
Friday, July 8, 2022

Boris Johnson - Horoscope Review - Astrological Factors which led to his resignation

Boris Johnson was born June 19th,1964 at 2.00 pm as per astro data bank .

He was born with Kanya Lagna rising with Lagna and 10th lord Mercury in parivartana with the 9th lord Venus. This Powerful combination of 9th and 10th Lords caused to form many auspicious Raja yogas like Kalpadruma Yoga, Parijaata Yoga etc.

Sixth lord Saturn placed in 6th house house gave rise to Harsha Yoga. This yoga makes him succeed in Competition s and easily win over enemies.

Mercury and Venus both being benefics for his horoscope, placed in 9th and 10th also gave him Chamara Yoga.

Lagna Lord Budha placed in the 9th house and close to the Ghati lagna degreewise gave rise to another raja Yoga.

All these auspicious yogas gave him a position of Power.

When he was first made the Prime Minister of England, we can see he is running the Dasa of Budha and Antardasa of sukra which were forming the above said auspicious raja yogas.

But what made him to lose power? : Sun , the Lord of twelth house placed in 10th house of Position and Power is one of the prominent reasons.

He is at present running the dasa and antardasa of Budha Ravi.

If we look a little more deeper we can see Budha dasa Ravi antardasa and Jupiter pratyantar dasa running at the time of his resignation.
Jupiter is the Badhaka for Kanya lagna natives. Jupiter if we observe is exactly over the Raajyaaroodha(A10) at 22 degrees Mesha.

Another important factor is the debilitated aspect of Saturn over Raajyaroodha. Also Rahu is transiting at 26 degrees Mesha very Close to the Raajyaroodha.

In Dasamsa too Saturn has a powerful 10th house aspect over Raajyaaroodha which is placed in the Vrischika rasi.

All these factors have caused him to loose power.