
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Moon Signs Horoscopes, Nakshatra Paada Wise auspiciousness for 08.12.2021

Above  is the   Tara and Chandra Bala referencer for tomorrow ie 08.12.2021. Tomorrow is Naga Panchami and Vivaha Panchami. Good day for performing pujas for Kaala sarpa dosha. 

Rasi Phala : 

Aries/Mesha Rasi : There will be trouble from higher authorities. Government may levy penalties. You will not be able to complete all tasks on hand. There will be postponements and delays. You will be religious. Long distance travels will bring luck. Income will be good. You will be able to repay old debts. Take care of your diet. Do not speak filthy language.

Taurus/Vrishabha :  Luck is not favouring you. Attempts to travel to foreign countries for education will not be successful. Take extreme care of your father's health. Income will not match your efforts. There will be differnces with your father and Guru. Do not talk bad of gods and gurus. You will not be happy. Children's progress will be satisfactory. 

Gemini/Midhuna : Take care of your health.  Spouse will be supportive. There will be good news from foreign sources. There might be unexpected troubles. Father's health will not be good. Your reputation will suffer. You will not be able to complete the tasks on hand. Income will be good. You will have good achievements in education. Children will do well.

Cancer/Karkataka : Avoid conflict with partners. Take care of the health of your spouse. Avoid arguments with spouse. Father's health will be a cause of worry. There will be success and good income. You will be able to repay old debts. 

Leo/Simha : Take care of your health. Children will get success in their pursuits. Enemies and old debts may trouble you. Some old health problems will recur. You will get good success . Income will be less compared to your efforts.

Virgo/Kanya : Control your emotions and anger. You will be depressed. Take care of health of your children and spouse. Avoid conflict with spouse and partners. News from foreign sources will not be encouraging. You will do well in education. You may buy vehicles/Land/House. Income will be good.

Libra/Tula : Control your anger and emotions. Younger siblings will not support you there might be differences with them. There may be bad news through communication. Income will be good and High. You will receive support from higher authorities. You will complete all tasks on hand.

Scorpio/Vrischika : There will be success and High income. You will be happy. There will be support from Government and higher authorities. Avoid conflict with partners and spouse. Money due to you may get delayed. 

Sagittarius/Dhanu : Take care of your diet. There will be success and happiness. You will receive favours from government or higher authorities. Control anger and anxiety. Health will be fine. You will have competitive success. You will get good name. Expenses will be high.There may be long distance travels.

Capricorn/Makara :  Take care of your health. Avoid depressive thoughts. Luck is favoring you. Father will be supportive. You will receive blessings from your Guru. You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. Income and expenses are high. Long distance travels are indicated. 

Aquarius/Kumbha :  There will be high success and happiness. You will get good income. You  may suffer from insomnia. There may be pain in the legs. Money due to you may be delayed. Take care of your diet. Avoid long distance travels. 

Pisces/Meena : You will good success and good name. There will be differences with friends. There will be competitive success. Spouse will be supportive. Income will be less compared to your efforts. You will spend on charitable causes.