
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Daily Rasi Phala - Moon Signs Horoscopes - For 24.02.2022,Thursday

You will be able to complete all the work on hand successfully. You will plan for your next travel. Take care of what you eat and what you speak. There will be good achievements in Education.Average day. Not much of enjoyment. Friends will not keep up their promises. Expenses will be more than income

Vrishabha/Taurus : Children will do good. Investments will give good returns. There will be good relations with spouse and partners. There will be delays and postponements. You will not be able to achieve success. There will be trouble from superiors. There will be good income and will be more than your expenses. There will be happiness from friends.

Mithuna/Gemini : Father's health will be suffer. There will be happiness from children. There will be competitive success. Health will be fine. Income will not be commensurate with efforts. You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. Superiors will be supportive. Luck is not favouring you. Take care not to talk bad about you father or Gurus,Gods. Take care of your diet.

Karkataka/Cancer: Take care of your diet. Do not overeat. There might be sudden unexpected troubles. There will be happiness from Children. Investments will give good returns. There will be success and happiness. You will get more for your efforts. Relations with higherups will be mediocre. There will be happiness at home. You will receive good news from foreign sources. 

Simha/Leo: There will troubles with spouse and partners. News from foreign sources will not be encouraging. Take care of your health. There may be digestive troubles, acidity. There will be happiness and at good comforts home. Relatives will be supportive. Short distance travels will be give gains and will be fruitful.Wealth will increase. Luck is not favouring you. Avoid speculation.

Kanya/Virgo: You will be healthy and goodlooking. You will enjoy good comforts. Income will be commensurate with your efforts. You will take intelligent decisions. Take care of your mother's health. You will enjoy the comforts of home. Avoid any speculative activity. Wealth will increase. You will enjoy good food. Spouse will not be supportive.

Tula/Libra:  Take care of your motions. Keep your anger in control. Take care of your children's health. Wealth will increase. Income will be good but expenses will go out of control. Long distance travels will be fruitful. There will be average success.Take care of father's health. Your health will be sensitive too. Take care of your diet. Do not overeat. There will be issues with spouse and partners. News from foreign sources will not be encouraging. 

Vrischika/Scorpio: Watch your thoughts. You may have unfounded worries. Take care of your mother's health. Relatives will not be helpful. Income will be exceedingly high. There will be happiness from friends and your social circle. There will be success ad recognition. 

Dhanu/Sagittarius: Control aggressive thoughts. Younger brothers will not be supportive. Short distance travels will not be fruitful. There will be trouble with partners and spouse. You will have high level of success. You will be respected. There will good income. Expenses have to be controlled. There will be trouble to the eyes. 

Makara/Capricorn: Take care of your diet. Think before you talk. Wealth will decrease. There will be trouble in the family.Higher ups will be supportive. You will be respected. You will achieve success in what you do. Income will be good. You will take intelligent decisions. Take care of the health of your spouse. News from foreign sources will not be encouraging.

Kumbha/Aquarius : Health will be sensitive. You will visit temples. Income will be good. There will be issues with Partners and Spouse. Communications from foreign sources will not be encouraging. There may be pain in the legs . You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. Higherups will be supportive. There will be success. Luck will favour you. 

Pisces/Meena : Avoid long distance travels. You will suffer from sleeplessness. You will do charitable acts. There will be competitive success. Control anger. There will be good news from foreign sources. There will be good relations with spouse and partners. There will be success and good income.