
Monday, January 1, 2024

Moon Sign Horoscopes 2024

Mesha/ Aries - Great opportunity for money and income will arise. Keep track of food intake as health issues related to lifestyle can arise.

Be disciplined throughout the year. This year is favorable for embarking upon travels and learning expeditions. You will focus on family and work more and build your assets. Beware of over spending this year.

Money is definitely the highlight of the coming year.

Vrishabha/Taurus - This year will bring lots of blessings for you. If you are running dasha of marriage then it will also happen. On the work front you will face challenges and overcome them with grit and perseverance.

Its a good year to go for pilgrimage and connect with your family deities and do puja for them.

This is also a good time for those who want children. You can move away from home for work related issues and take care of your mother's health. A lot of options for gains will open up and you will get a chance to widen your network.

Midhuna/Gemini - Spiritual growth will be a milestone for you this year. You will move away from rigid mental constructs and embrace more fluid and vast ideas.

Work will get you opportunities, you will want to focus entirely on your job.

You can move away to a foreign country or make major changes at home. It's a very transformative year for you. You go past major obstacles and defeat your enemies.

Will get in touch with your deeper self

Karkataka/Cancer - You are at a cusp of major life changes in education, work and relationships. Blessings will be coming your way through your network circle as you learn to navigate in the extroverted zone.

You are brimming full of new ideas and want to express them constructively. You will get ample opportunity to do so if you can remain organised and complete one task at a time.

Your plate will be full Cancerians and expansion of your network circle will bring abundance for you.

However some aspects of your life you will lose forever but it needs to be shed in order to grow. There is a good chance you will get something that was hidden from you .

Simha/Leo - You are going to get very busy with work. The expansion in your work opportunities will be resounding.

It will also be a year where you will patch things up with your family if you have drifted apart. There can be delays in marriage and relationships can be a source of struggle but you will get a lot of blessings in terms of wealth and work.

You can also buy new properties or renovate your home in 2024.

Travel across the sea and indulging in the occult is also a probability.

Kanya/Virgo - You have been feeling so out of touch with reality and lazy lately with all the over work. 2024 will give you a deep dive into your own self and you will begin to loosen a bit.

On the health front you can struggle but self discipline will help you avoid any major problems. Take care of your diet as it will affect your well being.

With all the hard work you have been putting in, you have to take care of your mental health also. You will be tempted towards relationships that can make the wrong decision so be careful. Excellent year for travel and learning.

Tula/Libra - This year has solitude, spirituality, freedom, breaking cycles, going towards occult, caring for yourself away from prying eyes written all over it.

Secrecy should be your top priority as the 3 of the slow moving planets will be transiting your trik bhavas. This will put you in a pickle materially but for emotional growth it's a great year. You don't want to express yourself completely as yet and you are brewing under the surface before the big reveal. Work hard in silence for now.

Wealth wise you can have opportunities through your in-laws or spouse. It is a time for character development and growing yourself as a person.

A great opportunity can come from a foreign land. You will feel detached from your relationship and compatibility will be put to the test. Feeling detached from family can also be an issue. But everything is temporary. Take it slow and steady.

Vruschika/Scorpio - Marriage is on the cards if you are going through the dasha. Your health will improve and material happiness around you will increase. You will be more giving and and focus on the needs of others before you.

Mentally this time can be daunting as you will feel that no one is soothing you emotionally. You want seclusion from friends and want to take some time off to declutter your mind by reading a lot or meditating

Creatively it's a great time as you will be brimming full of ideas. Romance and relationships will be on the cards.

Changes in the workplace will also take place.

Dhanu / Sagittarius - Health is going to be a major issue for you this year. Make the correct lifestyle choices. Material gains will also be top priority and expansion in your field of work is probable. You are aiming for security and stability now.

You don't want to take any unnecessary risks and focus your energy on building wealth rather than having fun and adventure.

You want to have exquisite things in your house, want comfort and it is a good time for you to get organised and include positive rituals and habits in your life.

Don't take any debts

Makara/Capricorn - You have gone through some rough years and now some semblance of abundance and happiness will come to your life. Your learning curve has been daunting and the time to reap fruits is here.

You feel courageous, you want to try new things, you are feeling closer to the Gods and feeling spiritual.

You have let go of a lot and severed some major problematic relationships and people who were important to you earlier and you feel lighter and more focussed towards the goals

Money wise you will get a lot of opportunities. It's time to be focused on your goals, study and creativity. You can also think about plunging into a business.

Declutter and remain focused this year. Your good time is around the corner.

Kumbha/ Aquarius - You are riding the waves already since Saturn is giving you teaching of a life time.

Although you will receive nourishment and comfort this year and try to back your mental peace. A lot of emotional activity will take your time and you will expand spiritually.

You will get confused about what is actually important to you in this life and what your purpose is. This year will be dedicated to figuring out what your calling is. What to keep and what to let go is a big dilemma right now but all is good as you will be comfortable with yourself and happiness will be there.

Meena/Pisces - Very eventful years are ahead for you. You should travel as much as possible. Many of you will relocate. If you want to launch a business then this can be a good year.

You have been focusing on security for a long time and now it is time to get into untested waters. Be expressive and confident, meet people, spend time with your close ones. You will really get out of your shell.

Many of you will consider going back to school or learning some new skills or languages