde,debilitated and in her Fifth house of creative intelligence. The lagna lord Mars is in her Fifth house of creativity as above and in a parivartana yoga with her Fifth lord Jupiter who is retrograde in lagna.

The Third house of communications is extremely strong with a SAV of 39 and the Third lord Saturn is in the star of Moola in the 9th house of zodiac signifying her mission.

What is most interesting in her chart is the placement of most of planets either in the constellations of Mercury or Saturn both of which signify Writing,Grammar and communications!!!