
Friday, March 18, 2022

Alia Bhatt's Horoscope - Horoscope reading notes - Part 1

Astro Data Bank gives the Birth details of Bollywood actress Alia Bhat which seem to be genuine. Here is the link to the birth data on ADB :,_Alia 

Here is the Part 1 of  my Notes of her Horoscope reading : 

People with Capricorn Ascendant will have less attachment to their mother. They will keep a studied aloofness from their rivals. Their attitude towards marriage would be one of convenience. 

Saturn , the lagna lord in the 2nd house Aquarius which is  his moolatrikona sign will be inclined to do good to the native. She will be careful with her wealth.

Saturn’s aspect to the fourth house will however produce difficulties relating to home, mother and properties. Aspect of Saturn falling on the Krittika nakshatra will only aggravate the problem.

Saturn placed in the 2nd house of speech in the inimical Dhanishta nakshatra will make her averse to conversation. Yavanajataka of Sphujidhwaja says the individual will have steady wealth but will be inclined to speak lies.

 Saturn in 3rd pada of Dhanishta and being the ascendant lord , will give a graceful appearance. These people will have interest in science and art subjects.  They will be addicted to pleasures of life. They will be straightforward and blunt in their speech. They also need to check their temper.

 Mercury in 4th pada of Satabhisha  Mercury in Aquarius in the second house will be in a friendly sign. The native will have a supportive maternal uncle and will be lucky with regard to financial matters. Bhrigu sutram says the individual will be wealthy. The native will earn much wealth. The native will also earn much in dealings with the Government. But people with this placement of Mercury will not succeed in professions related to writing. Mercury placed in Satabhisha a Rahu nakshatra will bring losses through contracts in agreements in the periods of Mercury And Rahu.

 Sun in the 3rd house in Poorvabhadrapada in Meena Sun in the third house in Pisces is in a friendly house of Jupiter. This placemen will cause some trouble to the younger siblings of the native. This placement will also generate interest in Yoga and meditation. The native may go on pilgrimages and is likely to meet highly placed persons and religious leaders. This placement of Sun makes the native a very prominent personality at the age of 23.

 Venus in the 3rd house in 3rd paada of Revati in Meena  This placement of Venus gives a well developed artistic sense in the native and make the native excel in the field of fine arts. Bhrigu sutras and Phaladeepika both state the individual will be miserly. But the period of Venus makes the native unfortunate.   

 Ketu in the 5th house in 4th pada of Rohini in  Vrishabha :  This placement will make the spouse of the native very prosperous.  Both the 5th and 10th houses are connected as Venus is the joint lord of both. Children of the native will have good status in the society. They will be good looking. The individual will be considered very wise in professional matters.  However Ketu placed in the 5th house which is his sign of debilitation will delay  child birth. As Venus is not friendly with Ketu, this placement will seriously impact love affairs of the native. One of the children may have a physical defect from birth due to this placement. Ketu in Rohini may cause birth of daughters.