
Saturday, August 12, 2023

Dusthanas from lagna - The 6th,8th & 12th houses

The 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are the malefic houses of astrology. Each of these houses has their own lords and their placement in different houses indicates various things. For instance, if the lord of the 6th house is sitting in the first house, then it may gravely affect your health and well-being. The first house represents movement and physical health. So, when the 6th house lord is sitting in the first house, it will restrict your movements and inspire you to introspect and reflect.

Dusthana lord sitting in the dusthana house can take away unpleasant things from your life. Now here, the unpleasant things do not only mean sorrows and suffering. Here, these things also mean your ego, excessive pride, and superficial ambitions. Life is a process of serious evolution, and the houses of the 6th, 8th, and 12th enable us to evolve with grace and courage.

6th House : -
The 6th house is also called the house of sickness. If we want to live happily, this house indicates the importance of being fit and living a healthy life. This house thus indicates the various aspects that are connected with our health and overall well-being. Diet, nutrition, and exercise are all connected to this house. The aspect of good health is deeply connected with the idea of self-improvement. One disease or sickness can disturb our whole life cycle and impede our progress in life. The 6th house is associated with the intestines and digestive tract.

High-stress levels are connected with poor digestive health. Digestion is the core-the centre of our health and our entire well-being revolves around the health of our digestive system. The 6th house strongly suggests that to make an overall improvement in our life, we must learn to take care of our health first. 6th house also reveals the expected duration of a sickness.

The 6th house is also called the Shatru bhava or the house of the enemy. It dictates your relationship with your colleagues, co-workers, laborers, and maternal relatives. This house tests your ability to adapt, adjust, and let go of other's wrongdoings and forgive them. However, this house also emphasizes your inherent strength to fight injustice without losing your power to love. Your competitors, distant relatives, employees, and pets are all associated with this house. The daily activities of paying bills, performing mental jobs, running errands, arguing, fighting, and sacrificing are all associated with the 6th house. The 6th house may also get you into litigation and disputes, but it also gives you the power to fight against them and emerge undefeated.

The 6th house indicates your evolutionary process through helping others. Here, it's your own soul that is brought into connection with the general well-being of people and their service. If you observe yourself carefully, this house will help you to uproot your toxic habits and irrational behavior. This house indicates that you must learn to serve people if you wish to progress in life.


The 8th house is another dusthana and the most dreaded one. This house rules your reproductive system, genitals, private parts, and colon. The 8th house is thus called the House of Sex. Sex is also a transcendental force and leads to the union of body and spirit. It is a universal force that also leads to transformation. The 8th house thus also marks our ability to transform and transcend.

The 8th house indicates things that we have no control over. Aspects like death (of loved ones), murders, and rebirth are beyond our control. If this house indicates things that are beyond our control, then it also connects with the things that we can tame and master. Your deep-seated fears, anxieties, mental weaknesses, and depression have their roots in the 8th house. But, this house also gives us ample power to overcome all of these through the sheer force of our will. This house teaches us to transform our greatest insecurities into lasting strengths. This house drives us deep into ourselves. This house enables us to discover our true selves and explore life to the fullest. This house gives us equal opportunities to love and hate and an equal power to overcome both these powers. Love-hate relationships can go to extremes, but if we learn to keep balance, then it can lead us to uncover our highest truth.

Interactions, relationships, and rituals also connect with the 8th house. This house indicates sudden and abrupt changes in your career, behavioural patterns, and lifestyle. On a daily basis, this house governs taxes, insurance, alimony, and our financial, physical, and emotional health.This house teaches us to clear off toxicity, get rid of meaningless relationships, and embrace change. Though this is the most dreaded house in astrology, great results can be achieved if we learn to channel the power of the eight houses. This is why this house also plays the second most important role in liberation.

12thHouse : - 

The 12th house is called the Vyaya Bhava. This is also the house of Moksha or liberation. The 11th house is the house of growth, ambition, and aspirations. Being placed after the 11th house, the twelfth house is all about transcending these aspirations and going beyond your common objectives in life.

The twelfth house is all about entering the secret realms of dreams and deciphering higher powers. It's here that the real toil of the mind begins-the toils to break free from the bondage of life and death, the toil to overcome deep-rooted fears, and the toil to discover the Ultimate Truth. This house is connected with solitude, secrets, and silent suffering. Jupiter and Ketu are the natural rulers of this house. Both these planets imbibe spiritual powers and propel us to discover the true purpose of our lives.

Relationships, money, fame, and success are all temporary. The nature of the twelfth house emphasises the temporality of these things. Once we transcend these things, this house opens the channels to light and peace. 'Fulfill your spiritual purpose' is the main idea of this house. This house rules the feet and ankles. Ruling the feet and ankles is indicative that one must constantly be on the 'path' to spirituality. The twelfth house also rules the left eye. It's the dominant eye and indicates the accuracy of placing humanitarian goals over personal and selfish needs.

The twelfth house indicates activities like meditation, dreaming, sleeping, secret sorrows, travelling to foreign countries, fantasizing, and drug addiction. This house also makes you incur high expenses and fritter away your money through insurance policies and fat weddings.