
Friday, December 8, 2023

Mars out of combustion from today 08.12.2023

Today is Karteeka Krishna Ekadasi and nakshatra is Hastha till 08:54 am and Chitta from then. 

Both Ekadasi and Chitta nakshtra are ruled over by Mars/Kuja. Today is a good day to recite any mantra of  Kuja or Lord Subhramnyeswara for reducing the ill effects of a badly placed Mars in horoscope. 

Kuja Ashtottara Satha Namavali can be recited as many times as possible. Kuja Homa can be done. 

These remedies are useful particularly to those who have Kuja dosha in their horoscope. Those who are running the maha dasa of Kuja and Kuja in their horoscope is placed in the signs of Karkataka or Kumbha or is otherwise weak. 

Mars is coming out of Combustion from Today and will be with beneficial strength. Following are the effects of Mars coming out of combustion on each rasi : 

Mesha rasi people will experience improvements in their favour in any land disputes with brothers and co borns. 

Vrushabha rasi people will see their relation improve with their spouse and or business partners. 

Midhuna rasi people will see an improvement in their health. They will dominate their opponents. 

Karkataka rasi people will see improvement in their relation with their children. Children will have improvement in their health. 

Simha rasi people will be able to complete purchase of lands or vehicles which they are trying to purchase  from long time. Their mother's health will improve. 

Kanya rasi people will experience improved relations with their co borns. They will have to travel for travel. Kanya rasi people will also win in sports competitions and win awards. 

For Tula rasi people, family disputes will resolve and health of spouse will improve. 

For Vrischika rasi people, health with improve and they will experience more vitality.These people will win over their enemies and succeed in any competitions. Job conditions will improve. 

For Dhanu Rasi people, these people will be able to control their emotions and will come out of any depression. These people will be happy with the achievements of their children. Long distance travels will fructify. 

Makara rasi people will have more income. These people will get gains from the government. Time is favourable for these people to purchase lands and vehicles. Mother's health will improve. 

Kumbha rasi people will have better relations with their co borns. There will improvement in career oppurtunities. Higher ups will be supportive. 

Meena Rasi people will have gains from property deals. Familly disputes if any will resolve. These people will get good food. They will be more lucky. Father's health will improve. There will be gains from paternal property.