
Monday, December 11, 2023

Rahu in the 8th House - Part 1

If Mesha/Aries is the 8th house and the native is born when Rahu is in Mesha, the native will be a criminal.8th house represents the longevity of the natie and with Rahu placed here adversely effects the life span of the native.  8 th is the house which represents Crime, Conspiracy and Serious trouble. Being a Sign of Mars and also being the 8th house , the native will be rash and quarrelsome. The native will be involved in Criminal Undercover activities. These activities may land up the native in unexpected and sudden troubles. When Rahu is in the 2nd pada of Bharani in the sign between 16 degree 4 mins and 20 degrees, the native will become an atheist. Rahu in Aswini also will make the person not interested in religion. The native may also seek to harm his enemies through occult practices when Rahu is in Aswini. Rahu in Bharani will make the native a sexual pervert and make him do crimes related to sex. In some cases where Rahu is in Bharani, the native may go abroad and may meet his end there. The mother of the native too will be involved in clandestine love relations which may bring her a disrepute. Rahu in Krittika will effect the health of the father of the native. Rahu in contact with Mercury here,will make the native ill. Rahu in contact with Jupiter will make the mother of the native ill. When Rahu is in contact with Saturn by aspect or conjunction with Saturn , will make the native suffer from untreatable diseases. 

If Vrishabha/Taurus is the 8th house and Rahu is placed in it: Rahu in Vrushabha is said to be placed in his sign of exaltation in Vrushabha rasi. How ever , being placed in the 8 th house Rahu will lessen the longevity of the native. Vrushabha rasi is the sign owned by faminine Sukra/Venus. Rahu placed in this sign will make the native to be of poor conduct and will make him commit reprehensible acts. The native will always indulge in a luxurious way of life and waste his money on material pleasures. This position of Rahu in the 8th house and in Vrushabha rasi will make the native suffer from venereal diseases. If Rahu is connected to Saturn or Mars , the other malefics, the native will commit financial frauds relating to insurance, legacies and wills. Rahu here in contact with Saturn will result in the native contacting untreatable diseases. In some cases Rahu in this house will make the native a researcher. Rahu placed in Rohini nakshatra will cause foreign travels. If Rahu is in Mrigasira nakshatra owned by Mars, the native may resort to violence to achieve material success. The native may die in mysterious circumstances.

If Midhuna/Gemini is the 8th house and Rahu is placed in it : This means the native will be of Vrischika lagna. The native will have unstable wealth. Wealth will come and go. This placement of Rahu in the 8th house in Midhuna will effect the longevity of the individual. The native will contact difficult to diagnos illnesses. The native will be secretive in nature. He will communicate in coded language. He will be interested in mysteries. When Rahu is in Mrigasira, the native will be manipulative. He will always try to defraud others. If Rahu is in Punarvasu nakshatra the native may gain wealth through unethical means. As Midhuna is a sign of Mercury, the native with Rahu here may write and publish Pornographic literature. 

If Karkataka/Cancer is the 8th house and Rahu is placed in it : The native will have lagna in Dhanu/Sagittarius. Rahu placed here will cause the native to travel distant and far countries but the native may not prosper there. This placement of Rahu will also lessen the longevity of the native. The native will not be of good conduct. His mother will suffer due to his wrong deeds. The relatives of the native will not have a good opinion on this person and will avoid him. Rahu in the 8th house placed in the sign of Moon will cause the native to commit sins.   

To Be Continued ...