
Saturday, March 18, 2023

Ketu Mahardasa and effects of Various Antardasas

Ketu is the Dragon’s tail as per Vedic Astrology. If it is placed favorably in your chart, this Dasha makes you more spiritual. Ketu Mahadasha prolongs for almost 7 years.

Ketu Dasha boosts one’s involvement in spiritual tasks and gives inner strength to the native. You may begin to channelize your energy and time towards philosophical subjects, virtuous pursuits, worshipping, and practicing Ayurveda.

Native moves towards spiritual liberation during Ketu Mahadasha as one feels detached from the material world and more inclined towards occult realms, things beyond common understanding.

You may also enjoy a lot of domestic comforts and luxuries during this time.

You might feel religiously inclined and your interest in Yoga and meditation increases during this period.

Ketu also boosts one’s inclination towards travel.

Sometimes, Ketu Mahadasha also causes unwanted fears and confusion, pain in the legs, stomach issues, mental strain, accidents, fear from poison, weapons, etc.

Problems in family life and loss of wealth are a few other negative possibilities of Ketu Mahadasha if the placement is not favorable.

Ketu Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha

This Antardasha gives inner strength to the individual. The person feels more driven towards spiritual pursuits. Some religious travels and pilgrimages are also possible during this Dasha.

Native feels a sense of disinterest in the material world and is inclined to explore the spiritual realms of life.

Some business-related travels are also possible. Native is quite irresolute and overly optimistic during this period, so any new decisions in career or job change should be avoided.

This is a period of Ketu Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha is a period of

a lot of mental confusions and unreasonable fears and native may also observe distance in relationships.

Venus Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha

Venus is a benefic planet but due to Ketu’s influence, it struggles to use its energy towards the benefit of the native. A lot of negativity pervades the native’s mind.

During this Dasha, the native experiences hurdle in their career. He or she may also build a tendency to strike disputes with friends and family.

This period of Venus Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha is also not favorable for married couples. Chances of separation from a spouse are possible as well.

Native may feel a lot more sensitive during this period and desires sympathy from loved ones.

This Dasha can also cause eye-related problems to the native.

Sun Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha

Sun Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha is not a favorable position, as Ketu is inimical towards Sun.

During this period, the native has to encounter a lot of problems and difficulties in all aspects of life.

Issues with seniors at the workplace are possible. The native also struggles to attain the promotion that he wants or deserves. Lack of support in professional matters persists.

Moreover, the native also becomes a lot more aggressive than before. Decisions making ability of the native also suffers which can also affect the success rate in all endeavors.

Moon Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha

This Antardasha is also considered negative in Vedic Astrology because of the inimical relationship between Moon and Ketu. Their combined effect eclipses one’s happiness.

Ketu here reduces the benefic effects of Moon so the native feels a lot of distress and depression during this period. Excess of unwanted thoughts keeps the native disturbed and he or she may have to struggle with unwanted fears and anxieties.

A sense of dissatisfaction pervades through life and native feels detached from the world. There is a strong need for nurture and support from others to prevent a miserable life during this period of Moon Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha.

Mars Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha

Mars is aggressive and ambitious and Ketu is also said to work a lot like Mars. This period is not that positive due to the temperamental issues one faces.

Native develops a tendency to indulge in unreasonable conflicts. Strong aggressive instincts in personality affect their behavior with others.

The native undergoes a lot of physical and mental suffering. It’s like negative vibes have surrounded the person during this period of Mars Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha.

Profession life also observes hurdles. Native becomes quite straightforward and short-tempered which poses risk to their power and status.

Native also runs the risk of encountering accidents, allergies, and medical infections.

This Dasha however gives a lot of determination and courage to the native to defeat the opposition.

Rahu Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha

This Dasha gives sudden wealth and gains to the native if there is no affliction.

However, the native may also suffer on the health front during this time of Rahu Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha, especially related to the chest or stomach.

Mental distress also pervades throughout the Dasha period. Unwanted thoughts keep the native disturbed during this period.

A lot of confusion occurs in life, which affects personal happiness and contentment.

However, the person develops a strong will power to topple enemies.

Jupiter Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha

This is a good placement for spiritual progression since both Ketu and Jupiter relate to liberation and spirituality.

The native takes a lot of religious trips during this time of Jupiter Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha. He or she may spend a lot on virtuous pursuits.

Planets also create possibilities for foreign travel.

This period brings a lot of confusion in work life and some concentration issues also persist in studies.

Struggle in married life is also possible due to this Antardasha.

Saturn Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha

This is a rough phase in the native’s life. A lot of obstacles come up in the professional area.

This is generally a difficult period in relationships. Native may also lose an important relationship during this time if caution is not practiced.

The person also feels detached from worldly affairs.

Expenditure also rises during this period.

Mental distress and restlessness prevail throughout this Dasha.

Some physical suffering is possible too and the native feels lethargic and dissatisfied.

Some wasteful and in fact, risky journeys may also take place during this period of Saturn Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha.

Mercury Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha

Lack of concentration persists throughout this Dasha. The planetary position also causes excessive expenditure during this period of Mercury Antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha.

Native’s mind is occupied by unwanted thoughts. He or she may also begin to speak harshly without thinking of the implications.

Their mind is always lost in thoughts of travel and wandering.

The person feels religiously inclined nonetheless.

While Ketu brings a lot of problems in life, Mercury at the same time helps keep a positive attitude in life.