
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Jupiter Maha Dasa and Effects of Various Antardasas

The duration of Jupiter Mahadasha is of 16 years. Jupiter is the planet associated with wealth, riches, fortune, spirituality, and happiness in married life too. It also represents the liver.

Benefic placement of Jupiter in the chart means, the native would lead a prosperous life. Jupiter elevates and expands the aspects of the area where it sits in the horoscope.

People under the Mahadasha of Jupiter get success in teaching, banking, lectureship, education, finance, jewelry, marriage counseling, loan processing, psychology, spirituality, politics, administration, etc.

Children also perform well when Jupiter Mahadasha is going on.

During this period, Jupiter blesses the native with improved judgment and wisdom. Native makes the right decisions in life and aspires to achieve great heights in their career too.

This Mahadasha also increases your inclination towards spirituality and religion.

It is also marked by warmth and betterment in relationships, especially married life.

Here are the results of several Antardashas of Jupiter.

Jupiter Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

Spiritual pursuits and worshipping afford a lot of wealth, conveyance, and physical comforts. If done with conviction, the person could enjoy a lot of name and fame in society and get the blessings of Jupiter.

Jupiter Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha is a landmark period in terms of practicing spirituality. A lot of religious travels and virtuous activities take place. Children also lead a happy life.

Native enjoys a lot of wisdom and knowledge and gets a better position in their career.

If afflicted, this Dasha can also lead to separation from spouse. Problems with children are also possible. Health issues could strike, especially related to the liver. Affliction may also lead to loss of wealth and defame.

Saturn Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

Saturn Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha gives benefits in loan and property matters. People in this period enjoy a lot of wealth and gains due to the downtrodden in society.

This period gives a boost to one’s professional status. Native puts in a lot of effort into getting success. This is a good period to succeed in the field of law, justice, and management. The more you work hard during this period, the better would be the chances of success.

If the affliction is there, the native could face issues in work life. Some health complications may also crop up during this period due to the negative influence.

Saturn Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha could also lead to defaming in society and loss of wealth in case of affliction.

Mercury Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

Both planets are the karaka of wisdom and intelligence so, during this period, the native gains good knowledge and learning power. Their intellectual abilities improve a lot.

Native earns a lot of name and fame with their intelligence. Boss also recognizes your value during this time. Native gets success in professional endeavors and earns a lot of respect in society.

This is also a good period concerning education.

Results are often positive during this Dasha.

During this period of Mercury Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha, native tends to maintain peace and good relationship at home.

If the affliction is there, the native struggles to get desired results of his efforts and hard work in exams. Skin problems are also likely in this case. Moreover, memory issues and mental instability can persist too.

Ketu Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

Ketu Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha affords the native with the spiritual inclination and interest in religious travels.

However, during this period, Ketu causes a lot of problems and confusion in career matters. The possibility of imprisonment also exists.

Native may also suffer from health issues and a lot of mental distress.

Some wasteful travels could also occur during this period. You may observe a sort of distance in relationships too. Expenditure also shoots up.

Venus Anterdasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

This Dasha brings a lot of positive outcomes, provided you make enough efforts. Your conviction towards God and your spiritual guide strengthen during this period.

Venus gives a lot of physical comforts as well you tend to enjoy a lot of material comforts too, such as luxury clothing and vehicles.

Your interest in music and singing also increases. Your knowledge also increases due to the positive influence. You observe a lot of affection and love in your married life.

Both planets are benefic and denote wealth and fortune. This period of Venus Anterdasha in Jupiter Mahadasha thus brings prosperity and financial stability to the native.

Sun Anterdasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

This Antardasha brings a positive impact on your financial position. Status elevates and overall wealth increases too. The influence of planets brings a lot of name and fame to the native.

Both these planets are supreme and powerful so success in professional endeavors is possible. Chances of promotion also exist.

Native observes an increase in knowledge and wisdom during this period of Sun Anterdasha in Jupiter Mahadasha.

Happiness in family and relationship matters also prevails in this Dasha.

If malefic presence is there, the native could suffer from body aches, fever, nervous disorders, headaches, and lack of peace of mind.

Moon Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

Native enjoys comforts from partner and children during this Antardasha. The influence of Moon and Jupiter’s relationship boosts income prospects.

This is a beautiful phase of life for the native. The person undertakes spiritual travels too.

The native develops a liking for dairy products.

This period of Moon Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha also brings progress on the career front.

Native gets a lot of support from society and enjoy material comforts, luxuries, and pleasures of life.

Relationship with spouse and children also remains cordial.

If under malefic influence, this Antardasha can lead to distance in relationships. Loss of wealth and health issues are also possible.

Native could also face issues with mother or maternal figure. Frequent body aches and mental distress may also persist during the Dasha.

Mars Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

This Antardasha increases knowledge and learning ability. Native earns profits from land sources.

There remains a lot of happiness in familial matters and married life too. Relationship with siblings also improves.

Native becomes a little dominating in nature though so some disputes and arguments with others are possible.

Nonetheless, this period of Mars Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha is to enjoy respect and fame in society.

If under malefic influence, this period causes eye-related issues and fever. Lack of mental peace also keeps the native troubled. Problems concerning property matters may also come up. Moreover, loss of wealth is possible too.

Rahu AnterDasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

This Dasha brings a lot of confusion and problems in life. It makes the person egoistic and domineering by nature. The person begins to indulge in unnecessary arguments and fights.

Family relationships also suffer during this period of Rahu AnterDasha in Jupiter Mahadasha.

Native also observes a career downfall during this period. Financial problems are also possible due to rising expenditure.

This period is also marked by an increased fear of medication and infections related to it. The person may also suffer from physical distress, headaches, and liver-related problems.

To have a more peaceful life during this Dasha, natives should take up religious travels and take a dip in holy waters. Practicing meditation also helps in this regard.