
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Mars Rahu Uranus Conjunction - Volatile period ahead


On 1st August,2022 Mars,Rahu and Uranus will be conjunct exactly in the 24th degree of Aries a fiery sign. The Conjunction will be happenning in Bharani Nakshatra owned by Lord Yama.

The Conjunction will bring in many untoward events related to the significations of the planets involved. 

European countries may be the most effected. 

There may be technical advancement in the aviation industry.

There will be Power outages, Accidents at Power Generation Stations, Fire Accidents, Accidents to Airplanes due to technical glitches. Accidents may also happen due to communication lapses. 

A Famous personality may be killed in a plane crash. 

There might be clashes in Islamic countries. 

Russia Ukraine war may intensify. 

People of Mesha, Kanya, Vrischika, Makara Rasi should be careful with electrical appliances. 

The Conjunction might be most effective during the month of August.