
Monday, April 30, 2012

Placement of Ketu and dangers to the native - Bhrigu Nadi Perspective

Ketu In Aries - Danger of electricity/poisoning
Ketu in Taurus - Danger of skin allergies and throat problems
Ketu in Gemini - Danger of falling from height/diseases pertaining to mind
Ketu in Cancer - Danger of drowning
Ketu in Leo - Danger of stomach/spinal problems/fire
Ketu in Virgo - Danger of intestinal problems
Ketu in Libra - Danger of electricity/medicines
Ketu in Scorpio - Danger of electricity/poisoning/vehicles/fire
Ketu in Sagittarius - Danger of falling from heights
Ketu in Capricorn - Danger of drowning
Ketu in Aquarius - Danger of drowning
Ketu in Pisces - Danger of falling from heights

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Venus - Bhrigu Nadi perspective III

Venus in Libra and Jupiter in Taurus - The native will be born rich
Venus has Saturn in the 2nd house - Married life of the native will not be smooth
Venus in 3rd house to Jupiter - The native will have average financial prospects
Venus aspected by Mars - The native will have average financial prospects
Venus with Ketu - The native's wife will suffer from Piles
Venus's 4 th house lord (4th house from Venus) in enemy's camp - The wife of the native will not be educated
Venus in 6th house from Jupiter - The native will have an unhappy married life
Venus having Mars in the 2nd house - The native's marraige will be delayed
Venus having Mars in the 2nd house and then Jupiter - The younger brother of the native will get married first
Venus 2nd house lord aspected by Jupiter - The wife of the native will be working as a teacher
Venus and Moon together - The native will be oversexed
Venus with Mercury - The native will have good education
Venus in 2nd house to Mercury - The native will be interested in fine arts
Venus in Cancer - The native's wife will have mental tensions or depressions
Venus and Mercury in Leo - The native will be extraordinarily intelligent
Venus in Pisces - The native's wife will be religious
Venus hemmed between Sun and Moon - The native will not have pleasures from women
Venus and Sun exchange places - The native will get benefits of both promotions and finance in both the houses
Venus having Saturn in the 7th house - The wife will also be an employee
Venus with Sun,Mars and Jupiter - the native marries a relative.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Meteor Explosion over California - What does this signify ???

The meteor explosion is the first one of its kind and would be followed by similar events in the coming two months.

Data Source :

I predicted in my post on 'Interesting alignments in Khavedamsa' on 21 st April  that the conjunction of Rahu/Ketu with Pluto always triggers asteroids to come closer to Earth. The news of a meteor/asteriod exploding over California in the morning of 22 nd proves the point beyond doubt that for asteroids to hit Earth this is a precursor. I have also established the same in my earlier   posts while analysing on some mysterious events(labeled Mysterious events on the blog page),which may be an interesting read. 

Coming back to the explosion of the meteor which took place on the 22nd, Nasa website says the explosion took place at 8.00 Am . Link to the Nasa web site has been given above for your perusal.

 Rasi chart A chart for the time mentioned shows  Ascendant at 11 Ta 51 and has Ketu exactly over it at 11 Ta 13.Ketu as we know  is in its debilitation rasi in Taurus.

The Ketu's position exactly over the Ascendant shows a bad and carried forward karma of the whole of the Earthians.Venus too is in the Ascendant in its own sign in Taurus but is right now geo stationery,loosing much of its beneficence.The ascendant has no other benefic aspect in the chart for the time.

The Gaja Kesari Yoga in the chart is not of enough strength as Moon is waning. Moreover, the conjunction of Sun and Jupiter in the 12 th house from the ascendant for the event,forming a Kahala Yoga is of much significance.Kaahala Yoga shows a person who leads a large army!!!. This shows the meteor explosion is a first of its kind and some more are to follow!!!.

In Navamsa too the Ascendant is on the Rahu/Ketu axis and aspected by a retrograde Saturn.

In Khavedamsa :As i said in my post on 21st April,Rahu/Ketu are in conjunction with Retrograde Pluto in Sagittarius(the raasi containing the Galactic Center). This alignment shows the mystic nature of the events to come.Significantly Rahu/Ketu are to stay in Sagittarius in Khavedamsa for the next 73 days.Pluto is to stay in Sagittarius till 27 th of May.

The conjunction of Rahu/Ketu with Pluto will be going on till then ,i.e 27th May. We can expect some more events of this kind like meteor falls/explosions and asteroid Hits, during the period, and later on, Saturn is transiting into Sagittarius from 31st of May  to be conjunct with Rahu/Ketu till 4 th July . This conjunction too triggers asteroid falls and mystical/mysterious events for sure.

Lets be on the watch out for the cosmic dance of the supreme powers in the two months to come.

Note : The above observations are made only from an astrological study perspective and may not be true

Venus - Bhrigu Nadi perspective II

Venus in Aries - This combination will cause accidents to the native
Venus has moon behind him - The native will not have a happy married life
Venus has moon before Jupiter - The native's wife will elope with another person
Venus has Rahu in the 2nd house in a female horoscope - The native will become a widow
Venus and Mars exchange places - The native will have sexual relationship with too many women
Venus in Mars sign - The wife of the native will come from a known family of a relative circle
Venus in Leo or in enemy's camp with Ketu in the next house - The wife of the native will have problems in the sexual organs
Venus and Moon together ir Venus in Moon's house - The native will have unstable mind and will always be unhappy
Venus in Gemini/Sagittarius - The native will have two marriages or two wives
Venus aspected by Mars - The native's married life will not be happy
Venus with Rahu and Mars - The native will elope with a lady
Venus in 2nd house to Jupiter - The native will have riches and wealth after marraige
Venus with Moon and Ketu - The native will have argumentative type of mentality
Venus in conjunction with Ketu - The native will have abortions
Venus has Sun and Jupiter next to him - The wife of the native will be devotional type
Venus in Debilitation - The native will not have a happy married life
Venus in between Moon and Sun - The native's father is likely to have two marraiges
Venus and Jupiter exchange places - The native will be a lucky person
Venus and Saturn in Taurus - The native will be very rich

Effects of Solar Eclipses in Raasis

In Aries
First Decanate : War ,tumults,seditions and controversies,movement of armies,excessive drought
Second Decanate: Imprisonment and sadness of some king and danger of death to him,the corruption of trees bearing fruit and of things growing on earth
Third Decanate: Grief and sadness to mortals,death of some great woman and destruction of cattle

In Taurus
First Decanate : Afflicts trade and business,destroys corn and food crops
Second Decanate: Causes danger to travellers and to women in child birth
Third Decanate: Pestilence and Famine

In Gemini
First Decanate : Dissension and strife among clergy and religious denominations and also cause hatred,neglect and contempt for the laws of God and man
Second Decanate : Causes piracies,thefts and murders
Third Decanate: Death of some king and many troubles to the country

In Cancer 
First Decanate : Disturbs the vayu tatwa,causes great changes and alterations in the weather
Second Decanate : Dries up rivers,stirs up inconsistency and wantonness among women
Third Decanate : Sedition,pestilence and disease

In Leo
First Decanate : Denotes death of some famous prince and scarcity of corn
Second Decanate : Many troubles,anxities to kings,princes and great men
Third Decanate: Profanation of holy places,churches and sacred edifices,captivity,besieging and ransacking of towns

In Virgo
First Decanate : Denotes great calamity and death of king
Second Decanate: Famine,Pestilence and sedition
Third Decanate : Great troubles and adversity,Probably imprisonment to painters,poets,and to those who live by their wits.

In Libra
First Decanate : Vayu tatwa is afflicted,causes pestilence and scarcity and dearness of corn
Second Decanate: Portends death of a great king,famine
Third Decanate : Trouble to nobility and detriment to their properties

In Scorpio
First Decanate: Causes war,tumults,slaughter,captivity and treason
Second Decanate : Mischief to a peace loving king
Third Decanate : Rise of a tyrant,idleness and slothfulness of the former king

In Sagittarius
First Decanate: Much dissension and hatred among men
Second Decanate : Death of camels and such cattle
Third Decanate: Variously affects horses and armies

In Capricorn
First Decanate: Unhappiness to great men,transmigration of a king,rebellion of nobles and common people
Second Decanate: military riots,mutiny of soldiers
Third Decanate: Induces tumultary motion of the King,causes famine

In Aquarius
First Decanate : Causes public grief and sorrow
Second Decanate: Public robberies,thefts,rapes,earth quakes and famine
Third Decanate : Death and slaughter of sheep and beasts in the fields

In Pisces
First Decanate: Dries up rivers and the sea coast becomes unfortunate
Second Decanate : Causes death of a famous and excellent man,destruction of fish,creates tidal waves and inundations
Third Decanate : Cruelty,fierceness of inhumanity of soldiers.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why there was a blast at Lahore Railway station ???

As i mentioned in my earlier post in the morning, Sun transited into Gemini in Khavedamsa today at about 13.30 Hrs, to be in opposition to Pluto,Jupiter and Rahu/Ketu.

Lets now see the synchronicity in the event.
Gemini is the third sign of the natural zodiac which represents short distance travels,communications through railways,telephone , Bus travel etc.

Sun represents fire arms like Guns,Bombs and other weapons.

Sun entering Gemini as said above resulted in the bomb blast in a railway station in Lahore,Pakistan.  
Jupiter's aspect and involvement in the conjunction is the cause of a low level loss of life.

While the kind of events that would happen could be foretold,Identifying the place of the event is a tough task..

Meteor explodes over California - Interesting alignments in Khavedamsa - Follow Up IV

Below is the link to the writeup i posted on 21st on the events to happen due to the alignments in D40 .

In the writeup i mentioned the conjunction of Rahu/Ketu with Pluto always triggers asteroid falls. Below is the link to the news reported about a meteor exploding over California yesterday.

Earth Quake in the offing ??? - Khavedamsa study

An earth quake is in the offing today as Retrograde Saturn enters Taurus an earthly sign to be conjunct with Mars the Bhoomi Karaka in D40. The conjunction would go on for about two days. We can expect Earth quakes in these two days in South American Countries again.

Four Hours from now - Khavedamsa study

In continuation to my previous post on Interesting alignments in Khavedamsa, this is one more observation:

Four hours from now Sun the King of all Planets is entering into Gemini and to be in Opposition to Retrograde Pluto,Jupiter and Rahu/Ketu in Khavedamsa(D40)

Sun is going to be in the sign for about 18 hours.

Sun signifies Temples or places of  Worship,Spiritual,Kingly and Famous personalities, Fire arms like Guns and Tanks.

Mishaps related to all the above significations are in store in the period.   

Venus - Bhrigu Nadi perspective

Venus and Rahu with Mars - The native will elope with a woman or will have relationship with another woman
Venus with ketu - The wife of the native will not live long
Venus exhalted - The native will have an rich and a beautiful wife
Venus in the 2nd house to Jupiter - The native will have good income and financial development in the years 25,32,38,44,50,56
Venus in the 3rd house to Jupiter - The native will have good income and financial development in the years 27,33,39,45,51,57
Venus in the 4th house to Jupiter - The native will have good income and financial development in the years 28,34,40,46,52,58
Venus in the 5th house to Jupiter - The native will have good income and financial development in the years 29,35,41,47,53,59
Venus in the 6th house to Jupiter - The native will have good income and financial development in the years 24,30,36,42,48,54
Venus in the 7 th house to Jupiter - The native will have good income and financial development in the years 25,31,37,43,49,55
 Venus in the 8th house to Jupiter - The native will have good income and financial development in the years 26,32,38,44,50,56
Venus in the 9th house to Jupiter - The native will have good income and financial development in the years 21,27,33,34,51,57
Venus in the 10th house to Jupiter - The native will have good income and financial development in the years 22,28,34,40,46,52,58
Venus in the 11 th house to Jupiter - The native will have good income and financial development in the years 23,29,35,41,47,53,59
Venus in the 12 th house to Jupiter - The native will have good income and financial development in the years 24,30,36,42,48,54,60

Physical features,Health through Placement of Sun - Bhrigu Nadi perspective

Sun in Aries -  The native will have problems in head like migraine
Sun in Taurus - The native will have reddish face and a very harsh voice
Sun in Gemini - The native will have powerful arms
Sun in Cancer - The native will have strong heartbeats and problems in chest
Sun in Leo - The native will have very good appetite
Sun in Virgo - The native will have good toned intestinal muscles
Sun in Libra - The native will have a good looking body
Sun in Scorpio - The native will have heat in the secret parts and excess urination
Sun in Sagittarius - The native will have very good thighs and well shaped hips
Sun in Capricorn - The native will have large knee caps and problem in them
Sun in Aquarius - The native will have good calve muscles
Sun in Pisces - The native will have strong feet

Monday, April 23, 2012

Interesting alignments in Khavedamsa - Follow up III

While writing on the events to happen and on the above topic on 21st, i mentioned that there is possibility of "Degradation of Religions or desecration of religious places or religious texts" . 

Times of India is now reporting that thousands of Buddhist monks protested on last Friday against the presence of a Hindu temple and a Mosque inside a Buddhist sacred place and the Government of Srilanka today decided and announced that the temple and Mosque would be demolished and relocated to other places.Below is the link to the news reported :


Interesting alignments in Khavedamsa - Follow up II

As a follow up to my post on Interesting alignments in Khavedamsa , while forecasting the events that are to happen, i wrote some new species of life or origins of life may be discovered as Jupiter is in conjunction over the Galactic centre with Rahu/Ketu and Pluto in opposition to Saturn. Following are some updates of events,the kind i mentioned, which were reported yesterday and day before:

1.Researchers say they believe that the moons of Jupiter are key to find possible sources of alien life.

The alignment in Khavedamsa which is under study, is of Jupiter with Rahu/Ketu and Pluto over the Galactic centre

2.Scientists re discovered a white killer whale in Kamchatka,Russia which has not been seen from 1972

3.Four new species of fresh water crab have been found in Phillippines.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Interesting alignments in Khavedamsa - Follow up to yesterday's post

I wrote yesterday regarding the the interesting alignments in Khavedamsa and possible events related to religions and religious leaders.

One event of the kind has been reported today morning in Times of India. A Guru in China is now facing arrest for his involvement in promoting illicit activities. Link to the news has been given here under for your perusal:

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Interesting alignments in Khavedamsa Tomorrow

There are some interesting planetary conjunctions starting from 6 am tomorrow. Rahu/Ketu are in conjunction with a Retrograde Pluto and Jupiter in Sagittarius, in opposition to Retrograde Saturn in Gemini  in Khavedamsa.

The alignments around the Galactic centre are significant.The Conjunction is to be there till the early hours of 25 th.
The Conjunction of Rahu/Ketu with Pluto  always triggers asteroids to come closer to the Earth.

While this is on a astronomical level,on the mundane level Jupiter being involved in the conjunction with Rahu/Ketu  and Pluto on the Galactic centre results in a Guru chandala Yoga.

This may result in
1.Mishaps in religious places or during  pilgrimages causing loss of life.
2.Degradation of Religions or disecretion of religious places or religious texts
3.Some scandalous revelations about  a religious or cult head
4. As Jupiter is also called Jeeva, some discoveries about the origins of life may happen or some new species may be discovered.
5 .Some mystical or miraculous events may also happen related to the Supreme Goddess.
6. A religious guru/Spiritual leader may pass away

Note: The above observations are made only from an astrological study perspective and may not be true.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Agni - V - Test Fire - Will it fail ???

In my previous posts about the Venus-Ketu conjunction and possible mishaps to Luxurious vehicles,i gave links to the news of the mishaps that happened.

The conjunction is to stay for a while. Venus is stationery in Taurus till 31 st July.Ketu will be in Taurus till 14 th of January 2013.

Taurus is the own sign of Venus while it is the debilitation sign of Ketu. we can expect the effects of the conjunction to be there until 31st July.

Failure of the North Korean rocket launch is an outcome of the Conjunction.

There is one more event of the kind.The news link to the event is given herein below :

A Jet plane pilot mistook the planet venus as an approching US war plane and caused his jet to nose dive,to correct himself later

Coming to the news of test firing the Inter Continental Ballistic Missile, Agni V today , i dont think the time is very conducive to the test.The test may fail.

Note: The observations are made from a astrological study perspective and may not be true

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Study of Planetary alignments and formations at the time of Solar Storms

There was news of a Solar Storm yesterday. If we observe the planetary placements in Rasi and Khavedamsa for yesterday, the following can be observed:

The Sun has just entered Aries a fiery sign two days back and is at 2 Ar exactly in opposition to Retrograde Saturn and in conjunction with Jupiter in the Rasi chart.Mars is in Leo which too is a fiery sign.

In the Khavedamsa chart for yesterday, Sun is in Cancer in opposition to Rahu/Ketu in Capricorn. Retrograde Pluto is in Sagittarius (fiery sign), in opposition to Saturn which is in Gemini. Mars is in Aries.

In the light of the above placements and on study of the solar storms which hit earth in the past we can come to some conclusions about the time of occurrence of the storms.The following are the dates and effects of the worst of solar storms and the astrological analysis at the time of their occurrence:

The Event:1859: The Carrington Event
The Carrington Event of 1859 was the first documented event of a solar flare impacting Earth. The event occurred at 11:18 a.m. EDT on Sept. 1 and is named after Richard Carrington, the solar astronomer who witnessed the event through his private observatory telescope and sketched the sun's sunspots at the time. The flare was the largest documented solar storm in the last 500 years, NASA scientists have said. 
According to NOAA, the Carrington solar storm event sparked major aurora displays that were visible as far south as the Caribbean. It also caused severe interruptions in global telegraph communications, even shocking some telegraph operators and sparking fires when discharges from the lines ignited telegraph paper, according to a NASA description.

Astrological  Analysis
Sun is in conjunction with Moon, Venus, Mars and Retro grade Mercury  in Leo which is a Fire sign. Sun is with in a degree of Mercury in close conjunction.
Pluto is retrograde and is in Aries which is a fire sign.
In Khavedamsa: Sun is in opposition to Retrograde Pluto and in Leo in this chart too on the day.Mars is in Aries in here.
Fire signs are afflicted in Rasi and Khavedamsa.

The Event:1972: Solar Flare vs. AT&T
The major solar flare that erupted on Aug. 4, 1972 knocked out long-distance phone communication across some states, including Illinois, according to a NASA account.
"That event, in fact, caused AT&T to redesign its power system for transatlantic cables," NASA wrote in the account.

Astrological  Analysis

The Sun is in Cancer  in Conjunction with Retrograde Mercury and Debilitated Mars  and is on the Rahu/Ketu Axis.

In Khavedamsa : Pluto is in Gemini in conjunction with Retrograde Mercury and Saturn.Sun is  in the airy sign of Libra and in conjunction with Venus.

While Mars is conjunct with Sun in Rasi,In Khavedamsa he is in Capricorn,his exaltation sign and in conjunction with Rahu/Ketu.

As Gemini is the sign of Communications and with Pluto,Saturn and Mercury afflicting it,Long distance communications got interrupted in the storm.

The Event:1989: Major Power Failures From Solar Flare
In March 1989, a powerful solar flare set off a major March 13 power blackout in Canada that left six million people without electricity for nine hours.

According to NASA, the flare disrupted electric power transmission from the Hydro Québec generating station and even melted some power transformers in New Jersey. This solar flare was nowhere near the same scale as the Carrington event, NASA scientists said.

Astrological  Analysis
The Sun is in conjunction with Mercury, Venus and is on the Rahu/Ketu axis in Aquarius ,in opposition to Leo which is a fiery sign.

In Khavedamsa
Venus,Mars and Debilitated Saturn are in Aries which is a fiery sign.

Significantly,Sun is in Opposition to Jupiter,Uranus,and is on the Rahu/Ketu axis in Sagittarius which is a fiery sign.The flare caused a power black out for about 9 hours. Involvement of Uranus in the conjunction   has resulted in the Power Failure.
Retrograde Pluto is in Leo  which is a fiery sign

The Event:2000: The Bastille Day Event
The Bastille Day event takes its name from the French national holiday since it occurred the same day on July 14, 2000. This was a major solar eruption that registered an X5 on the scale of solar flares.

The Bastille Day event caused some satellites to short-circuit and led to some radio blackouts. It remains one of the most highly observed solar storm events and was the most powerful flare since 1989.

Astrological  Analysis
Sun is in conjunction with Mars and Retrograde Mercury in Gemini and in opposition to Sagittarius which is a fiery sign. While Sun is at 28 Gemini,the Rahu/Ketu axis falls at 0 Cancer which means the Sun is only two degrees away from Rahu.

In Khavedamsa :Sun is on the Rahu/Ketu axis and in Taurus.Retrograde Pluto is in conjunction to Uranus in Leo which is a fiery sign.
Mars is in Sagittarius which is a fiery sign.

The Event:2003: The Ultra-Powerful Halloween Sun Storm
On Oct. 28, 2003, the sun unleashed a whopper of a solar flare. The intense sun storm was so strong it overwhelmed the spacecraft sensor measuring it. The sensor topped out at X28, already a massive flare), but later analysis found that the flare reached a peak strength of about X45, NASA has said.
The solar storm was part of a string of at least nine major flares over a two-week period.

Astrological Analysis
Sun in conjunction with Mercury, Venus and is on the Rahu/Ketu axis. The Sun is very close to Mercury with in 2 degrees. The Rahu/Ketu axis falls on the Aries/Libra axis where in Aries is a fire sign and Libra is an Airy sign.
Khavedamsa has Sun in conjunction to Venus and Pluto in Gemini and in opposition to Sagittarius which is a fiery sign

The Event :2006: X-Ray Sun Flare for Xmas
When a major X-class solar flare erupted on the sun on Dec. 5, 2006, it registered a powerful X9 on the space weather scale.
This storm from the sun "disrupted satellite-to-ground communications and Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation signals for about 10 minutes," according to a NASA description.
The sun storm was so powerful it actually damaged the solar X-ray imager instrument on the GOES 13 satellite that snapped its picture, NOAA officials said.

Astrological  Analysis
In Rasi,the Sun is in conjunction with Jupiter,Mars,Venus,Mercury in Scorpio.
The Rahu/Ketu axis falls on Aquarius /Leo and Ketu is conjunct Saturn.
Pluto is in Sagittarius.

In Khavedamsa:Sun is in Scorpio and is in opposition to Saturn,Mars and Rahu/Ketu ,While Pluto is in Gemini in Opposition to Sagittarius which is a fiery sign.

Conclusion :
From the above observations we can conclude that the Solar Storms hit Earth when the following two or more conditions are satisfied:

1.Sun in a Multi planetary conjunction
2.Sun on the Rahu/Ketu axis
3.Sun and or Pluto in a fiery sign or a sign in opposition to a fiery sign.
4.Pluto in Opposition/Conjunction to Sun  

Obviously the conditions should be prevalent in the Rasi chart and supported by the Khavedamsa chart. 

Following is the link to the data source:

The next most probable date for a Solar storm would be : 21 St May,2012

Note : The above observations are made from a astrological study perspective and may not be true.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Remedies for all Nine Planets

Remedies for weak, afflicted, debilated Surya
·         Chant this mantra everyday at least 4 to 5 rounds (1 round = 108) OHM Grahni Surya NAMAH: on any chanting bead. If u do not have any chanting bead chant by counting on your fingers.
·         Fast on every Sunday
·         Give wheat/red flower/red clothing/copper vessels in charity on any Sunday
·         Avoid all reddish pinkish clothes.
·         Offer water with any red flower, few grains of sugar & rice in copper tumbler to Sun God every morning.
·         Do not eat meat or have liquor, tobacco and sexual activity on every Sunday.

Remedies for weak, afflicted, debilitated Chandra
·         Chant this mantra everyday at least 4 to 5 rounds (1 round = 108) OHM So Somayah NAMAH: on any chanting bead. If u do not have any chanting bead chant by counting on your fingers.
·         Fast on every Monday
·         Have more of white products like rice, ghee, curd, butter milk, milk, sabhudana kichdi
·         Wear more of white colour. Always have some white clothing on your body. Women can wear the inners in white.
·         Wear pearl gemstone in the little finger if recommended.
·         Do not eat meat or have liquor, tobacco, sexual activity on every Monday.
Remedies for weak, afflicted, debilitated Mangal
·         Chant this mantra everyday at least 4 to 5 rounds (1 round = 108) OHM AHM ANGAKARAYAH NAMAH: on any chanting bead. If u do not have any chanting bead chant by counting on your fingers.
·         Fast on every Tuesday by having one meal in the day
·         Offer mustard oil to Hanuman Deity’s feet or light a Deepak in mustard oil & keep it below any peeple tree or Ganesh or Hanuman diety every Tuesday.
·         Avoid all red clothes & red things like shoes, wallets, belts, cap/hat, clothes
·         Do not eat meat or have liquor, tobacco, sexual activity on every Tuesday

Remedies for weak, afflicted, debilitated Budh
·         Chant this mantra everyday at least 4 to 5 rounds (1 round = 108) OHM BHUM BUDHAY NAMAH: or OHM BRAM BREEM BRROMM SAHA:  BUDHAYA NAMAH:  on any chanting bead. If u do not have any chanting bead chant by counting on your fingers.
·         Fast on every Wednesday
·         Avoid green clothing on every Wednesday
·         For five Wednesdays give in charity to five unmarried girls green flower, green fruit, green cloth and green colour pen or pencil
·         Feed to cow for 27 Wednesdays green fodder

Remedies for Debilitated/afflicted Jupiter
·         Chant this mantra everyday at least 4 to 5 rounds (1 round = 108) OHM Braham Brihaspatiye NAMAH: on any chanting bead. If u do not have any chanting bead chant by counting on your fingers.
·         Fast on every Thursday
·         Offer gur/channa  and 3 yellow colour bananas to cow on every Thursday
·         Avoid all yellow colour items including clothing
·         Do not eat meat or have liquor, tobacco and sexual activity on every Thursday
·         Do not eat any food grains & pulses on Thursday. You can eat vegetables & fruits, milk yogurt, fruit juices.
·         Give in charity any yellow clothing, shirt or kurta to any Brahmin on any Thursday

Remedies for Debilitated/afflicted Venus
·         Chant this mantra everyday at least 4 to 5 rounds (1 round = 108) OHM Shumh Shukraye NAMAH: on any chanting bead. If u do not have any chanting bead chant by counting on your fingers.
·         Fast on every Friday
·         Do not eat meat or have liquor, tobacco and sexual activity on every Friday
·         Do Durga Pooja by chanting the Durga Mantras & feed five unmarried girls with kheer on every Friday.
·         Avoid all blue clothes & blue things like shoes, wallets, belts, cap/hat, clothes
·         Feed cow raw potato tanned with turmeric powder on every Friday
·         You should always carry in your wallet small silver ball or wear a locket of silver ball or keep in your cash box at home or office.
·         For five Fridays give in charity to any women in a temple milk, rice, barfi sweet meat and raw sugar pieces (Misri) & white clothing
·         Put in a flowing drain or gutter any blue colour flower on every Friday
·         On any white stone, marble piece apply tilak of Chandan/sandal wood and put in in flowing water
Remedies for Sani Sadi Satti /Sani Maha Dasha/Sani Antar Dasha/Sani’s Dahiyya
·         Chant this mantra everyday at least 4 to 5 rounds (1 round = 108) OHM SHAM SANESHCHARAYA NAMAH: or OHM PRAM PREEM PRROMM SAHA:  SANESHCHARAYA NAMAH:  on any chanting bead. If u do not have any chanting bead chant by counting on your fingers.
·         Fast on every Saturday
·         Offer mustard oil to Sani Deity or light a Deepak in mustard oil & keep it below any peeple tree every Saturday.
·         Avoid all black clothes & black things like shoes, wallets, belts, cap/hat
·         Do not eat meat or have liquor, tobacco, sexual acitivy on every Saturday
·         On every Saturday before starting to bathe, add 7 drops of mustard oil in the bucket of bathing water & then bathe in the same water.
Remedies for Rahu
·         Chant this mantra everyday at least 4 to 5 rounds (1 round = 108) OHM RHAM RAHAVEH NAMAH: or OHM BHRAMM BHREEMM BHRROMM SAHA: RAHAVEH NAMAH: on any chanting bead. If u do not have any chanting bead chant by counting on your fingers.
·         Fast on every Saturday
·         Offer mustard oil to Rahu Deity or light a Deepak in mustard oil & keep it below any peeple tree every Saturday.
·         Avoid all blue & black things like shoes, wallets, belts, cap/hat, and clothes. Do not also accept anything in these two colours also
·         Do not eat meat or have tobacco & liquor, sexual activity on every Saturday
·         Every Saturday the first chapatti which is made during the day apply little kheer to it & feed the crows or black cow.
·         Feed the poor with full meal once every month on any Saturday.

Remedies for Ketu
·         Chant this mantra everyday at least 4 to 5 rounds (1 round = 108) OHM KAHM KETVEH NAMAH: or OHM SRAAMM SREEMM SROOMM SAHA: KETEWEH NAMAH: on any chanting bead. If u do not have any chanting bead chant by counting on your fingers.
·         Fast on every Tuesday by having one meal in the day
·         Offer mustard oil to Hanuman or Ganesh Deity or light a Deepak in mustard oil & keep it below any peeple tree every Tuesday.
·         Avoid all red & black things like shoes, wallets, belts, cap/hat, clothes
·         Do not eat meat or have liquor/tobacco on every Tuesday
·         Feed any multi colour cow or dog with chappati
·         Mix a small quantity of white & black sesame seeds (till), tie it in any black cloth & immerse in any flowing water.
·         Buy any medicine for any poor person who cannot afford to buy medicine on any Tuesday.
·         If possible donate any white or black blanket to any temple/church/mosque/gurudwara priest

Bhrigu Nadi Perspective - Saturn - II

Saturn in his transits touches 11th house from venus or venus - The native will get a job or will start a business
Saturn touches Sun in his transits - The native will get upliftment in Job or profession
Saturn has Venus in his 2nd house (When the 2nd house is Taurus/Libra) - The native will deal in Gold and Jewellery
Saturn with Mars - The native has to face obstacles in getting appointment
Saturn in 10th house to Sun and Mars in the 12th house to Sun - The native's father will be a Govt.Employee
Saturn aspects Mars - The native's brother will not develop in life
Saturn has Ketu in the 2nd house to him(When Ketu is in Scorpio/Aries/Aquarius/Capricorn) - The native will have a job in chemical industry
Saturn with Mars and Sun - The native will work or trade in Machinery
Saturn in Gemini or Virgo - The native will be a businessman
Saturn in Gemini with Moon in Cancer - The native will be trading in Liquors
Saturn has Rahu and Mars in the succeding house - The native will earn well in Vehicle business/Tourisms
Saturn and Moon next to Mercury - The native will have trouble in completing his education
Saturn having Rahu in the 2nd house - The native's Job will be a low paid one
Saturn with Ketu - The native's profession is in machinery
Saturn aspected by planets or Planets aspecting Saturn's 2nd house - This denotes the working places of the native

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bhrigu Nadi Perspective - Saturn

Saturn sees Sun and Ketu - The native will have government employment
Saturn in Leo - The native will have Government employment
Saturn next to Sun - The native will have Government employment
Saturn has Jupiter in the 3rd house and Ketu in the 4th- The native will have professions pertaining to religious fields
Saturn is in the 11th house from Jupiter - The native will have good period when saturn touches Jupiter in transit
Saturn's 10 th house is scorpio - The native's profession will be in a factory of Iron and steel
Saturn having Mars in the 10 th house - The native's profession will be in a factory of Iron and steel
Saturn has Mars next to him followed by Jupiter - The native's brother will be short lived
Saturn has Sun in the 10th house - The native will hold a high post
Saturn in retrogression with Mars and Venus in the 11th house from Saturn - The native will earn name and fame in his career and will rise high
Saturn's next house is aspected by Jupiter - The native's profession will be in an educational institution
Saturn in his 2nd round touches the 6th house - The native will loos his name and fame

Identifying Place of Birth through Sun's placement - Bhrigu Nadi

Sun in Aries - The native is born near a Hanuman Temple or a Durga Temple
Sun in Taurus - The native is born near to a Lakshmi temple
Sun in Gemini - The native is born near a Vishnu Temple
Sun in Cancer - The native is born near a snake god temple
Sun in Leo - The native is born near a shiva temple
Sun in Virgo - The native is born near a vishnu temple
Sun in Libra - The native is born near Kanyaka parameshawari temple
Sun in Scorpio - The native is born near Kali/Shakti Temple
Sun in Sagittarius - The native is born near lord Ganesh's/Saibaba Temple
Sun in Capricorn - The native is born near a Bhairava temple
Sun in Aquarius - The native is born near waters/rivers
Sun in Pisces - The native is born near a cremation ground or an Ashram

Bhrigu Nadi Perspective - Mercury

Mercury and Mars together - The native will face problems in education
Mercury exhalted - The native will be an intelligent person
Mercury exhalted with Venus - The native will be very intelligent and will shine well
Mercury has Mars in the 12 th - The native will have breaks in education
Mercury has Mars in the 2nd house - The native will have breaks in education
Mercury having Jupiter and Sun in the 2 nd house - The native will be expert in legal knowledge
Mercury with Venus after Sun - The native's father will be a business man dealing in costly things
Mercury with Venus in Libra - The native will be an intelligent person,but wife will have loss of memory power
Mercury with Sun and Mars in 10th house from Saturn - The native will work in co-op concern
Mercury has Ketu next to him - The native will have respect towards elders
Mercury and Sun together - The native will have a learned father
Mercury after Saturn - The native will be a merchant
Mercury and Venus in between Sun and Saturn(In a female horoscope) - The female has to face problems after marraige and will experience misery.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tornados to hit US

The D40 chart for today from 13.30 PM approx has Retrograde Saturn in Gemini an Airy sign in opposition to Pluto in Sagittarius. The opposition is exact on 17 th.

The Sign Gemini signifies United States of America. Tornados are sure to hit in the period from 14 th April till 22 nd April.

As the planets involved are Retrograde Saturn and Pluto, the tornados are sure to cause havoc.

We may also expect a major air mishap today in US 

Note : The observations made are only from a astrological study perspective and may not be true.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Planetary alignments May 21st to May 30 th ,2012

Jupiter is going into combustion from 5 th May till May 21 st  and he is already  in atichaara (accelerated motion) and moving faster than his normal speed.

At present Jupiter is having an aspect on Mars the Bhoomi Kaaraka, which is saving from major catastrophes.

Once Jupiter goes combust as said above its beneficence is lost, and the malefics Saturn and Mars which have the aspect of Jupiter right now become stronger.

There is a pooling of Planets in Taurus that of  Jupiter (in Atichaara),Venus (Stationery),Ketu (debilitated)
,Mercury (com bust from 23 rd May till 31 st) and Sun

The period from  21 st May till 31 st May this year is going to be a significant time for India. There might be a significant change in the Government as Taurus is the A5 of the Indian Independance Chart.

There might be a major earth quake too around this date as Taurus is an Earthly sign.

May 1st too is a congenial date for another Earth quake.

Note: The above observations are made only from an astrological study perspective and may not be true.

Venus - Ketu conjunction - Sex Rackets- and illicit relations

On the 10 th of this month Ketu was exactly in conjunction with Venus in Taurus. Venus represents Sexual happiness,women, luxuries and fame. Ketu represents Perversions,secrets, under ground activities,Plots and conspiracies. 

The conjunction has resulted in bringing to light the now sensational case of the sex racket run by Tara Chowdary in Andhra pradesh. She was arrested recently and some names of  MPs and MLAs and film personalities are coming out.She has recorded videos of  some famous personalities indulging in sex with prostitutes.

The conjunction results in sexual perversions.Some uncommon/unsocial sexual contacts,rapes may also result.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Venus - Ketu conjunction showing effects

In continuation to my post on 03.04.2012 about the conjunction of Venus - Ketu and possible mishaps to Luxurious vehicles which include Planes,Trains and Passenger Cruiser ships,the effects are very drastic and many events of the kind mentioned have already happened.

Wikinews yesterday is showing the news of a Navy Plane crashing into an apartment complex.

Above is the link to the news.

The Scorpious Sail boat carrying the expedition team to Antartica has gone missing due to gale winds.This event is one more of the kind mentioned.

Another drastic event of this kind is that American Air has grounded about 300 flights due to the damage caused by Last Tuesday's Tornadoes.

Links to the original post and the followup posts have been given hereunder :

Friday, April 6, 2012

Follow Up to 'Mishaps to luxurious vehicles in the offing' - Part 2

Below are the links to my earlier posts about 'Mishaps to luxurious vehicles in the offing'

One more event,the kind which i mentioned in the post on 4 th April has happened.Below is the link to the news: 

A snake (Rahu/Ketu axis represent the Kala sarpa !!!) suddenly came out of the Jet Plane's dash board causing the pilot to make a emergency landing in Australia.

The events are the result of Ketu's conjunction with Venus. More events are likely in the days to come. Travellers beware.

Around 10th of this month as Venus is in exact conjunction with Ketu, mishaps to Planes/Trains are more likely.As i said in my post Places of entertainment like Cinemas,Stadiums,shopping malls,High Courts are prone to terror attacks

Disclaimer: The above observations are made only from an astrological point of view and may not be correct.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Follow up to my earlier post on Mishaps to Luxurious vehicles

As a followup to my earlier post on 'Mishaps to Luxurious vehicles in the offing' i am posting here in below some events which show up the trends.

Link to my earlier post :

Following are the events which happened within hours of my posting:

1.A small plane crashed into a shopping mall in Florida.
2.A woman lands plane after her pilot husband dies while flying.
3.A suicide attack happens in Somalia in a theatre
4.Powerful tornadoes hit Texas and Dallas.

Links to Events showing the trends :

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mishaps to Luxurious vehicles in the Offing

In Rasi, the Rahu/Ketu axis is afflicting the signs Taurus and simultaneously Scorpio from May 3 rd , 2011. Taurus is an Earthly sign and Scorpio is a Watery sign. Five days ago Venus transited into Taurus for a stay of about 124 days in the sign. Venus is the significator of Luxurious Vehicles and being in conjunction with Ketu will result in some mishaps related to Planes,Trains and Commercial Passenger Ships in the days to come.As Ketu represents Terrorists,terrorist activity cannot be ruled out in high courts,cinemas,stadiums and other places of entertainment.

Around 10 th of April we can expect an event of this kind.

As the conjunction is in Taurus,which is the Ascendant of Indian Independence chart we can expect a major event to be in and around New Delhi or in some countries of Europe.

On 10 th of April if we see the Khavedamsa chart, we can see the conjunction of Venus with Rahu/Ketu in opposition to Saturn on the Capricorn/Cancer axis. Capricorn is the sign which signifies India as per Varahamihira.

If we observe the Khavedamsa chart for today ,this time, we can see retrograde Mars in Taurus.Mars signifies accidents.The time is very conducive for mishaps to all the luxurious vehicles and more so on the days or periods when malefics afflict the Earthly,Watery or Airy signs.

Right now in Khavedamsa,Airy sign of Aquarius seems to be more afflicted with Rahu/Ketu in Aquarius in opposition to Retrograde Saturn in Leo.

Aquarius signifies Arabia,Prussia,Russia,Poland,Sweden,Lithuania

We have already seen an event of  plane crash in Siberia.

Fliers beware for another two days.

Note: The observations given in the post are only from an astrological point of view and may not be true.