
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Mars Maha Dasa

Mars Mahadasha runs for 7 years. Mars is the karaka of passion, ambition, energy, aggression, and enthusiasm. The major fields it represents are sports, physically demanding activities, marketing, sales, military, surgery, and war.

During the Mahadasha of Mars, the native has to increase the amount of energy he or she puts into these key areas of life. Mars Mahadasha is marked by an increase in aggression.

Mars gives burns, wounds, and disputes with brother due to land and property matters. In case of malefic influence, the native may also suffer from allergies, low blood pressure, bone weakness, and lack of energy.

Mars Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Mars dominates the native’s life in this period. Native observes a sharp increase in energy, courage, aggression, and desires.

During this period of Mars Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha, the native observes gains in property matters.

The native feels endowed with more courage and better problem-solving skills.

This Dasha also creates good marriage prospects for the native.

This period also brings growth in career and financial matters.

If under malefic influence, this Dasha can lead to differences with siblings.
Native may also suffer from urinary problems, property-related issues, danger from electricity, weapons, and fire.

Low blood pressure is another key problem that strikes during this Dasha. This planetary period also creates strong chances of an accident. Businesspersons also experience hurdles in growth.

Rahu Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Rahu Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha is a negative period as per Vedic Astrology principles. Rahu here casts a negative influence upon the native.

During this period, the natives encounter a lot of opposition, challenges, and risk from weapons, fire, theft, expired medication, and poison. At times, native also suffers the loss of elders or a loved one.

Lack of moral values and inclination towards illicit pursuits persists throughout the Dasha.

Native may also struggle due to stomach, eye, or heat-related health issues.

Overall, this is an unstable period wherein the native feels mentally drained and distressed.

Jupiter Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Jupiter and Mars share a friendly relationship so Jupiter Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha brings positive results to the native. Jupiter’s wisdom and maturity tame the aggression of Mars.

Native feels more attached to the divine and expresses a lot of knowledge and wisdom. This Dasha brings more strength of mind, a lot of respect, authority, and spiritual inclination to the native.

The status of the person also elevates during this Dasha. A lot of auspicious events take place in one’s life. Profit from land and property is also possible. Relief and profits in business matters are also observed during this period.

The combined effect of planets also affords the native with good health and peaceful married life. Native enjoys a happy life with family and a cordial relationship with children and friends

Saturn Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Saturn Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha is a tough period in one’s life because Saturn is malefic and is quite inimical towards Mars. Native encounters a lot of hurdles in professional and personal life.

Opposition tries to cause harm to the native. Family and friends also become the reason for some personal suffering for the native. A sense of bitterness exists in all personal relationships.

Lack of peace of mind and instability persists in life during this period of Saturn Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha.

This is a time to keep patience and make serious efforts towards success.

The native should stay away from theft, imprisonment, fire, travel, and authority. Loss of wealth is also possible during this Dasha.

Mercury Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Mercury governs wisdom and intelligence and is a benefic planet. Despite the conflicting relationship, this is a balanced Dasha.

Native may feel distressed at times but intellect and wisdom would improve, helping him or her emerge as a winner despite the odds.

Natives would feel blessed for what they have and feel inclined towards spiritual pursuits during this period of Mercury Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha.

Some restlessness and impatience may persist at times due to Martian influence and natives may also experience fear from enemies.

Harshness and ego may increase which could lead to some unreasonable quarrels. Loss of wealth is also possible during this period if care is not taken.

Ketu Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Ketu is considered a malefic shadow planet in Vedic astrology and Mars is also a fiery planet.

During this Dasha, the native faces many hurdles, negativity, and difficulties. Planets make the person impatient and pose many challenges in the way to success.

There could be some sudden trouble from fire and weapon. Native may also suffer the loss of wealth during this period. A lot of mental tension infects the atmosphere in familial matters.

Native is also likely to encounter wasteful travels, career downfall, mental confusion, loss in business, and health issues such as stomach problems, leg pain, or some difficult-to-diagnose problems.

Spouses or children may also suffer on the health front during this period of Ketu Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha.

Venus Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Venus is a tender, feminine benefic planet but Mars on the other hand is masculine and aggressive. But both the planet are neutral towards each other so maintain a balance.

During this Dasha, the native feels free-minded. Venus Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha also affords the native better health, rise in status, vehicles, property, precious jewelry, and physicals comforts.

Income also increases during this period. Native feels a strong penchant for arts, music, dance, and luxuries. Native also pursue virtuous deeds and feels happy.

If Venus is under malefic influence, the person goes to a foreign country and experiences fear of theft and eye-related issues.

Sun Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Both the planets are masculine and fiery and represent power and ambition. Their Dasha brings mixed results for the native.

During this period, the native earns a lot of fame and success in competitions. Income and wealth also increase. Royal favors, reward from the government, and recognition in foreign countries are some of the perks associated with this Dasha.

Some may also land a government job during this period of Sun Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha. This is a good period for those in politics too.

Native mostly spends a blissful time with loved ones. Native enjoys sound health and a stable mind.

Some negative results of this Dasha include distress to children, health issues like fever, headaches, eye problems, and hair fall. Defame is also possible if the malefic influence is there.

Moon Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Mars considers Moon as a friend while Moon is neutral towards it. This is a balanced position as one planet is masculine and fiery but the other is feminine and watery.

The native becomes soft-spoken and polite during this Dasha but it also makes the native a little impatient. Native enjoys a lot of comforts and pleasures, happiness and rewards.

Some auspicious occasions may also take place at home during this time. Moreover, your desires and dreams also get fulfilled due to the combined influence of planets.

Moon Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha also brings a rise in status and income. Some problems could persist though due to an increase in distress, restlessness, and lack of mental peace.