
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Saturn's Ashtakavarga

1.If Saturn occupies Lagna devoid of bindus in his own ashtakavarga,there will be either death or loss of wealth and suffering.
2.If Saturn,invested with 1 to 4 bindus,is in a kendra or is exalted,one will have short life.
3.When Saturn is in lagna,associated with 5 or 6 bindus,one will meet with all sorts of worries,financial upsets,etc from birth.If however Saturn associated with 5 or 8 bindus is debilitated or in an inimical sign,one will have a long life.
4.If Saturn is associated with 8 bindus,the native becomes head of a village panchayat or a muncipal commissioner or a mayor,if with 7 bindus,he will earn money by trade and allied activities.
5.If saturn is powerfully disposed in lagna,associated with 4 or 5 bindus one will always lead a life of sorrow,begging alms and suffering in travails.
6.When saturn is debilitated in navamsa and endowed with 5 or more bindus occupies lagna or the 5th house,one suffers from laryngeal troubles and poverty. will not live long but will become fortunate if saturn,endowed with 4 bindus but not exalted or occupying own house,is in lagna or the 4th.
8.If saturn endowed with 5 or more bindus is in a debilitated sign is occupying and exalted/own navamsa,one will live long,and possessed of wealth and happiness.
9.There will be influx of wealth through various sources,if saturn,endowed with 1 to 3 bindus,in his own house or navamsa,occupying a a quadrant or a trine.
10.kingship or an equal status will be the result when saturn as lord of 9th and 10th has 1 to 3 bindus and occupies the 3rd,6th or 11th house.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ashtakavarga System - Some Observations

An analysis of the Bhava chalita chart along with Ashtakavarga  gives an excellent insight into the native's life. In continuation to my earlier post in this context i would like to put forth my experience on the use of this system.I can definitely say, simply reading the Sarvashtaka varga and the Bhinnashtakavarga scores one can easily determine the life pattern of the native in various perspectives  whose chart is under study.

My preferences :
Software: Jagannatha Hora
House system : Lagna is the middle point of the first house
and Parasara's ashtaka varga principles.
(Default Jagannatha Hora settings)

I prefer to first, have a look at the Sarvaashtaka varga of the Bhava Chalita Chart and decide upon the class of the chart.

The pointers to look for in any chart under study:

1.Sarvaashtakavarga scores of  each of the bhavas are to be looked upon to see which bhava is the strongest and which is the weakest. The bhavas having weakest scores are the areas where the native will suffer in his life time.When will the effects be felt will have to be studied as per the transits and Vimsottari Dasa  or the applicable conditional dasas.

If  the 10 th house has 40 or more points the native is definitely going to have positive results in his career.But if we study the 5th house of Power,along with the 10th house and if that too contains 40 points we can deduce the native  will be in a high profile profession.The natives who have this kind of a combination are generally observed to be in Politics or IAS /IPS etc.

In this context i would like to add that the concept of Bhavath Bhavam is very useful.I mean wealth of the spouse can be studied from the 8th as it is the 2nd house from the 7th. 8th house is also studied for longevity,debts,diseases,ill fame etc.If the house has more than 35 score then we can say that the spouse of the native will be moderately wealthy.If the native has 40 points in his second bhava and the 8 th house has 35 points then we can deduce that the native is more wealthier than his spouse.

Also if the SAV strength of the Lagna is 35 and the same for the third bhava is 40, then the brother of the native will definitely be better than the native.

If the SAV Strength of the 9th bhava is above 40 points signifies that the religious inclination of the native will be very high.

2.Bhinnashtakavarga scores of each planet

The Sum of the Bhinnaashtakavarga strengths of  Jupiter and Saturn if both put together  is more than 8, then the native will be having more than satisfactory results overall in his life time,as both planets are the most influential planets in any horoscope.           
As per Krushna's Ashtakavarga system the planet having more than 4 points in its bhinnashtakavarga are to be treated as benefic/exalted planets irrespective of their placement.

Bhinnashtakavarga scores also help in determining the nature of results the planet is inclined to give in its Vimsottari dasa.The planet having 6 points in its BAV will give results of an exalted planet its dasa.How ever this has to be studied along with other indicators like Ishta-Kashta Phala etc

The above pointers give an insight into the life of the native as a whole.

Ashtakavarga and Planetary Transits:
 Studying transits is not complete with out considering the bhinnashtakavarga strength of the planet under study.For example: If Saturn is transiting Aries and if it is 8th house from moon, its debilitation raasi and Saturn has 4 points in Aries,then we can deduce that Saturn is beneficial in 4 kakshyas  out of the 8 kakshyas in raasi even though the transit of 8 th house is very bad. Saturn will be beneficial in the kakshyas of the planets who have contributed a point in that raasi.

The sum of the Bhinnashtakavarga score of  Jupiter and Saturn in the raasis in which they are in transit,gives the level of positive or negative trends in the natives life in that period. For example: Jupiter has 5 points in Aries where it is currently transiting and Saturn has 5 points in Virgo where it is currently transiting,the sum is 10 out of 16 which is 62.5% favourable trends in the current transit.

Ashtakavarga and Rasi Dasas
The SAV Score of the raasi whose dasa is running will greatly help in quantifying the results of that rasi.

Ashtakavarga and Divisional charts:

In my experience,the ashtakavarga system seems to work very well in the divisional charts too.For example, if Saturn is transiting a raasi containing 40 points in the D16 chart and has BAV of 4 points or more,the native will definitely acquire a vehicle.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Natural Disasters 2010

In 2010 many natural disasters occured. Following are the major natural disasters occured in 2010.
1. Earth quake in haiti.
The Haiti earthquake was a vey sweer natural disaster in 2010. Its manitude was 7.0. Its centre was located in leoane which is a small town. with an epicentre near the town of Leogane, leogane is 25 km away from the haiti. This earthquake has attacked haiti on january 12 2010.  It was estamated that 230000 people had died and 300000 had injured. Beside this more than 1000000 people had lost their homes.
The financial loss was also very huge. Rescue work for the betterment of victims in haiti is still in proress.

2. Earth quake in chile
Chile earth quake was one of the biggest earth un the history of chile. 27 feb 2010 was very unlucky day for the people of chile. Because the most sweer earthquake attacked chile on this day. The magnitude magnitude of this earth quake was 8.8. This earthquake proved extremely destructive due to its lasting time of 3 minutes. This major earthquake had ignited tsunami due which many coasts of chille had vanished. This earthquake had damaged nearly 80% of the chile population.

3. Pakistan Flooding
Heavy monsoons rains in pakistan had ignited heavy flood in various areas of country. This flood was the most heavy flood in the 100 years history of pakistan. It had effected many areas like punjab, khyber pakhtoon khawa, Balochistan, sindh. The death rate caused by this flood was nearly 2000. The people afected by the flood was nearly 20 million. This flood had damaed the 20% of pakistan land.
The rescue operation for the rescue of victims is in process.

4. Russian Heatwave
Russian heat wave is the most recent natural disaster. An extreme heat wave had produced destructive affects on many countries near russia. This heat wave had produced destructive effect on thousands of people. Actually this heat wave was produced due to climate warming.  This type of heat wave can be stopped by mainting the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to pre industrial level.

Monday, May 2, 2011

What happened to Dorji Khandu - CM of Arunachal Pradesh ???

As per the planetary placements at the time of take off of the helicopter, the helicopter should have caught fire and exploded in the mid air due to technical snag, killing all the people.And after exploding, the remains should have crashed near the Border to China.

This is the chart drawn for the helicopter take off time of Mr.Dorji Khandu on Saturday 30.04.2011 at 09.50 AM.

Ascendant was Karkataka.The Ascendant lord Moon is very weak in shadbala even though in the 9th house which is acually a good place of the ascendant lord to be.As per classics, if lagna lord is in 9th house the native will travel to a foreign place.

If the planetary placements and aspects are checked at the time of take off, Moon, the ascendant lord is with Jupiter,Mars,Venus  and Mercury in Pisces.

Jupiter and Mars are in conjunction just away from each other by about 2 degrees. Jupiter signifies Akaasa Tatwa and Mars signifies Agni tatwa.Mars is the karaka for the fire accidents.

Mercury is in debilitation. Mercury signifies communication.

There is an opposition between Saturn which is retrograde and Venus.Venus is the significator for Luxurious Vehicles.And Saturn is a malefic for this Ascendant by being the 7th and 8 th lord

The most important aspect to note is, the Ascendant lord Moon is conjunct with Uranus(Indra Graha) and is just away by 1 degree from it. Uranus signifies all the Technical Issues and is in Visha dagdhaamsa in Shastyamsa which is bad.

Apart from Mercury, the other 3 planets which are in Pisces along with Moon are inimical towards the Ascendant lord Moon. Mercury was neutral to Moon but is in debilitation.Significantly all the Planets are in the star of Mercury.Being in the star of Mercury,they give the result of debilitated Mercury as Mercury is debilitated in Pisces. Mercury is a malefic for this ascendant being the 3rd and 12th lord.The twelth house and its lord signify accidents.