
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Rahu in 8th House

As per the Astrology, the 8th house is usually popular as the House of Death. It monitors the spheres of death, sex, natural calamities, life longevity, birth and sudden events. The 8th house in Vedic Astrology is known to be Ayu Bhava and deals with the zodiac sign Scorpio which is ruled by Mars. In astrology, Mars signifies aggression, desire, energy and sexuality. The implication of Rahu in 8th House is highly powerful due to the nature of both the house and the planet. In addition, this house also mirrors Nij Dosha which means that the person will suffer the consequences of the actions and decisions they made in past.

This house is responsible for drastic and rapid rise or fall having long-term implications on your life and personality. 8th house also represents hidden secrets and energy transformation. Having all these effects have you ever wondered what will be the effect of planet Rahu in 8th house? Rahu is known to be a malefic planet in astrology. However, its effects in the 8th house are not always negative as well. Let us have a look at the effects of Rahu in 8th house and also some remedies to correct or reduce the negative effects.

Rahu in 8th House

Rahu is an imaginary planet, but its influence is heavy. The Lord of the 8th house represents the hand of fortune even though it announces the arrival of unfortunate events in your life. In Vedic astrology, Rahu signifies lies, playing a bet, desire, fame and growth. It can lead to financial turmoil as well as health issues. Rahu’s placement in the 8th house results in the addition of misfortune and complexities. Furthermore, it is in association with losses, paranormal activities and physical weakness. Rahu in the 8th house in Navamsa chart means mystery and planning. It gives rise to negativity and envy. Natives become greedy and lose control over their conscience as they engage themselves in malicious activities.

Negative Impact of Rahu in 8th House

Rahu in eighth house results in inauspicious events and trouble the native. Let us have a look at some negative effects of Rahu in 8th house in navamsa chart. These are as follows:

1. Weak Finances and Accidents

Moreover, this house highlights weak finances due to rise in expenses and causes monetary losses. It may also cause physical illness or accidents that may result in sudden untimely death. Thus, rahu in 8th house death is possible for an individual. It can also cause weight-related issues to the native along with psychological disorders. Health can further worsen by the attack of animals such as dogs, snakes and reptiles.

2. Troubled Relationships and Insecurity

This combination affects your relationship with your partner drastically by unresolved grudges, debt, inequalities in the financial status of husband and wife and trust issues. Rahu in 8th house can cause destruction to the natives as they may involve in magic and unnatural forces to hurt others. People who are born with Rahu in 8th house are prone to insincerity and disloyalty. They are insecure about their own work as they lack focus and often face distractions by mere circumstances.

3. Monetary Issues

Natives may receive unearned money in the form of insurance money, gambling, dowry and even theft which will put them in some sort of trouble in the future. It can make native dependent upon others especially for monetary purposes.

4. Issues in Marriage

Rahu in 8th house marriage can easily lead to separation, unhappiness and quarrels in a relationship. It may even cause social humiliation and disrespect due to native’s negative attitude and high ego. The natives of rahu in 8th house marriage may face multiple ups and downs due to native’s mysterious nature and dependency for money.

5. Interest in Supernatural

Rahu in 8th house past life reflects the uncompleted things of the past life that are meant to be fulfilled through desire and occult. It needs the material world, magic, insanity and a healer who understands this desire. You may even face legal troubles and the cases you are involved in may bring negative results for you.

Positive Impact of Rahu in 8th House

It is now time to look at some positive effects of Rahu in 8th house. Its position in the 8th house does not always come with negative effects but can also come around to have positive effects as well. These positive effects are as follows:

1. Spirituality and Awakening

When Rahu is in 8th house, it also means a time for tremendous growth and energy as one has the quest to learn and dive deeper into the world of illusions and mysteries. It can be achieved with the help of a Guru and if channelised with pure intentions. It can even lead you to the road of spirituality and emotional awakening.

2. Secretive Nature and Financial Gains

Natives may even feel a ghostly and paranormal presence around them which may help them to discover mystical secrets. Natives who are in association with professions such as detective, spy and underground communication can benefit from their secretive nature. It can also result in financial gains even though natives do not have to put their sincere efforts into that which will make them feel on top of the world for a short duration of time.

3. Good Communication Skills

Natives may develop a good and useful network through their excellent communication skills and may be perceived as wise and practical by others. Your creativity and innovation will flourish your professional life. As you may develop interest in occult science and spiritual awakening, you may even choose these things as your career.

Rahu in 8th House for Virgo Ascendant :

If Rahu is in connection with Saturn in the 8th house of Virgo , it can easily cause health issues that may take a long time to get diagnosed. On a positive note, as Virgos have great intellectual insights, it may also help them in research-work. However, it will hamper their work even if they put their best efforts. It may cause emotional trauma for the natives that they may even engage in suicidal activities and overthinking.

Rahu in 8th House for Cancer Ascendant :

When Rahu is placed in the 8th house of Cancer, it will give adverse results as Cancer is governed by the Moon which has enmity with Rahu. It can make natives develop the habit of binge-eating and binge-drinking which will negatively affect their health. It can disrupt peace of mind by multiplying stress and anxieties. You may even suffer from abdominal problems such as stomach ache and you may always be worried about your daily-activities and life.

Symptoms of Bad Rahu

Various symptoms such as confusion, loneliness, relationship issues, lack of confidence, low self-esteem and lethargy can be the result of bad Rahu. It may often surface in the form of mental-dizziness, psychological problems and cognitive fall. You may feel difficulty in doing your work and there can be daily-life hassles.

You may indulge yourself in over-thinking and worrying unnecessarily. Your health may seem fragile, and you may feel lethargic every other day. You may begin feeling pessimistic and lose the enthusiasm to work, you may even become easily frustrated and pick-up petty fights with your friends and loved ones. In addition, you may become mysterious in a negative way which will affect your relationships, and this will increase quarrels and misunderstanding between you and your partner.

Rahu in 8th House Remedies

To reduce the ill-effects of Rahu in 8th house, you may consider doing the following remedies. These remedies are given by our expert astrologers. 

These Rahu in 8th house remedies are as follows:

Keep a silver piece in your temple and start wearing silver in the form of a ring, bangle or earrings.
If you can, do perform a Grah Shanti Puja at your home.
You can keep Saunf(fennel) under your pillow.
Do not buy a house facing South.
Do not choose occupations that are in association with electricity or similar fields.
Maintain cordial relations with your in-laws and spouse.
You can worship the goddess, Durga.