
Friday, December 3, 2021

Moon Signs Horoscopes , Nakshatra Pada Wise auspiciousness for 04.12.2021

Above is the nakshatra paada wise auspiciousness for tomorrow. auspicious activities are advised to be initiated when both tara and chandra bala are good. 

Tomorrow is amavasya till 13:12 and later the tidhi is padyami. It is a very good day to pray to lord sani. Particularly those who are under the malefic influence of Saneeswara.Get Tailabhisheka done for Lord Sani. or Chant Manyu sookta as many times as possible. or chant Sani Gayatri mantra atleast 190 times. 

Rasi Phala : 

Mesha/Aries Rasi : You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. There will be success. Income will be less compared to efforts. Take care of your diet. Take care of your father's health. Luck is not on your side. Friends may not keep up their promises. You will be able to repay old debts. Service conditions will be good. You will get support from relatives. Children will get good success.  There will be happiness at home.

Vrushabha/Taurus Rasi: You will succeed in educational pursuits. Avoid being overconfident. Expenses will be high. Most of your works may get postponed. Higher authorities will not be supportive. Take care of your diet. Younger siblings will get good success and will be supportive to you in need. Mother's health will be fine. There will be comforts and  happiness

Midhuna/Gemini Rasi : Luck is not favouring you. Do not talk bad of Gurus and Gods. Take care of your father's health. You will get good income. There will be success and happiness. You may have bad dreams. Expense may go out of control. Control your anger. Avoid conflict with spouse. Take care of your diet.

Karkataka/Cancer Rasi : Take care of your health. You will not receive your fair share of legacy. There will be sluggishness and procrastination. There may be expenses and disputes.You will be able  to complete all tasks on hand. Younger siblings will be supportive. You will be adventurous and will do  good in sports. You will be talkative. 

Simha/Leo Rasi : Avoid conflict with your spouse and business partners.  Foreign travel will not be possible. You will not have marital happiness. There may be urinary troubles. Income will not be satisfactory. Some of your works may get delayed. Some people may try to tarnish your good name.Wealth will increase. There will be  happiness in the family.

Kanya/Virgo Rasi : You will be strong and confident. There will be comforts. Younger siblings will need your support. Take care of your mother's health. Take care of your diet. Income and expenses will be equally high. Some of your works will get postponed. Higher authorities will not support you. Enemies may trouble you.

Tula/Libra Rasi : Control your anger. You will troubles in decision making. Children's health should be taken care of. Love affairs will not be successful. You should learn to respect elders. Income will be high but expenses also will be high. There will be happiness at home. You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. 

Vrischika/Scorpio Rasi : Control your emotions. Take care of parents health. There will be good income and happiness. Friends will be supportive in times of need. Old investments will bring gains. You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. There will be favours from Government and or higher authorities. Avoid conflict with partners or spouse. There will be some issues at home. Vehicles may trouble. 

Dhanu/Sagittarius Rasi : You will get high success. Luck is favouring you. Father will oppose you. You may suffer from insomnia. You will get weird dreams. Expenses will get out of control. There will be differences with partners. You will be indecisive in some issues. 

Makara/Capricorn Rasi : Take care of what you eat. Dont be stubborn and try to understand other person's view point. Be careful of what you talk. Wealth will decrease. Take care of your diet. Luck is favouring you. There will be success and good income. Control you emotions and anger. Friends may deceive. 

Kumbha/Aquarius Rasi : Health will be fine. You have to be more confident. Rewards will be less compared to efforts. Take care of your mother's health. You have to get repairs done to your home. Support from higher authorities and Government will be lacking. Government may levy penalties. Spouse will be supportive. Luck is not on your side today.

Meena/Pisces Rasi :   You may suffer from insomnia. There may be pains in the legs. There will be more rewards compared to your efforts. You will spend on charitable causes. Control emotions and anger. Foreign travel will not be possible. Younger siblings will do well. You will have competitive success.