
Monday, October 30, 2023

Rahu and Ketu transit 2023 for Simha/ Leo ascendant and moon sign


This period will bring in radical changes in your life. It's a transitional phase for you. You can feel a disconnect with your family. There will be lack of stability and you might feel that there is no ground beneath your feet but it's a phase and it is required to prep you for the coming chapters in your life. It can be a bit uncomfortable but these changes are important for your growth. This is not the time to hoard things but let yourself free. You will develop interest in mysterious, lesser known subjects or occult. You have to maintain a balance between your things you want to hold on to and the things you wanna let go. You might feel extreme of these emotions where you may want to have all the materialistic wealth and at the same time a wish to let it all go and you gravitating towards hermitage.