
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Mars - Saturn Conjunction 2022


The most malefic planets Mars and Saturn are conjunct in the sign Makara/Capricorn rasi currently. Both are within 10 degrees of each other from 20th March,2022 . Both will be within 5 degrees of each other from 28th March,2022 and will be exactly conjunct on the 05th of April,2022. Further , they will be within 10 degrees of each other till 20th of April. All this happens in the Dhanishta Nakshatra of Makara Rasi.  
This combination is the most stressful of combinations as both are utmost malefic planets and these celestial bodies in conjunction will effect each and every one. 
This conjunction is nothing but fire and explosions, Earth quakes, wars and war like situations. 

Mars is the planet of aggression, vitality, will power,Courage,anger, Army men whether they are Soldiers or Generals ,Police personnel , athletes etc. 
Saturn on the other hand is the planet of delay, obstacles, restrictions, limitations, frustration, hardwork, karmic debt of past life etc 
Saturn will not let Mars do what he wants and this leads to much stress and frustration. Mars is the soldier and Saturn is the law. 

On an Individual Level : This combination will increase the person's capability to take up challenges and will not allow his to feel defeated. It gives tremendous experience in dealing with life by making him go through all kinds of difficult experiences and makes the person mature. This combination will promote hardwork which is always good. However People need to be careful about their health during this conjunction. 

On a Macro level : This conjunction will cause accidents on earth and air, disasters, earthquakes, disasters in Mines, accidents in Oil wells, Oil pipe lines may burst, Prices of all products of Crude Oil will go up. 

It is good to pray Lord Hanuman, Lord Narasimha during this time. Doing Dhyana every day with Graha Mantras of Mars and Saturn will do good.