
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Accident and PLANETS

The Accident took place on 26.04.1986 at 1.23 Am at Chernobyl.

There were drastic planetary configurations which obviously were the cause for the Nuclear Power plant accident.

The Planetary formations which were the reason for the accident are as follows :

1.Sun the Planet which signifies Atomic Power is in Aries in conjunction with Rahu.The conjunction is with both the planets being with in 5 degrees of each other.Aries is a fire sign.Sun is in the Star of Ketu which signifies that there will be unexpected events/accidents related to the significations of the Sun(Atomic power plant in this case).

2.The above conjunction is strongly aspected by a Retrograde Pluto from Libra which is an airy sign.Pluto is in exact oppositon with Sun in Libra just above 180 degrees .Pluto is also in the star of Rahu.The aspect of Pluto from the airy sign signifies spread of radiation to nearby areas.

3.In the Navamsa too at the time of the accident Sun is in oppositon to Pluto

4.At the time of Accident, Mars being the dispositor of Sun and Rahu and who signifies accidents and fire is in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is again a fire sign.

5.Ketu is in the 12 th house of accidents from the Scorpio lagna signifying proneness to accidents in that time.

The Event :
Russian nuclear power planet explosion. Reactor No.4 exploded and caught fire, contaminating vast areas of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus and spewing a radioactive cloud over Europe. The Kremlin tried to conceal the accident and delayed evacuation of people from nearby towns for days. Firefighters and other workers who were the first at the destroyed reactor had little or no protection from radiation.

More than 4,000 cleanup workers died and 70,000 were disabled by radiation in Ukraine alone. About 3.4 million of Ukraine's 50 million population are considered affected. The Ukraine will suffer effects of the accident for years to come. Millions of its citizens are affected by radiation-related ailments.

Since the accident, the plant experienced many malfunctions, and it was an immense relief to not only the Ukraine but the people of the world when the plant was closed 14 years later.