
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in the Constellation Aswini

Sun in Aswini
- The native will have Fame,wealth,Religious and blood defects
Moon in Aswini - The native will have a helping nature, cruel,Position
Mars in Aswini - The native will be Short Statured ,will attain  Power, will have Average fortune,fear of Fire,happy marital life,and will beget Girl children
Mercury in Aswini - The native will be of Deceitful nature,Characterless,well educated, Fame after 35th year,will become a doctor,expert in surgery,religious,writing skills,
Jupiter in Aswini - The native will acquire much knowledge, good at speaking, writing skills,loans,fame,profit due to speculation
Venus in Aswini - The native will be stout bodied,intelligent,political life,writing skills,will have singing and acting skills
Saturn in Aswini - The native will have a problematic child hood,income from forests,unsocial activities,and will have gambling skills
Rahu in Aswini - The native will be intelligent,strong body,religious,trouble in the head,Spiritual nature,poverty,and will not have marital happiness. The native will also develop diseases due to defects in Vata
Ketu in Aswini - The native will be good oratory skills,well educated,fame,will be learned in sastras,will have mass appeal,will be associated with lowly people and will be having a good name in the native place.