
Saturday, August 6, 2022

7th Lord in different houses of horoscope

7th lord in Lagna

If he is in lagna with shubha balam, the native would be very attractive to opposite sex, would have pleasant tidings. If the native is a male, girls would approach him lovingly on their own and enjoy his company. Such relationships can lead to difficult situations like unwanted pregnancy for instance. Because of such distractions, the native may not concentrate in career or business. Would be interested in fine arts and some of them may monetarily benefit through their spouses.

7th lord in 2nd house

For the 7th lord in 2nd house of the horoscope, the native would be monetarily well off through the spouse. He would get great benefits through the spouse and her relatives. His reputation would go up by virtue of the spouse’s family influence, affluence and abundance.

7th lord in 3rd house

Kalatra dosham may manifest, sometimes premature passing away of spouse can be predicted. Then after that, a second marriage is not ruled out, at times with the younger sister of the diseased. By and large if the 7th lord is in the 3rd house of the horoscope, the native may not have much inclination towards physical relationship, he will be rather detached and not seek physical companionship.

In case of shubha graha association, the results of 7th in 3rd are expected to be the reverse.

If Guru’s aspects the 7th lord, negative results would be mitigated. If the 7th lord from the 7th house of the horoscope gets Guru’s aspect, then that is the remedy for kalatra dosham.

7th lord in the 4th house

The native would realise his/her ambitions in conjugal life. The native would realise his expected conjugal felicity. The lady of the house would take full charge of household running and would save money without the knowledge of her life partner. The family would be run with grace and dignity.

7th lord in 5th house

Again he would be exposed to kalatra dosham. The native would be interested in fine arts like music and cultural activities. If the 5th lord is overwhelmingly powerful, kalatra dosham gets cancelled and positive things are likely to happen.

7th lord in the 6th house

The wife of the native would be very sick with many diseases. She would be a complicated personality. More often than not she would work against the husband and would create circumstances and situations to tease him and get him into difference of opinions ad develop them into litigation and would be stubborn. In some cases, loyalty to the husband may be questionable. If Sukra is associated to 6th house by presence or evil aspect, she may be sex starved and she may have an open mind for extra marital relationships that would spoil the husband’s morale and reputation. if questioned, she may reason out in some ways to justify the same. The husband may not have an iota of support from her in all respects. If Guru’s lordship is good and aspects the 6th house, a certain amount of damage control may be achievable. If in the husband’s chart there is Sanyasa Yoga, he would take to sanyas out of helplessness but would not remarry nor have any companionship.

7th lord in the 7th house

The native is likely to be a slave at his spouse’s household. The spouse would be suffering from ailments. The spouse may be high handed.  She may involve herself in intrigues and conspiracies against the husband. If the 7th lord has Shubha affiliations, the husband would ride high with high reputation and luxurious life. If the 7th lord is debilitated or in shatru  shtram or inimical to each other, based on the kaarakatwam of that lord, there might be incompatibility between the husband and wife.

7th lord in the 8th house

The native may experience difficulties and embarrassments and would find difficult to run the family smoothly. He would be irresponsible and have ill-founded ambitions. Would be looked down upon and would not elicit any sympathy or support. If benefics support the native, some mild relief would come but not to the extent of bouncing back in life.

7th lord in the 9th house

With the help of elders and porva punyam, the native may get married early. The native would get enormous wealth, jewellery, perfumes etc. from the girl’s side. The family would be united happily and live with all respect and glory. For all these, the 9th lord should be strongly posited with abundant shubha balam.

7th lord in the 10th house

If 7th lord is in 10th house of the horoscope, by virtue of the incoming spouse, jeevan balam would get augmented. Marriage would get solemnised at an early age itself. The spouse would run the family well and responsibly, but there may be a tinge of dosham from spouse’s side which can be mitigated by proper remedial measures done by competent Gurus. If shubha associatiobn is prevalent, they would enjoy life without much problems gracefully.         

7th lord in the 11th house

7th lord in the labha sthanam would enable the native to be affluent and abundant with lots of wealth and happiness. The cordiality between husband and wife would be of a very high order, the status of the husband would increase by the virtue of wife’s yoga bhavas and lead to an excellent and respectable family, regarded with great respect by the society at large.

7th lord in the 12th house

There may be quite a few losses because of wife’s misfortunes. The spouse would have a tendency to lead a life beyond their means. To achieve that, unnecessary borrowing is indicated for a show of wealth. Because of 7th in 12th house, the house of sayana sukha, bhoga sthanam, the conjugal felicity would be wanting. Due to this the relationship between the two may not be the best. Some times they may have to borrow to support the family. But somehow, they would have bhojana sukham and sayana sukham. If 12th lord gets shubha yogam, the wife’s contribution to the success of the family would be meritorious.