
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Lunar Eclipse 2018

Total Lunar Eclipse is happenning in the sign of Cancer on the 31st oLUf January. The eclipse is happenning in the constellation of aslesha on the 20th degree of watery cancer sign.
Six planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Rahu, Ketu) will heavily influence both Capricorn and Cancer to bring few sleepless nights for those born in these signs.
No doubt people of Karka rasi will feel emotionally trapped.
February 2018 will be testing time (psychologically) for people born in ascendants and moon signs of Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius.
If you are born with Moon conjunct Ketu or Rahu, do not attempt swimming or diving into water during this month.
If you are born with Moon in Aslesha, Jyeshta or Revati constellations, or going through Mercury (Budha) Dasa, then expect major changes in life within 2 weeks.
If you are born under Cancer Moon sign or Ascendant or going through Moon Dasa, then it is time to take care of your money, health and relationships.
Expect good days for people born in ascendants and moon signs of Libra, Virgo, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius.
For others, effects will be neutral.
on a mundane level sea shores, Oceans, rivers,lakes will be under the influence of Rahu . There may be some accidents at watery bodies around this time. Some areas will be effected by flash floods. keep away from swimming.

Clues about Birth time rectification

If  for a native the exact birth time is not known for deriving the lagna, dates of some important life events are used to match with the dasa and antardasa running at the time and we try to estimate the lagna.

In addition to matching the life events of the native, horoscope of the brothers, sisters, parents and children whose accurate birth time is available will help in fixing the lagna of the native. In this regard i can say there will sure be a common point in the horoscope of the family members. Like for example, placement of Rahu- Ketu. If one of the coborns has Rahu-Ketu axis in the lagna, then in all probability the native whose lagna is to be identified also will have the same feature of having the RK axis in the lagna. It is not necessary that the lagna is the same for both. But placement of RK axis in lagna may be the common feature in all probability.

It will be more helpful if we have more horoscope of the family members with accurate birth details. The one whose birth time is to  be fixed can be done using these. Looking for common features in family horoscopes and matching the dasa and antardasa will sure help in fixing the birth time.

Snap shot Clue for knowing about the nature of the person

Happy Ratha Saptami to you all. 

Knowing about the innate nature of the person whose chart is under study is one of the major aspects astrologers face. 

Is there a snap shot clue which reveals about the nature and charecteristics of the person ???  This technique may be used only when accurate birth time of the native is available. The Shastyamsa in which Sun, the naisargika atma karaka is, reveals much about the person. Following are the 60 shatiamshas

1. Ghora, 2. Rakshasa, 3. Deva, 4. Kubera, 5. Yaksha, 6. Kinnara, 7. Bhrashta, 8. Kulaghna, 9. Garala, 10. Vahni, 11. Maya, 12. Purishaka, 13. Apampathi, 14. Marutwan, 15. Kaala, 16. Sarpa, 17. Amrit, 18. Indu, 19. Mridu, 20. Komala, 21. Heramba, 22. Brahma, 23. Vishnu, 24. Maheshwara, 25. Deva, 26. Ardra, 27. Kalinas, 28. Kshitees, 29. Kamalakar, 30. Gulika, 31. Mrityu, 32. Kaala, 33. Davagni, 34. Ghora, 35. Yama, 36 Kantaka, 37. Suddha, 38. Amrita, 39. Purnachandra, 40. Vishadagdha, 41. Kulanasa, 42. Vamshakshaya, 43. Utpata, 44. Kaala, 45. Saumya, 46. Komala, 47. Sheetala, 48. Karaladamshtra, 49. Candramukhi, 50. Praveen, 51. Kaalpavak, 52. Dhannayudh, 53. Nirmala, 54. Saumya, 55. Krura, 56. Atisheetala, 57. Amrita, 58. Payodhi, 59. Brahman, 60. Chandrarekha (InduRekha)

Taking the literal meanings of the names gives an insight into the nature of the person.

For example : If the Sun of a native is in Vishnu Shastiamsa, the native will be a pious and a good hearted person. If the Sun is in Maheswara shastiamsa, the native will be mostly calm and when situation requires he will be capable of destructing his enemies. If the Sun is in Kinnara Shastiamsa, the native will be fond of music and will be a singer. If the Sun is in Kubera Shastiamsa, the native will be born rich. If the Sun is in Purishaka shastiamsa, the native will be a dealer in recyclable goods such as plastics and papers. If the Sun is in Chandra Rekha shastiamsa , the native will be very beautiful and will be a very good natured person. If the Sun is in Saumya , the native will be of a pleasant disposition not harming or hurting any one. 

Like wise other Shastiamsas are to be studied for knowing the nature of the person.

In addition to the study of the Shastiamsa of Sun, the Sarvaashtakavarga strength of the lagna , the nature of Lagna and the lagna lord his placement and planets aspecting the lagna lord give indepth insight about the person.

A High Sarvaashtakavarga(SAV) strength of the lagna for ex:- 35-40 tells that the person is a strong willed, of good intelligence and attitude, of good longevity. Like wise Low benefic SAV strength of  the lagna will reveal the reverse what is said above. 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

On Tajaka Sahams and impact on Natal charts

While analysing  natal charts ,  not many astrologers may be  studying about the impact of Tajaka sahams. These Tajaka sahams as per my obsevations help in revealing in depth knowledge about the native whose chart is under study. 

Here are some clues which i am enumerating after careful study of some considerable number of  charts :

A native who has Mahatmya saham in his natal lagna with the lagna lord favourably disposed and or aspecting the lagna, the native will be into good spiritual / religious sadhana in tune with the qualities of the lagna lord and will obtain siddhis for sure. Ofcourse, other factors and Yogas too should be supportive of this. 

If a native whose chart is under study has the mahatmya saham in his 5th house , with the fifth lord favourable disposed and aspected by naturally benefic grahas and forms raja yogas and or parivraja yogas then the children of the native will attain good siddhis through religious sadhana.

A native who has Jalapatana saham in his lagna with the conditions as afore said, then he will be continuously travelling overseas and will not be stay put. Of course most of the planets should be in chara signs and the lord of the saham should be well disposed with good strength and forming strong raja yogas.

A native who has lagna lord very near to roga saham unaspected by benefic planets,will have diseases all through his life. A native who has the 7th lord very near to his roga saham will beget a diseased spouse. 

A native who has Kali saham in his 6th house of the native chart with Ketu conjoined with the saham will have hidden diseases which will manifest all of a sudden with out allowing the native to take preventive care. 

A native who has Paradara saham in his lagna which is aspected by a malefic planet which has a strong say on the 7 th house affairs will be a womaniser. 

The Planet which is strongly aspecting the saham will sure give results of the saham while transiting over it. The same planet will give moderate results while it aspects the saham.

Like wise all the other sahams should be carefully studied to understand the native's chart in depth. 
Studying sahams will help in knowing  indepth, about the native and will help in giving sure shot predictions about the native. 

Relying On Ashtakavarga charts and the natal sahams will help in accurately understanding the native's life within no time and will allow to give good  predictions.