
Monday, March 21, 2022

Planetary News - General Results of Transits of Planets in Nakshatras

Sun in UttaraBhadraPada in Meena Rasi till 31st March,2022 :
Sun in the star owned by Saturn will be beneficial for Farmers, Industries based on Agriculture and Irrigation.  But this transit of Sun will cause anxiety, ailments in the legs, loss, enemity, bad news, dullness of intellect, obstcles and impediments in progress are likely. Change of residence for some. 

Mars in Sravana in Makara Rasi till 29th March,2022 : Sickness and Mental agony are the outcome. Disputes about property may arise. Loss in trade especially in red and white commodities are indicated. Sorrow caused by women and differences with people closely connected like friends and relatives are probable.  

Mercury in PoorvaBhadraPada in Kumbha Rasi till 26th March,2022 : Good and happy results will be the result. Prosperity at all levels and in all directions will be seen. Success in business and conducting religious activities will be there. Financial improves. Good achievements in education. There may be birth of children in the family.
Jupiter in PoorvaBhadraPada in Kumbha Rasi till April 28th ,2022 : There will be happy life with comforts. Progress in education and learning coupled with development of keen intellect could be forecasted. There will be acquisition of riches.

Venus in Sravana in Makara Rasi till 24th March,2022: Wealth my be expected from ladies. There will be satisfactory results at the beginning but later there will be no contentment. Health of family members might get affected. May take up residence in cool climatic regions. There might be sickness in the family.

Saturn in Dhanishta in Makara/Kumbha Rasis till 15th March,2023: There might be quarrels with brothers, loss of property, commotion in the family. There might be injuries on the legs. There will be damage by enemies,unhappiness and passing away of well acquainted persons. 

Rahu in Krittika in Mesha Rasi till 13th July ,2022 :   Atmosphere of enemity prevails. Rahu is not fit for giving beneficial results here. Beware of harmful persons.Cheating and fraud will be prominent. Goals cannot be reached. Sudden litigation or disputes may cause unhappiness. Enemies or paternal side relatives may torment by their acts and behaviour.              

Ketu in Visakha in Tula Rasi till 24th September,2022 : Fullfillment of objectives and increase of Spritual Knowledge will be the results. Will move with persons of religious order. Will spend much on Religious and Spiritual causes and Gurus.

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