
Saturday, January 20, 2018

On Tajaka Sahams and impact on Natal charts

While analysing  natal charts ,  not many astrologers may be  studying about the impact of Tajaka sahams. These Tajaka sahams as per my obsevations help in revealing in depth knowledge about the native whose chart is under study. 

Here are some clues which i am enumerating after careful study of some considerable number of  charts :

A native who has Mahatmya saham in his natal lagna with the lagna lord favourably disposed and or aspecting the lagna, the native will be into good spiritual / religious sadhana in tune with the qualities of the lagna lord and will obtain siddhis for sure. Ofcourse, other factors and Yogas too should be supportive of this. 

If a native whose chart is under study has the mahatmya saham in his 5th house , with the fifth lord favourable disposed and aspected by naturally benefic grahas and forms raja yogas and or parivraja yogas then the children of the native will attain good siddhis through religious sadhana.

A native who has Jalapatana saham in his lagna with the conditions as afore said, then he will be continuously travelling overseas and will not be stay put. Of course most of the planets should be in chara signs and the lord of the saham should be well disposed with good strength and forming strong raja yogas.

A native who has lagna lord very near to roga saham unaspected by benefic planets,will have diseases all through his life. A native who has the 7th lord very near to his roga saham will beget a diseased spouse. 

A native who has Kali saham in his 6th house of the native chart with Ketu conjoined with the saham will have hidden diseases which will manifest all of a sudden with out allowing the native to take preventive care. 

A native who has Paradara saham in his lagna which is aspected by a malefic planet which has a strong say on the 7 th house affairs will be a womaniser. 

The Planet which is strongly aspecting the saham will sure give results of the saham while transiting over it. The same planet will give moderate results while it aspects the saham.

Like wise all the other sahams should be carefully studied to understand the native's chart in depth. 
Studying sahams will help in knowing  indepth, about the native and will help in giving sure shot predictions about the native. 

Relying On Ashtakavarga charts and the natal sahams will help in accurately understanding the native's life within no time and will allow to give good  predictions.