
Friday, March 5, 2021

Marriage Compatibility - Sensitive Degrees and Their Results

Placement of the 7th lord or Karaka of Marraige Venus in case of males and Mars in case of Females, Situation of Lagna cusp or the 7th house cusp in some specific degrees of some signs will give some specific results. One has to carefully examine influences on the below mentioned sensitive points before deciding on marraige compatibility :


1º: The sexual need is an inescapable necessity. 
2º: one is fierce, restless and selfish, whimsical, and tyrannical, without any sign of chivalry. 
4°: one is sensuous and generous. 
6°: one may be ruined by the partner. 
9°: it is likely that one may have untimely love. 
11°: it makes one lack the ability to live in harmony with the person he or she loves. 
13°: one is passionate to excess or is completely detached and isolated. 
14: it speaks of a deep-rooted lust. 
17º: it refers to many love affairs and an artless and coarse behaviour
19  :it suggests an ideal partner. 
22° :one is indifferent to  love
23  :marriage can be lucky. 
26°: one has a very good feminine nature, gentle and sweet, she will be least self assertive.


3°:  one loves peace and spreads around himself comfort and harmony. 
6°:  the woman would order her husband and bully him. There may be bigotry and vulgarity, 
8° : one gives himself or hersell up wholly to friendship and this might lead to strife in family and                  unhappy married life. This is likely to ruin one's self-respect. 
10°: it gives rise to chaos and disorder in the household. 
11°  it offers a happy mar.riage. 
14°: one is fond of family and home, and yet faces domestic strife. 
18°: one is fond of his family but is really despotic and unscrupulous. 
25°: there is a likelihood of being divided from the partner. 
29°: it indicates happy marriage and perfect sociability. 
30°. It is likely that estrangement from the partner and children follows.


3°: it gives a generous heart. 
8º one allows him.self or herself to be ruled unconditionally by the person he or she loves. In some cases we may find lust and delinquency. 
15°: his behaviour is determined by his sexual urge. Intrigues and adventures dominate his love affairs
and he will quarrel over very paltry things. Sometimes lust may make him a criminal. 
18°: one is unable to live without love; and there is faithfulness along with jealousy. 
19°: there is a strong sex urge which may develop into lust.
22°: it offers neither joy nor pleasure in life. 
24°: in his private life he is selfish and lustful, shameless and sensuous. 
26°; there is an unbridled lustfulness, and he becomes a prey to wine, women and gambling. 
29°: he is deeply attached to home.


10°: one is dominated by sex urge, love of family and home. 
12°: it indicates loneliness, sorrow and widowhood. 
14°: it offers a steady domestic happiness. 
19°: one becomes a deeply attached lover lavishing his affections. Sometimes excess of lust may bring him to trouble.