
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ketu in First House - Various sources


तनुस्थः सिखी बान्धवक्लेस कर्ता तधा दुर्जनेभ्यो भयं वयाकुलत्वं 
कलत्रादिचिन्ता सदोद्वेगता च सरीरे व्यधा नैकधा मारुतीस्यात 

If ketu is in the first house the native will trouble his relatives,terrorise his enemies,will always be worried about women and children and would be troubled by vaata 


यदा लग्नगस्चेच्छिखी सूत्र कर्ता  !
सरोगादभोगो भयंव्यग्रताच !!
कलत्रादिचिन्ता महोद्वेगताच  !
सरीरे प्रबाधाव्यधा मारुतस्य  !!

If Ketu is in the lagna the native would be a formulator,would be diseased,a coward,worried about his wife,overly anxious and be afflicted by vaata 

Jataka Paarijaatam

क्रूरो दयाधर्म विहीनसीलो राहौ विलज्ञोपगथेतु रोगी 
केतौ विलग्ने सरुजोतिलुब्धः सोउम्येक्षिते राजसमानभोगी 

If Rahu is in the lagna the native will be of wicked nature,be diseased,bereft of dharma and uncharitable and would not benefit any one.
If ketu is in the lagna,the native will be diseased and very frugal natured.


लग्ने कृतघ्नमसुखं पिसुणं विवर्णं 
स्थानच्युतं विकल देहामत्समाजं 
पातः परान्ननिरतं कुरुते धनस्तः 

If ketu is in lagna,the native will be unfaithful,bereft of happiness,would be interfering in the matters of others and complaining on them,would be an outcaste,would be out of his place,would have incomplete organs,would befriend manipulating personalities.