
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Auspicious and Inauspicious Nakshatras for Travel

Following are the Benefic Constellations for Travel :

Aswini , Punarvasu, Anuradha , Mrigasira , Pushya , Hasta , Shravana , Dhanishta and Revati 

Malefic Constellations for Travel : Chitta , Swati , Visakha , Magha , Aslesha , Ardra, Bharani  and Krittika   , Satabhisha , Poorvashadha , Moola , Jyeshta , Poorva Phalguni and Poorvabhadra . 

Constellations which are Average for Travel :

Rohini , Uttara Phalguni , Uttarashadha , Uttara Bhadra 

Apart from the above the Tara Balam on the day of the Travel has to be considered. If the Tara is one among Janma, Vipat, Pratyak , Naidhana then Travel should be avoided.