
Saturday, December 4, 2021

Mercury in Gandanta - 7 th to 12th December ,2021

Mercury will be transiting in the Gandanta Zone from early morning of 8th December till the morning of 12th December , between last Paada of Jyeshta Nakshatra in Vrischika Rasi and the First Paada of Moola Nakshatra  in Dhanu Rasi .

Mercury is the Rasi Lord for Gemini and Virgo Rasi people. For Scorpio and Aquarius natives he is the 8th lord. For Cancer and Libra natives he is the 12th lord. 

Transit in the Gandanta degrees will make any planet malefic and natives of all the above mentioned rasis and lagnas have to take precautions to avoid any negative effects of this transit of Mercury. 

When Mercury is negative or is transiting in Gadanta degrees it will give the following ill effects : 

1.Infections related to Teeth, mouth; 2. Unnecessary anger 3. Accounts will not get reconciled 4. Trouble with maternal uncle 5. Trading lossess 6. Entering wrong contracts 7. Important documents will be lost 8. Mis communications 9. Communication devices like cell phones might be lost or will be damaged 10. Illogical thinking 11. Using foul language

Those facing the above said ill effects during the above mentioned period should Chant or hear to Vishnu Sahasranama stotram everyday or should chant Budha Gayatri Mantra as many times as possible.