
Sunday, March 20, 2022

Sadguru - Jaggi Vasudev Ji's Horoscope - Horoscope Chart reading - Notes


Astro Data Bank gives the birth details as 03.09.1957 at 23:54 ,Mysore, India. Link to the ADB Page has been given herein:,_Jaggi

Establishing  Isha Foundation and  Constructing Adi Guru Statue : 

As per the above birth details, his ascendant is at 18 degrees Taurus in Rohini Nakshatra. Lord Brahma is the Adhi Devata of Rohini Nakshatra. Birth in Rohini Nakshatra gives a Spiritual Bent of Mind and draws him towards final emancipation. People Born in Rohini Nakshatra are generally very good speakers, patient, religious. As Rohini Nakshatra belongs to Lord Brahma, people born in this nakshatra are very creative too.   

Lagna Lord Sukra is situated in the 5th house, the sign of his debilitation and in Chitta Nakshatra owned by Lord Viswakarma. 

Viswakarma as many will know is the one who has been mentioned in the Vedas and Purana as the one who designed and made weapons of all Devatas and Gods and is also the 'Architect ' of  the cities of Indraprastha, Dwaraka. Obviously this too is a nakshatra which gives a creative bent of mind to people influenced by this nakshatra.

It is very interesting to note that the one whose lagna and lagna lords are influenced by nakshatras owned by the creators Brahma and Viswakarma, founding a Spiritual Organisation 'Isha Foundation' which aims at overall improvement of people and  constructing a huge 'Adi Guru' Statue.

Wife's Untimely death :
If we probe into the reasons for his wifes untimely death, we can see the following factors : 
1.Saturn,Badhaka lord for Vrishabha lagna placed in the 7th house of spouse, in his aadhi satru rasi. ;
2.7th Lord Mars being combust ; 
3. Kalatrakaraka Venus in debilitation ; 
4. 7th house of spouse extremely weak by  having only 17 benefic score as per ashtaka varga.

These factors present in any horoscope will bring about seperation and or death of the life partner.

Why did he face allegations over his wife's death :
His wife died in 1997 when he was running Rahu-Jupiter period. Jupiter as per his chart is the lord of 8th house which signifies mysteries and accusations. We can see Jupiter being in conjunction with Venus,the kalatrakaraka. 

Receiving Padma Vibhushan : 
By the placement of Jupiter in the 5th house which is a house of Mercury who is also the second lord in conjunction with Venus and All three Mercury,Venus and Jupiter being strong gave rise to a KalaNidhi Yoga in his chart.
People with this Yoga will become famous for their achievements and will receive awards from the Government. It is this yoga which helped him to receive the Padma Vibhushan from Government in due recognition to the services rendered by him.