
Sunday, July 24, 2016

Uranus starts new cycle of the Zodiac!!! lets get ready for the ride !!!

It is sure surprising to see the result of referendum in UK being  announced Just a few hours before Uranus was to start its new cycle of the Zodiac. The planet entered the sign Aries on 26th of June while the result of the referendum was announced on the 24th of June.
The result of the referendum has huge implication firstly on the European union and Globally too.Ingress of Uranus into Aries and the close conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu has combinedly started a new phase in the world economy.
Aries is widely accepted by Mundane astrologers as the sign of United Kingdom and the three signs starting from Aries are assigned to European countries.
France,Germany,Switzerland,Denmark,Syria and part of Poland are all related to ARIES.
I believe more countries will follow UK and make the conglomeration dormant in the coming few years !!!
The transit of Uranus in these signs in the coming years effects the European continent politically. There will be drastic changes in the thinking patterns of the people of these countries. Governments will be toppled and voting trends of the people will sure undergo radical changes
There will be new inventions and also rebellions. There will be religious eccentricity too.People will balk at traditional ideologies.
In the Indian context, Uranus in the 12th house from the Taurus lagna is the cause of the latest surge of unrest in Kashmir. This transit of Uranus in Aries and then in Taurus is alarming and might result in Kashmir being seperated from the India anytime shortly after 2024 !!!
Lets get ready for the ride !!!