
Thursday, February 24, 2022

Tara Bala ,Chandra Bala For Tomorrow - 25.02.2022


Tara ,Chandra Bala, Subha Durmuhurta, Rahu,Varjya Kaala referencer chart for tomorrow ie 25.02.2022. 

Moon transits in the Gonda Moola zone between Vrischika and Dhanu rasis and between Jyeshta and Moola Nakshatras. People of Vrischika,Dhanu rasi,Mesha and Vrishabha rasi are advised to not initiate any new activity,keep their emotions under check ,take appropriate and timely decisions ,avoid any speculative activity and postpone any travel plans.

Tomorrow is Friday and thithi is Navami. Praying to Lakshmi devi , visiting Lakshmi temple, Feeding Cows, Reading Sree Sooktam 11 times will do good. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Daily Rasi Phala - Moon Signs Horoscopes - For 24.02.2022,Thursday

You will be able to complete all the work on hand successfully. You will plan for your next travel. Take care of what you eat and what you speak. There will be good achievements in Education.Average day. Not much of enjoyment. Friends will not keep up their promises. Expenses will be more than income

Vrishabha/Taurus : Children will do good. Investments will give good returns. There will be good relations with spouse and partners. There will be delays and postponements. You will not be able to achieve success. There will be trouble from superiors. There will be good income and will be more than your expenses. There will be happiness from friends.

Mithuna/Gemini : Father's health will be suffer. There will be happiness from children. There will be competitive success. Health will be fine. Income will not be commensurate with efforts. You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. Superiors will be supportive. Luck is not favouring you. Take care not to talk bad about you father or Gurus,Gods. Take care of your diet.

Karkataka/Cancer: Take care of your diet. Do not overeat. There might be sudden unexpected troubles. There will be happiness from Children. Investments will give good returns. There will be success and happiness. You will get more for your efforts. Relations with higherups will be mediocre. There will be happiness at home. You will receive good news from foreign sources. 

Simha/Leo: There will troubles with spouse and partners. News from foreign sources will not be encouraging. Take care of your health. There may be digestive troubles, acidity. There will be happiness and at good comforts home. Relatives will be supportive. Short distance travels will be give gains and will be fruitful.Wealth will increase. Luck is not favouring you. Avoid speculation.

Kanya/Virgo: You will be healthy and goodlooking. You will enjoy good comforts. Income will be commensurate with your efforts. You will take intelligent decisions. Take care of your mother's health. You will enjoy the comforts of home. Avoid any speculative activity. Wealth will increase. You will enjoy good food. Spouse will not be supportive.

Tula/Libra:  Take care of your motions. Keep your anger in control. Take care of your children's health. Wealth will increase. Income will be good but expenses will go out of control. Long distance travels will be fruitful. There will be average success.Take care of father's health. Your health will be sensitive too. Take care of your diet. Do not overeat. There will be issues with spouse and partners. News from foreign sources will not be encouraging. 

Vrischika/Scorpio: Watch your thoughts. You may have unfounded worries. Take care of your mother's health. Relatives will not be helpful. Income will be exceedingly high. There will be happiness from friends and your social circle. There will be success ad recognition. 

Dhanu/Sagittarius: Control aggressive thoughts. Younger brothers will not be supportive. Short distance travels will not be fruitful. There will be trouble with partners and spouse. You will have high level of success. You will be respected. There will good income. Expenses have to be controlled. There will be trouble to the eyes. 

Makara/Capricorn: Take care of your diet. Think before you talk. Wealth will decrease. There will be trouble in the family.Higher ups will be supportive. You will be respected. You will achieve success in what you do. Income will be good. You will take intelligent decisions. Take care of the health of your spouse. News from foreign sources will not be encouraging.

Kumbha/Aquarius : Health will be sensitive. You will visit temples. Income will be good. There will be issues with Partners and Spouse. Communications from foreign sources will not be encouraging. There may be pain in the legs . You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. Higherups will be supportive. There will be success. Luck will favour you. 

Pisces/Meena : Avoid long distance travels. You will suffer from sleeplessness. You will do charitable acts. There will be competitive success. Control anger. There will be good news from foreign sources. There will be good relations with spouse and partners. There will be success and good income.

Ukraine - Will Ukraine continue to be a sovereign State ?


Ukraine proclaimed independance on the 24th of August,1991 at 6.00pm. Above is the chart for the time of  Declaration of Independance from Russia. 

On a study of the formation chart we can find a conjunction of Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in the sign Leo ,which is the 9th house of Bhagya/Luck/Dharma. Jupiter is the Ascendant and 4th lord, Mercury is the 7th and 10th lord, Venus is the 6th and 11th lord in the chart. All these three planets are combust by being very close to the Sun. 

Jupiter so combust is definitely not good for the sustenance of Sovereignty as he is the Lord of Ascendant who  says about the existence and as he is also the 4th lord who signifies the  lands owned, Properties Owned and natural resources of the country. It Can be said Jupiter weak by being combust makes the country very unlucky with regard to its territories and properties.

In March,2014 Russia invaded Ukraine and occupied Crimea and later annexed the area after connducting a controversial plebiscite.

Now in the current scenario , we can see Russia recognising two areas in the eastern region of ukriane where seperatists are revolting and having a hold as independant states. These areas too will eventually be annexed by Russia to its territory.

The formation chart of Ukraine does not show promise of sustainability over long term. It will eventually by annexed to Russia. 

Nakshatra Paada Wise Tara and Chandra Bala for tomorrow - 24.02.2022


**Sri Gurubhyonamah**

Nakshatra Paada Wise Tara Chandra Bala, Suha Durmuhurta, Rahu, Varjya Kaala Referencer Chart for toorrow.,24.02.2022. 

Moon Transits Vrischika Rasi all of tomorrow . Ganda Moola transit from tomorrow 13:31 till 10:32 on 26th February. Not a good time for any auspicious ceremonies.

Chandraashtama for Mesha Rasi People. These people are advised not to initiate any new activity, keep emotions under control, take timely and appropriate decisions and postpone any travel plans.

Tomorrow is Janaki Jayanti. Good day to pray to Rama and Seetha. Visiting any Rama Temple and performing pooja will do good. 

Tidhi for tomorrow is Ashtami and Weekday is Thursday. Good day for regular agriculture activities.  

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Tara and Chandra Bala - Nakshatra Paada Wise - for Tomorrow 23.02.2022


Nakshatra Paada wise Tara,Chandra Bala, Subha,Durmhurta, Raahu, Varjya Kaala referencer chart for tomorrow 23.02.2022.
Moon Transits Vrischika Raasi from 08:56 am tomorrow. This is Chandrashtama for Mesha raasi people. These people should keep a watch on their thoughts,emotions and avoid any speculative activity and postpone travel plans.
Tomorrow is Sabari Jayanti. Reading the Story of Sabari Matha and Praying Lord Rama does good.
Tomorrow is Saptami till 16:56 and weekday is Wednesday Good day to start learning Car Driving , for entering into agreements , submitting required documentation etc. , Praying to Lord Rama and Ganesha .

Monday, February 21, 2022

Kala Sarpa Dosha - Nivarana Mantra - काल सर्प दोष निवारण मन्त्र

Kalasarpa dosha is said to be present in any horoscope when all the planets are in between Rahu and Ketu. Natives with this dosha suffer in many fronts in life. There will be miseries all over. Those natives who have this dosh have to recite the following given mantra as many times as possible every day to reduce the ill effects of the dosha. 

ओम नमो भगवते महा सुदर्सनाय महाचक्राय 
दुष्ट दानव भयंकर ब्रह्म राक्षस भूचर खेचर 
अन्तरिक्ष चर निसाचर कालसर्पकान् स्वाहा ओम फट् 
धाग धगिथ रान्तक ज्वल ज्वल प्रज्वल प्रज्वल 

In English for ease of Pronounciation

Om namo bhagavate mahaa sudarsanaaya mahaa Chakraaya
Dhaga Dhagitha raanthaka jwala jwala prajwala prajwala
dushta daanava bhayankara brahma raakshasa bhoochara khechara
antariksha chara nisaachara kaalasarpakaan swahaa om Phat

In Telugu

ఓం నమో భగవతే మహా సుదర్శనాయ మహా చక్రాయ 
ధగద్ధగితరాంతక జ్వల జ్వల ప్రజ్వల ప్రజ్వల 
దుష్ట దానవ భయంకర బ్రహ్మ రాక్షస భూచర ఖేచర 
అంతరిక్ష చర నిశాచర కాలసర్పాకాన్ స్వాహా ఓం ఫట్ 

Tara and Chandra Bala for Tomorrow - 22.02.2022


**Sri Gurubhyo Namah**
Tara Chandra Bala,Subha,Durmuhurta, Raahu, Varjya Kaala referencer Chart for tomorrow, 22.02.2022.
Moon will transit Tula Raasi all of tomorrow and Meena Raasi people are having Chandrashtama. Emotional Control,Taking appropriate and timely decisions and avoiding speculative activity does good.
Tripushkara Yoga runs from 18:34 in the evening till 6:27 in the morning of Feb 23rd. Anything done in this time frame repeats thrice. During this time loans should not be taken, exam fee should not be paid. Auspicious /Good work should be done.
Tidhi is Sashti and Weekday is Tuesday. Good day to pray to lord Subramanya and to perform remedies to Kuja.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Manglik Dosha or Kuja Dosha AND Exceptions to Kuja Dosha

What is Kuja Dosha ?? - Kuja Dosha is said to be present in a horoscope when Kuja is in 1,2,12,4,7,8 from either Lagna, Chandra Lagna or Sukra. 

Effect of Kuja Dosha : When present in a horoscope, the dosha results in destruction of the spouse or adversely effects the marital relation. 

But when both the Boy and Girl have equal Kuja Dosha then the marraige can be performed as the Kuja Dosha is said to be cancelled  

Who will not have Kuja Dosha : People with their Janma Lagna in Karka, Simha, Mesha, Vrischika, Dhanu, Meena, Makara will not have Kuja Dosha . And People born in the nakshatras of Aswini, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Aslesha, Uttara, Swati, Anuradha, Poorvashadha, Uttarashadha, Sravana, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati also will not have Kuja Dosha.

Other Exceptions to Kuja Dosha due to certain placements of Planets : 

1. If Kuja and Chandra or Kuja and Guru are conjoined in a horoscope 

2. When the Janma lagna is Kanya or Mesha and Kuja is in the 2nd house 

3. When a strong Benefic planet is in the 9th house

4.For natives with janma lagna in Tula or Vrishabha and when Kuja is in 12 th bhava

5.For natives with Janma Lagna in Mesha or Vrischika and when Kuja is in 4th Bhava

6.For natives with Janma Lagna in Makara,Karkataka and when Kuja is in the 7th Bhava

7.For natives with Janma Lagna in Dhanu or  Meena and when Kuja is in 8th house

8.In a Female horoscope when Poorna Chandra is in 2nd house along with one of Budha ,Guru or Sukra

9.When Saturn is placed in Lagna or in one of 4,9,12 bhavas 

10.In both Male and Female horoscopes when malefic planets are in 2 or 7 th bhavas

11.when both male and female has equal dosha or when one has Kuja dosha from lagna and the other has Kuja dosha from Chandra and Sukra 

In all the above instances listed Kuja Dosha is not said to be present.

ఆదివారం - రవి కవచం


జపాకుసుమ సంకాశం కాశ్యపేయం మహాద్యుతిం!
తమోరిం సర్వపాపఘ్నం ప్రణతోస్మి దివాకరం||

ఘృణిః పాతు శిరోదేశం, సూర్యః ఫాలం చ పాతు మే
ఆదిత్యో లోచనే పాతు శ్రుతీ పాతః ప్రభాకరః

ఘ్రూణం పాతు సదా భానుః అర్కపాతు తథా
జిహ్వం పాతు జగన్నాధః కంఠం పాతు విభావసు

స్కంధౌ గ్రహపతిః పాతు, భుజౌ పాతు ప్రభాకరః
అహస్కరః పాతు హస్తౌ హృదయం పాతు భానుమాన్

మధ్యం చ పాతు సప్తాశ్వో, నాభిం పాతు నభోమణిః
ద్వాదశాత్మా కటిం పాతు సవితా పాతు సక్ధినీ

ఊరూ పాతు సురశ్రేష్టో,జానునీ పాతు భాస్కరః
జంఘే పాతు చ మార్తాండో గుల్ఫౌ పాతు త్విషాంపతిః

పాదౌ బ్రద్నః సదా పాతు, మిత్రోపి సకలం వపు:
వేదత్రయాత్మక స్వామిన్ నారాయణ జగత్పతే

Tara Bala and Chandra Bala for 21.02.2022


Tara Chandra bala,Subha ,durmuhurta, Raahu, Varjya Kaala referencer chart for tomorrow 21.02.2022. 

Moon transits in Tula Raasi all of tomorrow and it is chndrashtama for Meena Rasi People. These people are advised not to initiate any new activity and to avoid any travel plans.

Tomorrow is Monday and Tidhi is Panchami. Very good day to do special prayers to Lord Shiva like Homa and abhisheka.  

Saturday, February 19, 2022

बुध ध्यान स्लोकाणि - Budha Dhyana Slokas - బుధ ధ్యాన శ్లోకములు


बुध ध्यान स्लोकाणि 

1.सिम्हारूढं चतुर्भुजम् खड्गं चर्म गदाधरम् 
सोमपुत्रं महासोउम्यम् ध्यायेत् सर्वार्ध सिद्धिदं 

2.प्रियन्गु काळिका श्यामं रूपेणा प्रतिमं बुधम् 
सोउम्यम् सत्वगुणोपेतम् तं बुधं प्रणमाम्यहम् 

3.बुधारिष्टेतु संप्राप्ते बुध पूजाञ्चकारयेत 
बुधध्यानं प्रवक्ष्यामि बुद्धिपीदोपसान्तये 

బుధ ధ్యాన శ్లోకములు 

1.సింహారూఢం చతుర్భుజం ఖడ్గం చర్మ గదాధరం 
సోమపుత్రం మహాసౌమ్యం ధ్యాయేత్ సర్వార్ధ సిద్ధిదమ్ 

2. ప్రియంగు కళికా శ్యామం రూపేణా ప్రతిమం బుధమ్ 
సౌమ్యం సత్వగుణోపేతం తం బుధం ప్రణమామ్యహం 

3. బుధారిష్టేతు సంప్రాప్తే బుధ పూజాంచకారయేత్
బుధ ధ్యానం ప్రవక్ష్యామి బుద్ధి పీడోపశాంతయే   

सनि सप्त नामावली: - Sani Sapta Naamaavali - Saturn Remedy


सनि सप्त नामावली:

नमो सनेस्वरा पाहिमाम् 
नमो मन्दगमना पाहिमाम् 
नमो सूर्य पुत्रा पाहिमाम् 
नमो छाया सुता पाहिमाम् 
नमो ज्येष्टापत्नी समेता पाहिमाम् 
नमो यम प्रत्यधि देवा पाहिमाम् 

(Reading 70 times everyday for 70 days will absolve one from the ill effects of Sade Saathi.) 

శని సప్త నామావళి :

నమో శనేశ్వరా పాహిమాం 
నమో మందగమనా పాహిమాం 
నమో సూర్య పుత్రా పాహిమాం 
నమో ఛాయా పుత్రా పాహిమాం 
నమో జ్యేష్టా పత్నీ సామెతా పాహిమాం 
నమో యమా ప్రత్యధి దేవా పాహిమాం 

(పైన ఇవ్వబడిన శని సప్త నామావళీ స్తోత్రం ప్రతీ రోజూ 70 సార్లు 70 రోజుల పాటు పఠించిన వారికి ఏలినాటి శని వల్ల  కలిగిన ఇబ్బందులు కష్టాలు తొలగిపోవును)

ऋषि त्रय स्मरणं - Remedy for Saturn - Rushi Traya Smaranam


Those facing ill effects of Saturn Dasa, Antardasa, Sade Sati, Ardhashtama, Ashtama Sani should recite the following mantra every day as many times as possible :

गधिस्च कोउसिकस्चैव पिप्पलादो महा मुनिः 

सनैस्चर कृतां पीडां नासयन्ति स्मृतास्त्राय:

In English for ease of Pronunciation : 

Gaadhischa kousikaschaiva pippalaado mahaa munih 

sanaischara krutaam peedaam naasayanti smrutaastrayaha 

In Telugu : 

గాధిశ్చ కౌశికశ్చైవ పిప్పలాదో మహాముని :

శనైశ్చర కృతాంపీడాం నాశయన్తి స్మృతాస్త్రయ :

పిప్పలాద ప్రోక్త శనిస్తోత్రం.

నమస్తే కోణ  సంస్థాయ పింగళాయ నమోస్తుతే |

నమస్తే బభ్రురూపాయ కృష్ణాయ చ నమోస్తుతే ||

నమస్తే రౌద్రదేహాయ నమస్తే చ అంతకాయచ |

నమస్తే యమసంజ్ఞాయ నమస్తే సౌరయే విభో ||

నమస్తే మందసంజ్ఞాయ శనైశ్చర నమోస్తుతే |

ప్రసాదం కురు దేవేశ, దీనస్య ప్రణతస్య చ ||

Is it Good to Invest in Bank Shares now ??? - Investment Tip

Saturn entered Dhanishta on the 17th February and will transit in the nakshatra till the 14th of March , 2023.

श्रवणे राजाधिक्क्रुतान् विप्राग्रस्च भिषक पुरोहित कलिङ्गान्। वसुभे मगधेसाजयो वृद्धिस्च धनेश्वधिक्रुतानाम्॥

Varahamihira in his Brihatsamhitha says the above sloka while writing about the effects of Saturn's transit in Sravana and Dhanishta Nakshatras.

According to him While transiting in Sravana nakshatra, Saturn destroys king's officers, eminent Brahmins, Physicians, Priests and the people of Kalinga .

And while transiting the Dhanishta Nakshatra , he causes the victory of the king of Magadha and increases manifold the prosperity of treasurers, bankers and the like. In other words Rich will become more rich during this transit of Saturn in Sravana.

It is wise to Buy Shares in Banks in this period. Investment can also be made in companies owned by People who figure in the Forbes List. It is advisable to buy Reliance and Adani shares during this period.

Tara and Chandra Bala For Tomorrow 20.02.2022

Above is the Tara Chandra Bala , Subha ,Durmuhurta,Rahu and Varjya Kaala referencer Chart for tomorrow ie 20.02.2022,Sunday. 

Moon will transit transit in Kanya Rasi all of tomorrow. There is a Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga and Amrita Siddhi Yoga from 06:29 till 16:42. 

Chandrashtama for Kumbha rasi people. They are advised not to initiate any new activity and postpone travel plans. Ashtama rasi transit also makes people emotional and overthinking over small issues. Kmubha rasi people are also advised not to be over emotional or over think on petty issues.

Chaturdhi runs till 21:05. Tomorrow is also 'Dwija Priya Sankashta Hara Chaturdhi' Very good day to pray to lord Ganesha. 

Friday, February 18, 2022

నవ దుర్గా స్తుతి


ప్రధమా శైలపుత్రీచ- ద్వితీయా బ్రహ్మచారిణీ

తృతీయా చంద్రఘంటేతి- కూష్మాండేతి చతుర్ధికీ

పంచమా స్కందమాతేతి- షష్టాకాత్యాయనీతిచ

సప్తమా కాలరాత్రిశ్చ - అష్టమాచాతి భైరవీ

నవమా సర్వసిద్ధిశ్చేతి - నవదుర్గాః ప్రకీర్తితాః|

Five Planetary Conjunction - Will it trigger a war between Ukraine and Russia ?


A Five Planetary conjunction will be happening in the month end starting from 2.20 pm of 27th February till 5.20 pm of 1 st March.

Moon,Mars,Mercury,Venus and Saturn will be conjunct in Makara Rasi and will be aspecting Karka raasi.
This Conjunction may result in increased seismic activity around the world , Earthquake in one or two places and a Tsunami .
This conjunction may also result in disputes over river water s , accidents in sea waters , incidents which may trigger armed skirmishes between countries or war like situations which may lead to bigger clashes in future.

Kaala Bhairavaashtakam


కాల  భైరవాష్టకం 
వ్యాలయజ్ఞసూత్రమిందుశేఖరం కృపాకరమ్ |
నారదాదియోగిబృందవందితం దిగంబరం
కాశికాపురాధినాథ కాలభైరవం భజే || 1 ||

భానుకోటిభాస్వరం భవాబ్ధితారకం పరం
నీలకంఠమీప్సితార్థదాయకం త్రిలోచనమ్ |
కాశికాపురాధినాథ కాలభైరవం భజే || 2 ||

శ్యామకాయమాదిదేవమక్షరం నిరామయమ్ |
భీమవిక్రమం ప్రభుం విచిత్రతాండవప్రియం
కాశికాపురాధినాథ కాలభైరవం భజే || 3 ||

భుక్తిముక్తిదాయకం ప్రశస్తచారువిగ్రహం
భక్తవత్సలం స్థిరం సమస్తలోకవిగ్రహమ్ |
కాశికాపురాధినాథ కాలభైరవం భజే || 4 ||

ధర్మసేతుపాలకం త్వధర్మమార్గనాశకం
కర్మపాశమోచకం సుశర్మదాయకం విభుమ్ |
కాశికాపురాధినాథ కాలభైరవం భజే || 5 ||

నిత్యమద్వితీయమిష్టదైవతం నిరంజనమ్ |
మృత్యుదర్పనాశనం కరాలదంష్ట్రభీషణం
కాశికాపురాధినాథ కాలభైరవం భజే || 6 ||

దృష్టిపాతనష్టపాపజాలముగ్రశాసనమ్ |
అష్టసిద్ధిదాయకం కపాలమాలికాధరం
కాశికాపురాధినాథ కాలభైరవం భజే || 7 ||

భూతసంఘనాయకం విశాలకీర్తిదాయకం
కాశివాసిలోకపుణ్యపాపశోధకం విభుమ్ |
నీతిమార్గకోవిదం పురాతనం జగత్పతిం
కాశికాపురాధినాథ కాలభైరవం భజే || 8 ||

కాలభైరవాష్టకం పఠంతి యే మనోహరం
జ్ఞానముక్తిసాధనం విచిత్రపుణ్యవర్ధనమ్ |
తే ప్రయాంతి కాలభైరవాంఘ్రిసన్నిధిం ధ్రువమ్ || 9 ||

ఇతి శ్రీమచ్చంకరాచార్య విరచితం కాలభైరవాష్టకం సంపూర్ణమ్ |

శని వారం - శని కవచం :

నీలాంజన సమాభాసం రవిపుత్రం యమాగ్రజంI
ఛాయామార్తాండ సంభూతం తం నమామి శనైశ్చరంII
ఓం శ్రీ శనైశ్చరః పాతు భాలం మే సూర్యనందనఃI
నేత్రే ధాయాత్మజః పాతు పాతు కర్ణౌ యమానుజః||
నాసాం వైవస్వతః పాతు ముఖం మే భాస్కరః సదాI
స్నిగ్ధకంఠశ్చ మే కంఠం భుజౌ పాతు మహాభుజ:II
స్కంధౌ పాతు శనిశ్చైవ కరౌ పాతు శుభప్రదః|
వక్షః పాతు యమభ్రాతా కుక్షిం పాత్వసితస్తథా|
నాభిం గ్రహపతిః పాతు మందః పాతు కటిం తథాI
ఊరూ మమాంతకః పాతు యమో జానుయుగం తథాII
పాదౌ మందగతిః పాతు సర్వాంగం పాతు పిప్పలఃI
అంగోపాంగాని సర్వాణి రక్షేన్ మే సూర్యనందనః||

Special Remedies for Lord Surya/Ravi


Following Remedies are to be done for People having Ravi Graha in Dusthanas or in debilitation or other wise weak in their horoscopes :

1.Perform Gayatri Homa at home

2.Get done Maha Souram and Aruna Parayana by Purohits.

3.Surya Adharvana Seersha Parayana should be done 108 times

4.Ravi Homa has to be done in Krittika Nakshatra

5.Do Ashttottara Pooja to Lord Surya on Sunday mornings with red flowers and wearing red clothes

6.Visit Lord Rama temple on 6 sundays and do 60 Pradakshinas on each visit.

7.Visit any Siva Temple in Kartik Maas and on all sundays and do deeparadhana.

8.Perform Surya Namaskaras on a Sunday and do 60 pradakshinas 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Magha Purnima & Lalitha Jayanti

Nakshatra Pada Wise Tara Chandra Bala,  Subha, Durmuhurta, Rahu and Varjya Kaala referencer chart for tomorrow.,16.02.2022

Tomorrow is Magha Pournami
also known as Maha Maaghi. Taking bath in Seas especially where Rivers merge into the sea or where two or three rivers merge like in Prayag will absolve one from all bad karma. Also this is a  Good day to respect ancestors by donating in their name and performing Tarpana Ritual.

Tomorrow is also Lalitha Jayanti. Reciting or listening to Lalitha Sahasra Nama will give auspicious results. 

Moon Transits in the Ganda moola zone between Aslesha and Magha Nakshatras in Karka and Simha rasis. Chandrashtama for Dhanu and Makara rasi people. They are advised to avoid initiating any new activity and postpone any travel plans.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Happy Ratha Saptami

 Happy Ratha Saptami to All. 

सूर्य गायत्री मन्त्राः 

1. ॐ आदित्याय विद्महे ,महाद्युतिकराय धीमही  -  तन्नो दिवाकरः प्रचोदयात् 

2. ॐ भास्कराय विद्महे ,महाद्युतिकराय धीमही - तन्नो आदित्यः प्रचोदयात् 

3. ॐ आदित्याय विद्महे , सहस्र किरनाय धीमही - तन्नो भानुः प्रचोदयात् 

4. ॐ भास्कराय विद्महे , ज्योतिष्कराय धीमही - तन्न आदित्यः प्रचोदयात् 

5. ॐ भास्कराय विद्महे ,प्रभाकराय धीमही - तन्नो भानुः प्रचोदयात् 

6. ॐ भास्कराय विद्महे , दिवाकराय धीमही - तन्न सूर्य प्रचोदयात् 

7. ॐ अमृतकराय विद्महे , आरोग्यदाय धीमही - तन्न सूर्यः प्रचोदयात् 

8. ॐ अस्वध्वजाय विद्महे , पास हस्ताय धीमही - तन्न सूर्यः प्रचोदयात् 

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Tara And Chandra Bala For Tomorrow 06.02.2022

 Tara and Chandra Bala, Subha,Durmuhurta, Raahu, Varjya Kaala referencer Chart for tomorrow 06.02.2022.

Moon transits in the Gandamoola zone all of tomorrow between Meena and Mesha. Not a good day for any auspicious activities.
Chandraashtama for Simha rasi and after 17:10 for Kanya Rasi people. They should avoid any new activity and postpone travel plans.
Tomorrow is Subrahmanya Sashti. Good day to pray to Lord Kartikeya.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Tara and Chandra Bala Referncer chart for Today 03.02.2022

Tara and Chandra Bala, Subha Muhurta, Durmuhurta, Raahu, Varjya Kala referencer chart for today. 

Dhanishta Panchaka : Moon is transiting in the last Five nakshatras starting from Dhanishta . The period is not conducive for any auspicious activities.

Chandrashtama for Karkataka Rasi People. Better for them to postpone any travel plans and avoid initiating any new activity.