
Monday, March 22, 2021

Second House - The House of Speech and Wealth

The second house represents the face, mouth, teeth, throat, and nose. It represents the right eye for a male . This house represents accumulated wealth . Jewellery and poetry are studied from this house. 

This is the house of speech . This is also the house of family. This is a maraka house. This is an adverse house for the seventh and ninth houses. It is also adverse for the third house.

Brihat Parashar Hora Shastram has given certain fundamental combinations for this house.
The individual will be prosperous if the owner of the second house is in the second or in an angle or trine. When the owner of the second house is in the eleventh from the ascendant or vice-versa, or both are placed in angles or trines even then the individual will be rich. 

The individual will be wealthy if the owner of the second house is in an angle and the owner of the eleventh is in the fifth or ninth house from it associated with or under aspect of Jupiter or Venus. 
The individual will be wealthy if, the owner of the second house occupies it and it does not have  aspect or association of Saturn according to Jatakabharanam. The same result will be seen if only naturally beneficial planets are placed in the house. The individual will suddenly turn wealthy according to Jatakatatvam,  when Naturally beneficial planets are placed in the third sixth tenth or eleventh houses from the Moon .

The individual will come by much wealth suddenly when the owner of the navamsha sign in which the owner of the tenth house from the ascendant is placed is associated with the owner of the eleventh house. The same result would be experienced when the owners of the second and tenth houses are associated in an angle or trine 

The association of the Moon and Mars in a chart is an indication of wealth

All the naturally beneficial planets in angles help the individual turn wealthy

The individual will hit upon a treasure if the owner of the second house is in the eighth

A naturally beneficial planet in the eighth house promises wealth but Mercury in the twelfth threatens depletion of wealth due to litigation with relatives

A naturally beneficial planet in the second house will bestow wealth, but a naturally malefic planet there will destroy it.

The owner of the second house in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house will destroy wealth.

According to Jatakabharanam, Mercury in the second house under aspect of the Moon will destroy wealth. Similarly, a waning Moon in the second house under aspect of Mercury will destroy patrimony received by the individual and will hinder his earnings. 

The owners of the second and eleventh houses associated in the sixth house and these two houses occupied by or receiving aspects from naturally malefic planets will cause poverty. Combust owners of the second and eleventh houses associated with naturally malefic planets are highly detrimental to wealth. Such an individual will always remain in penury.

The Sun in debilitation in a trine and Mars in the eighth is a sign of poverty in life. The individual should fear loss of his wealth through thieves or fire if Mars is in the second house.

The owner of the second house under influence of naturally beneficial planets related to a house or its significator will indicate gain of wealth through the concerned relative. For example, such an owner related to Venus, the seventh house or its owner will indicate gain of wealth through wife or women. If the owner is under influence of naturally malefic planets, there will be loss of wealth through the same source.

The individual will gain wealth through medical profession when the owner of the second house is in the sixth, or is related to Saturn or to the owner of the sixth house under influence of naturally beneficial planets.

A weak owner of the twelfth house related to a house or its significator will indicate loss of wealth through the concerned relative. For example, such an owner of the twelfth house related to Mars, the third house or its owner will indicate loss through younger siblings

The owner of the second house in exaltation or in its own house under aspect of Jupiter will turn the individual popular and well known

A strong owner of the second house will ensure good eyesight. When the owner is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house the individual will have eye trouble. However, according to Suka Nadi, all eye troubles will be obliterated when a strong Moon is placed in a trine from Venus.

According to Sarvartha Chintamani, the individual will have trouble in his teeth when the owner of the second house occupies the sixth with Rahu or with the dispositor of Rahu. Even the association of the owners of the second and sixth houses will cause dental trouble. 

The second house and its owner associated with or under aspect of naturally malefic planets will make the individual untruthful.

The owner of the second house in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house from the ascendant with Venus or Mercury will cause speech defect according to Suka Nadi.

Naturally beneficial planets in the fifth and eleventh houses ensure full measure of welfare in the life of an individual.

The second house under influence of a naturally beneficial planet will make the individual like to support his family and be with family members.

The individual will enjoy good food when the second house has a naturally beneficial planet, or its owner is associated with or it receives aspect from such a planet. This is the view of Sarvartha Chintamani.