
Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Effects of Birth in Various Thithis

The lunar days are called tithis and each month has 
30 tithis, which may vary from 20 to 27 hours . New Moon to Pournami is called Shukla Paksha and Pournami to Amavasya is called Krishna Paksha. 

There are 16 tithis in the Hindu Panchanga. Every 12* difference between Sun & Moon forms a tithi. There are 15 tithis during the Krishnapaksha or dark fortnight and 15 in the Shuklapaksha. 15th Tithi in the Krishna Paksha is Amavasya and the 15th Tithi in Shukla Paksha is Pournami.

Following are the effects of birth in each Thithi ( Both in Krishna paksha and Shukla Paksha) : 

1. People born in the Padyami (1st Thithi)   will be well educated,Wise, will be having a big family, will wear Gold ornaments, will be Gentle men, friends of Kings and will be bright with handsome features.

2. People born in Vidiya ( Dwiteeya) will be Donors, Benevolent,Gentlemen, Wisemen, Greedy minded, Will practice good habits, will be of pleasing personality, and famous.

3. People born in Tadiya ( Truteeya) will be highly educated, will have high levels of libido, will be strong bodied, will be wealthy due to favours from the king, witty, will reside in foreign countries, and will lead a luxurious life.

4. People born on Chavithi (Chaturdhi) will take loans for business or other purposes, will be brave persons, good at warfare, will spend less, will not be kind hearted people, will be interested in gambling, will be argumentative.

5. People born on Panchami will be well built, will be endowed with wife, friends, will enjoy favours from the king, will have charitable nature.

6. People born on Sashti will be speaking only truth, will be endowed with sons and wealth, Will be long legged, will be bright with distinct sparkling features, will be very famous but will have sores on their body.

7. People born on Saptami will knowledgeable, Gentle men , will be wide eyed, will respect sadhus , will be of god worshipping nature, will have girl children more, will be greedy and will steal others money, will win over their enemies.

8. People born on Ashtami will have all kinds of wealth in their possession , will be graceful , will beget sons, will be educational officers in the Government, will be respectful to women but will be agile. 

9. People born on Navami will be averse to help relatives, will talk tough , will be against knowledgeable people, will not adhere to usual dharmic practices but will be supportive to those who practice. 

10. People born on Dasami will be dharmic in nature, will be prosperous and will have grandeur, will be long necked, will be liberal minded, will be knowledgeable in various Sastras, will be ethical in nature, will have high libido.

11. People born on Ekadasi will be God and Brahmin worshippers, will be of charitable nature, peaceful minded, will be scholars, will do dharmic deeds and will be doing only good deeds. 

12. People born on Dwadasi will be efficient, will be always in their own home, will lead a luxurious life, will donate food to the needy, will get wealth from the Government, will beget sons. 

13. People born on Trayodasi will be satwic in nature, will have long neck, will beget sons, will be task masters, will be witty and will have high libido.

14. People born on Chaturdasi will be cruel natured, will like humour, will have high libido, will contradict themselves on issues, can be easily aroused for fights or arguments. 

15. People born on Pournami  will have tender body, will have lawfully earned money, will always be happy, will have excessive luxuries , will be compassionate, will tend to be dharmic always. 

16. People born on Amavasya will be peaceful in nature, will respect parents, will have hard earned money, will like to always travel, will have respect and fame, will have less influence, will be slim bodied.