
Friday, August 19, 2011

Asteroid Strike/Mysterious Explosion - The Tunguska Event

The Event

Siberian mysterious explosion or meteor strike that flattened all the trees for many miles in the wilderness.

Data Source : Astro Data Bank/Nature:Asteriod Strike

This is the Event chart of the Explosion/Meteor Strike which happened in Siberia on June 30th 1908.The time has been rated by Astro Data Bank as 'A'.
This shows the time is credible.

Though Classical Astrology texts do not mention Uranus,Neptune and Pluto, in this event their presence and impact is clearly seen.

In Raasi Chart

The Cancer lagna(Ascendant) is in Utpataamsa in D-60

Lagna has Debilitated Mars,the significator of accidents.Jupiter too is placed in Lagna which is its exaltation sign but is debilitated in Navamsa.

At the time of the event,including Neptune and Pluto there were Seven Planets in the Sign Gemini.This definitely signifies a very big event.

Gemini is the 12th from the Ascendant.The 12th house shows mysterious/accidental happenings and Rahu too being involved in the conjunction in the 12th house gives the mystery angle to the whole issue.

Mercury,Venus and Uranus are retrograde making them more powerful.

Out of the planets in Conjunction Moon,Venus,Mercury and Neptune are in the Star of Jupiter. Jupiter's Adhistana Devata is Indra which shows all these planets are acting as per the wish of Indra the King of Gods.

The most important aspect of this conjunction is Mercury who is considered as the messenger of Gods, is just one degree away from Neptune(Varuna).We know Neptune/Varuna is the god of Rain and in this case might have caused the asteroid fall.

Venus too is just with in One degree of Neptune.

All the Planets in Gemini are in aspect with the Galactic centre.
More so Rahu/Ketu which are just within three degrees to the Galactic centre.

Pluto in conjunction with Rahu/Ketu and the  retrograde Uranus/Indra and Neptune/Varuna being away 180 degrees and exactly opposing each other and this opposition/conjunction happening over the Vishnu Nabhi/Galactic Centre is of significance.

The Trimsamsa chart for the time too shows a very strong relation between Uranus and Neptune with both the planets being within two degrees in Gemini and Mercury which too is very close to both the planets with in one degree.

Ayanamsa taken:Lahiri