
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Planetary Alignments in June 2012

There will be pooling of planets in the sign Taurus on 22 May 2012 as six planets will be conjunct with the eclipsed Sun.

Thus the Earthy sign of Taurus being afflicted by combust planets with Ketu may trigger earthquake, as the eclipse node point is at 6°18’ in Taurus in the constellation Krittika.

The month of June will see a Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio on 4th. The Lunar eclipse will occur in the constellation of Jyeshta (2nd pada) at 20°12’ in Scorpio. This eclipse will be significant, because Mars will occupy the mid point between the sign of Taurus and Scorpio. All the planets, except for Saturn, will occupy the Fixed signs. The planets will form a Trine between Taurus, Leo and Scorpio ( Earth sign =5 planets, Fire = 1 Planet, Watery =2 planets). Mars will aspect its own sign Scorpio, when the Lunar eclipse occurs as Partial eclipse in the region of Australia and Southeast Asia. As the eclipse involves parts of Seismic activity zone, there is a strong indication for earthquake and Tsunami to occur around this time.

The month of June will witness another spectacular phenomenon which is a rare incident in the history of Astronomy. On 6 June 2012, Venus will cross the disk of the Sun, which will be visible and can be observed. A Black Dot will appear in the Sun disk, which is the passage of the Venus. It will be visible at 7:02 hrs in Delhi and 9:32 hrs in Singapore. It will also be Visible in its entirety from Hawaii, Alaska, Australia, the Pacific and eastern Asia, with the beginning of the transit visible from North America. The next such phenomena will occur only in 2117. The constellation Rohini (4th pada) will be involved in exact conjunction of Venus and Sun at 21°42’, Venus will still be in retrogression. Sun will move to Gemini on 15 June 2012. Mars will enter Virgo on 22 June 2012 and become associated with Saturn. Venus will become Direct on 27 June 2012.