
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Planetary Alignments in June 2012

There will be pooling of planets in the sign Taurus on 22 May 2012 as six planets will be conjunct with the eclipsed Sun.

Thus the Earthy sign of Taurus being afflicted by combust planets with Ketu may trigger earthquake, as the eclipse node point is at 6°18’ in Taurus in the constellation Krittika.

The month of June will see a Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio on 4th. The Lunar eclipse will occur in the constellation of Jyeshta (2nd pada) at 20°12’ in Scorpio. This eclipse will be significant, because Mars will occupy the mid point between the sign of Taurus and Scorpio. All the planets, except for Saturn, will occupy the Fixed signs. The planets will form a Trine between Taurus, Leo and Scorpio ( Earth sign =5 planets, Fire = 1 Planet, Watery =2 planets). Mars will aspect its own sign Scorpio, when the Lunar eclipse occurs as Partial eclipse in the region of Australia and Southeast Asia. As the eclipse involves parts of Seismic activity zone, there is a strong indication for earthquake and Tsunami to occur around this time.

The month of June will witness another spectacular phenomenon which is a rare incident in the history of Astronomy. On 6 June 2012, Venus will cross the disk of the Sun, which will be visible and can be observed. A Black Dot will appear in the Sun disk, which is the passage of the Venus. It will be visible at 7:02 hrs in Delhi and 9:32 hrs in Singapore. It will also be Visible in its entirety from Hawaii, Alaska, Australia, the Pacific and eastern Asia, with the beginning of the transit visible from North America. The next such phenomena will occur only in 2117. The constellation Rohini (4th pada) will be involved in exact conjunction of Venus and Sun at 21°42’, Venus will still be in retrogression. Sun will move to Gemini on 15 June 2012. Mars will enter Virgo on 22 June 2012 and become associated with Saturn. Venus will become Direct on 27 June 2012.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ketu in First House - Various sources


तनुस्थः सिखी बान्धवक्लेस कर्ता तधा दुर्जनेभ्यो भयं वयाकुलत्वं 
कलत्रादिचिन्ता सदोद्वेगता च सरीरे व्यधा नैकधा मारुतीस्यात 

If ketu is in the first house the native will trouble his relatives,terrorise his enemies,will always be worried about women and children and would be troubled by vaata 


यदा लग्नगस्चेच्छिखी सूत्र कर्ता  !
सरोगादभोगो भयंव्यग्रताच !!
कलत्रादिचिन्ता महोद्वेगताच  !
सरीरे प्रबाधाव्यधा मारुतस्य  !!

If Ketu is in the lagna the native would be a formulator,would be diseased,a coward,worried about his wife,overly anxious and be afflicted by vaata 

Jataka Paarijaatam

क्रूरो दयाधर्म विहीनसीलो राहौ विलज्ञोपगथेतु रोगी 
केतौ विलग्ने सरुजोतिलुब्धः सोउम्येक्षिते राजसमानभोगी 

If Rahu is in the lagna the native will be of wicked nature,be diseased,bereft of dharma and uncharitable and would not benefit any one.
If ketu is in the lagna,the native will be diseased and very frugal natured.


लग्ने कृतघ्नमसुखं पिसुणं विवर्णं 
स्थानच्युतं विकल देहामत्समाजं 
पातः परान्ननिरतं कुरुते धनस्तः 

If ketu is in lagna,the native will be unfaithful,bereft of happiness,would be interfering in the matters of others and complaining on them,would be an outcaste,would be out of his place,would have incomplete organs,would befriend manipulating personalities.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Apocalypse 2012

This is the chart for the time when Sun aligns with the Galactic centre on 21.12.2012 this year which is hyped to be the day when the world is going to end. I wish to present some wild thoughts which are definitely interesting to note from an astrological perspective(Nirayana system).The chart drawn for 11.11 am on this date is appended for reference. The chart shows some important features definitely.  Following are the features i observed :

1.All the planets excepting Jupiter and Saturn are on the Hind side of the Rahu/Ketu axis. Saturn,the significator of masses, is in the face of Rahu.

2.Pluto is transiting over the Galactic centre,which is the origin of the universe.Pluto is what we call the Yama graha which is the planet of death.Pluto is in conjunction with Sun who is the reason of life.
3.Saturn is in opposition to Pluto in Navamsa.Navamsa shows the innerself .
4.Both the planets are in conjunction in Sagittarius,the Galactic Center,in Trimsamsa,which shows evils.
5.In Khavedamsa(D40) too both the planets are in conjunction  in Scorpio and Rahu/Ketu are very close to the Galactic centre.The Khavedamsa chart shows Auspicious and Inauspicious events.Another aspect in the D40 chart is the exact conjunction of Sun and Pluto which are with in 2 degrees to each other.This close conjunction of Sun and Pluto in D40 in the mysterious Scorpio by being the Eigth house of the natural zodiac signifies sudden events related to atomic power or life force.
6.In Ashtamsa D8 ,Rahu/Ketu are in Sagittarius and Pluto is in Scorpio.
7.Rasi Chart has Jupiter and Saturn  in mutual 6/8 positions which is not auspicious and Jupiter at this time is in Mrityamsa in D60. In D40 Sun,Jupiter,Saturn and Pluto are in Yamaamsa.

The conjunctions of Saturn and Pluto which are evident in all the varga charts which show evils is definitely of much importance as the conjunction/opposition signifies mass destructions.The Role of the mysterious Scorpio too is very much evident.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

India's Mahatmya Saham and Visits of Prominent Leaders

Jupiter is currently at 7 Degrees Aries and is about to transit over the Mahatmya Saham  which is at 13 degrees Aries as per the Indian Independence chart. Last time when Jupiter transited over the saham in March 2000,Bill Clinton visited India .

This is again happening on March 4 th 2012.

Last year this transit happened twice due to  Jupiter turning retrograde and hovering to and fro over the Saham.

The First transit over the saham was  on July 19,2011 and In June, Prime Minister of New Zealand John Key visited India.

Second transit was on October 11,2011, Hamid Karzai,the Afghan President visited India.

When ever the transit over the Mahatmya saham happens for India, Jupiter would be  in Kshiteesamsa in D-60

Kshiteesa denotes the lord of Rubble.Saturn and Venus are Vahni amsa. These two are the planets closely influencing Jupiter at the time of the transit this time(24.03.2012) . Vahni denotes a large army.The person visiting would be having these characteristics for sure by being the chief of a large army and by being the lord of a country which is in problems. 

Will it be Barack Obama who will be visiting or will it be the president of Japan ?? is to be seen.
The chances of Obama visiting are very high. In his chart there is a Jupiter- Saturn conjunction in his Ascendant and at the time of  transit over the saham,  Jupiter and Saturn are related by being in an opposition to  each other and in close conjunction/opposition to the saham.

Disclaimer: Above observations are made only on an astrological perspective and may not be true.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Nirvana Shatkam

॥ निर्वाण षटकम्॥
मनो बुद्ध्यहंकारचित्तानि नाहम् न च श्रोत्र जिह्वे न च घ्राण नेत्रे
न च व्योम भूमिर् न तेजॊ न वायु: चिदानन्द रूप: शिवोऽहम् शिवॊऽहम् ॥

न च प्राण संज्ञो न वै पञ्चवायु: न वा सप्तधातुर् न वा पञ्चकोश:
न वाक्पाणिपादौ न चोपस्थपायू चिदानन्द रूप: शिवोऽहम् शिवॊऽहम् ॥

न मे द्वेष रागौ न मे लोभ मोहौ मदो नैव मे नैव मात्सर्य भाव:
न धर्मो न चार्थो न कामो ना मोक्ष: चिदानन्द रूप: शिवोऽहम् शिवॊऽहम् ॥

न पुण्यं न पापं न सौख्यं न दु:खम् न मन्त्रो न तीर्थं न वेदा: न यज्ञा:
अहं भोजनं नैव भोज्यं न भोक्ता चिदानन्द रूप: शिवोऽहम् शिवॊऽहम् ॥

न मृत्युर् न शंका न मे जातिभेद: पिता नैव मे नैव माता न जन्म
न बन्धुर् न मित्रं गुरुर्नैव शिष्य: चिदानन्द रूप: शिवोऽहम् शिवॊऽहम् ॥

अहं निर्विकल्पॊ निराकार रूपॊ विभुत्वाच्च सर्वत्र सर्वेन्द्रियाणाम्
न चासंगतं नैव मुक्तिर् न मेय: चिदानन्द रूप: शिवोऽहम् शिवॊऽहम् ॥

English Transliteration:

Mano Budhyahankaar Chitani Naaham, Na Cha Shrotra Jihve Na Cha Ghraana netre
Na Cha Vyoma Bhumir Na Tejo Na Vayuh, Chidananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham
Na Cha Praana Sanjno Na Vai Pancha Vaayuhu, Na Vaa Sapta Dhaatur Na Va Pancha Koshah
Na Vaak Paani Paadau Na Chopasthapaayuh, Chidaananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham
Na Me Dvesha Raagau Na Me Lobha Mohau, Mado Naiva Me Naiva Maatsarya Bhaavah
Na Dharmo Na Chaartho Na Kaamo Na Moksha, Chidaananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham
Na Punyan Na Paapan Na Saukhyan Na Dukham, Na Mantro Na Tirthan Na Vedaah Na Yajnaah
Aham Bhojanan Naiv Bhojyan Na Bhoktaa, Chidaananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham
Na Mrityur Na Shanka Na Me Jaati Bhedah, Pitaa Naiva Me Naiva Maataa Na Janma
Na Bandhur Na Mitram Guru Naiva Shishyah, Chidaananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham
Aham Nirvikalpo Niraakaara Rupo, Vibhutvaaccha Sarvatra Sarvendriyaanaam
Na Chaa Sangatan Naiva Muktir Na meyah Chidananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham

1) I am not mind, nor intellect, nor ego, nor the reflections of inner self. I am not the five senses. I am beyond that. I am not the ether, nor the earth, nor the fire, nor the wind (i.e. the five elements). I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva, love and pure consciousness.

2) Neither can I be termed as energy (Praana), nor five types of breath (Vaayu), nor the seven material essences (dhaatu), nor the five coverings (panca-kosha). Neither am I the five instruments of elimination, procreation, motion, grasping, or speaking. I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva, love and pure consciousness.

3) I have no hatred or dislike, nor affiliation or liking, nor greed, nor delusion, nor pride or haughtiness, nor feelings of envy or jealousy. I have no duty (dharma), nor any money, nor any desire (refer: kama), nor even liberation (refer: moksha). I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva, love and pure consciousness.

4) I have neither virtue (punya), nor vice (paapa). I do not commit sins or good deeds, nor have happiness or sorrow, pain or pleasure. I do not need mantras, holy places, scriptures, rituals or sacrifices (yajna). I am none of the triad of the observer or one who experiences, the process of observing or experiencing, or any object being observed or experienced. I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva, love and pure consciousness.

5) I do not have fear of death, as I do not have death. I have no separation from my true self, no doubt about my existence, nor have I discrimination on the basis of birth. I have no father or mother, nor did I have a birth. I am not the relative, nor the friend, nor the guru, nor the disciple. I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva, love and pure consciousness.

6) I am all pervasive. I am without any attributes, and without any form. I have neither attachment to the world, nor to liberation. I have no wishes for anything because I am everything, everywhere, every time, always in equilibrium. I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva, love and pure consciousness.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Time of death - Jatakabharanam

Rasi wise timing of death of natives has been given in Jatakabharanam which will be useful for research  :

इति प्रणीतं निर्याणं प्राचीन मुनिसंमतं
युवनैरुदितंयत्र सविस्तरमधोच्यते 

In this sloka Sri Dhundi Raaja daivagna says that as said by Yavanacharya and which has the acceptance of the ancient sages i am hereby giving out the Chandra Niryana Yogas.

As said in the above sloka,the author says the time of death of the natives,raasi wise.Let us see what he says for each raasi.


पक्षेबुधेनवंयाञ्च निसीधीच सिरोरुजा 
निधनं जायोते नृणां जन्मनीन्दा वाजस्थिते

For Mesha rasi natives,death will be on a Wednesday,Navami thithi,after midnight and due to disease of the head.

Vrishabha rasi

माघमानेसनंयञ्च शुक्लपक्षे भृगोर्थिने 
रोहिण्यां विधानं विद्याज्जन्मनीन्दा वृष्स्थिते 

For Vrishabha raasi natives the time of death will be in Magha sukla navami,Friday and in the time of Rohini Nakshtra

Mithuna rasi

मध्याह्ने हस्तनक्षत्रे  निर्यानंखलु निर्दिशेत 
इत्युक्तं मिथुनस्थ्तु जन्मकाले कलानिदौ
For Mithuna raasi natives the time of death will be in Vaisakha sukla poornimaa,Wednesday,in Hasta nakshtra in the afternoon

Karkataka raasi
प्रसूतौ कर्करासिस्थे कुमुदानन्दने सति
पुरानैर्मुनिभिः प्रोक्तं निर्यान्मितिनिस्चितं 

The natives of karkataka rasi will face death in Magha masa sukla paksh navami thithi,in Rohini Nakshtram,on Friday.

Simha raasi
मध्याह्ने  जलमध्ये  च  मृत्युर्नृनंनसंसयं 
सिंह  रसि  स्थिथे  चन्द्रे  निर्यानमिदा  मीरितं  

The natives of Simha rasi will face death in Krishna Paksha,panchami thithi, Tuesday in the afternoon due to Water or near to water source.

Kanya Rasi

चैत्र कृष्णत्र्योदस्यं निधनंरविवासरे
रेतद्युतो स्थिते सूनौ कन्यायामिति संस्मरथं
Kanya rasi natives will meet their end on Chaitra krishna trayodasi on a sunday

Tula Rasi
सार्पेष्टंयां भृगोर्वारे निधनं पूर्वयामके 
तुलारासिस्थिते चन्द्रे निर्यानमिति सूचितं

Tula rasi natives will face death in Vaisakha masa sukla ashtami on Friday in Aslesha Nakshtra first pada

Vrishchika rasi
हस्त नक्षत्र संयुक्ते मध्यरात्रे गते 
चन्द्र वृषिक रसि स्थिते निर्यनमितिकीर्तितं

For Vrishika rasi natives, death will be in Jyesta Masa sukla paksha dasami on Wednesday at Midnight

Dhanu Rasi
निशायां हसतानक्षत्रे निधनं सर्वधा भवेतः 
निर्यानमिति संप्रोक्त चन्द्रेसुतौ धनुस्थिते

For Natives of Dhanu raasi death will be in Ashadha sukla panchami on a Friday,in Hasta Nakshtra in the Night.

Makara Rasi
स्रावनस्यसितेपक्षे दसंयं भोउमवासरे 
ज्येष्टायां निधनं नृनंचन्द्रः मकरसंस्थितः

For Makara Rasi natives,death will be in Sravana suklapaksha dasami on a Tuesday in Jyeshta Nakshtra.

Kumbha rasi
भरणी नाम नक्षत्रे ग्रुणंतिमरणं नृणां 
येवमुक्तं मुनिश्रेष्तैस्चन्द्रे जन्मनि कुम्भागे  

For Kumbha rasi natives death will be in Bhadrapada masa krishna paksha chaturthi,on Saturday in Bharani Nakshtra

Meena Rasi 

इतीरितं तुनिर्याणां यवनाचार्यसंमतं
मीनस्थे यामिनी नाधे भवेदत्र न संशयः 

For Meena rasi natives,death will be in Aswija masa Krishna paksha dwiteeya thithi on Thursday in Kruttika nakshtra.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Inconsistency in BPHS Books in Circulation ???

Chapter Dasabhedadhyaam

वृस्चिकाधिपती द्वौ च कुजकेतौ मतौ मुने
कुम्भस्य मन्दफणिनावधिपौ समुदीरितौ

The sloka says Mars and Ketu are dual owners for Scorpio and Saturn and Rahu are dual owners for Aquarius.

Chapter Dasa Phalaadhyaayam
Rahu dasa phalam

कन्या च स्वग्रुहम् प्रोक्तं मीनं च स्वग्रुहम् स्मृतं
तद्धये बहु सोउख्यं च धनधान्यादि संपदां

This sloka says that Virgo is the sign of Rahu and Pisces is the sign for Ketu. and says when Rahu or ketu are in own signs they give wealth,happiness in their dasas.

How many ownerships Rahu and Ketu will have ??? In different contexts did Parasara Maharshi say different ownerships???

One more sloka says

राहोस्च वृषभं केतोर्वृस्चिकं तुन्गसन्ग्न्यकं
मूलत्रिकोणं कर्कंच युग्म चापं तधैव च 


This sloka says Taurus is the exaltation sign for Rahu and Scorpio for Ketu.Till here it is ok.But i could not under stand the second line. The translation given in telugu in the text is like this 'రాహువునకు కర్కాటకము, కేతువునకు మిథునం,ధనుస్సు మూలత్రికోనములు ' . I could not understand from where Cancer has come into the picture.

In Girish chandra sharma's translation published by Sagittarius publications all the exaltation and moolatrikona signs are in the reverse to this telugu text.But both the books agree with the ownership of Aquarius and Scorpio.

The sloka in the above text(Sagittarius Publications) in the above context says

राहोस्च वृषभं केतोर्वृस्चिकं तुन्गसन्ग्न्यकं
मूलत्रिकोनकं ज्ञेयं युग्म चापं क्रमेण च 

In this sloka क्रमेण is the word used instead of  कर्कंच.This solves the doubt from where Karkaataka has come into picture.The sloka in the telugu text should have been wrongly published.But  the translator(Girish Chandra Sharma) too makes a mistake here .He says Mithuna is the Moola trikona for Ketu and Dhanus for Rahu while the Sloka says "Yugma chaapam kramena cha" . Yugma is Mithuna and Chapam is Dhanus and by kramena  Rahu comes first and Mithuna should be the Moolatrikona sign for Rahu. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Saturn Dhyana Mantra

पाध : संयुत  मेघ  संनिभतमः  प्रद्योतनस्यात्मजो 
नृणां  पुन्यसुभावहः  स्व्यवपुशा  पापीनां 
दुखकृत  श्री  मद्दखिनदिक्पतिर्महिशगो 
भूशाभरालंकृतो  ध्येयः  संयमिनीपतिः 
पित्रुगनस्वामी  यमो  दन्दभृत 

paadha  samyuta megha sannibhatamah pradyotanasyaatmajo
nrunaam punyasubhaavahah swyavapushaa paapeenaam
dukhakrut sree maddakhinadikpatirmahishago
bhooshaabharaalamkruto dhyeyah samyamineepatih
pitruganaswaamee yamo dandabhrut