
Thursday, November 25, 2021

Rasi Phala and Nakshatra Paada Wise auspiciousness for Tomorrow - 26.11.2021,Friday

Above is the chart showing the Nakshatra Paada Wise Tara Bala and Chandra Bala for Tomorrow , 26.11.2021 along with inauspicious times and auspicious times during the day. 

From Thursday,25.11.2021 06:50 pm till 09:43 pm , Saturday on 27.11.2021 is Gandamoola as Moon transits between Karkatak and Simha rasis. It is Chandra ashtama for Dhanu rasi people till 20:37 on 26.11.2021 and from then it will be Chandra ashtama for Makara Rasi People. Not advisable to initiate any auspicious acivities or new works and to travel. 

Auspicious times on 26.11.2021(Applicable for those who have both good Tara and Chandra Bala) :
1.Kumbha Lagna , 11:48 till 13:27 is good for trading activities and other general activities.
2.Simha Lagna , 23:12 till 01:18(on Nov27) is good for marraiges and Griha Pravesha
3.Kanya Lagna , 01:18(early morning of Nov27) till 03:27 is good for Marraige,Griha Pravesa and Santhi Homas

Rasi Phala : 

Mesha Rasi : Rewards will be less compared to efforts. You will complete all tasks on hand. Friends will not cooperate. Be careful of what you speak. Take care of your diet. Bother's health will suffer. You will be able to repay loans. There will be job satisfaction. Take care of father's health. Avoid conflicts with family members. 

Vrushabha Rasi: Take care of your diet. Children will be a source of happiness. Works will get postponed. Friends will help. Some past efforts will bear fruit. medium luck There will be success in education. Mother's health will be fine. 

Midhuna Rasi :  Father's health will not be good. Efforts for foreign travel will not succeed. Do not talk bad of Gods and Gurus. Take care of your health. Reward is more compared to efforts. Avoid conflict with spouse and partners. There will be competitive success. 

Karkataka Rasi : Do not speculate. Mind will be tense due to some issue. Health of spouse should be taken care of. Younger brothers will help and support. Your will be good at sports. You will have good food. Avoid conflict with spouse. You will complete all tasks on hand successfully. Rewards will be less.

Simha Rasi : There may be digestive troubles. Avoid conflicts with partners. Income will be good. There will be competitive success. Take care of health of children and spouse. You will not get favourable judgements in court.  

Kanya Rasi : There will be success and happiness. Income and Expenses will be equal and high. You will be indecisive. You will be confident. There may be stomach troubles. Father's health should be taken care of . Avoid conflict with spouse and partners.

Tula Rasi : Control your anger. Take care of children's health. Mother's health will improve. There will be success and happiness. Income will be good. Expenses will be high.    

Vrishchika Rasi : Moher's health will improve. There will be success and favours from Government. There will be good income and success. There will be indecisiveness in certain matters. There will be troubles regarding legacy.

Dhanu Rasi : Rewards will be less compared to results. There will be success in undertakings. Children will be a source of happiness. Avoid conflict with spouse and partners. Expenses will be high. There may be eye troubles. You may suffer from insomnia. 

Makara Rasi : Take care of your diet. There will be delays in receiving money due to you. Father will be supportive. Luck is favouring you. Reward will be more compared to efforts. Children will be a source of happiness. Be cautious of your health. 

Kumbha Rasi : You will be low on confidence. Health will be good. Spouse will be supportive. You will complete all tasks on hand successfully. Reward will be less compared to result. There may be pain in the legs. Control your anger.

Meena Rasi : There will be good income and success. You will be tensed during the day. You may suffer from insomnia. You will spend for charitable purposes. Health will be good. There will be competitive success. Spouse will be supportive. There will be good news from foreign sources.