
Friday, May 11, 2012

Carson Sink UFO Incident ,1952

Description of the Incident :
According to author Edward Ruppelt, on a clear, cloudless day, two U.S. Air Force Colonels requisitioned a twin engine B-25 bomber at Hamilton Field north of San Francisco for a cross-country flight to Colorado. Between Sacramento, California, and Reno, Nevada they entered the "Green 3" aerial highway to Salt Lake City, Utah. At 3:40 P.M. MST while at 11,000 feet (3300 m) over the Carson Sink area east of Reno. According to Ruppelt, the two pilots saw three unknown aircraft make a left bank and fly quickly to within 400 to 800 yards (meters) of their B-25. The two men estimated the speed of the unknown aircraft to be at the very least three times that of the F-86. After four seconds, the aircraft sped away out of the vision of the pilots. When they landed in Colorado Springs, they contacted Air Defense Command Headquarters and learned that no civilian or military aircraft had been anywhere near the Carson Sink at the time of the incident. The two men dismissed the suggestion that they had seen F-86 jets, since they were intimately familiar with the design of that craft. Air Defense Command relayed the report to Ruppelt at Project Blue Book. In his subsequent book, The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, Ruppelt characterized it as a "good UFO report with an unknown conclusion"

Astrological Indicators for the time :

On a study of the chart for the time, we can see that  there is an exact conjunction of Pluto with the Rahu/Ketu axis on the Cancer/Capricorn axis in the Rasi chart. As observed in the previous posts on UFOs Uranus is not involved in any Multiplanetary conjunction or is on the R/K axis.Hence, the objects sighted may not be UFOs

But Pluto with Ketu, is also conjunct Venus which signifies luxurious vehicles.

There are two possibilities in this event : 

1.The Pilots should have seen High speed Jets as Venus is involved in the conjunction

2.The objects observed were parts of a falling meteor, on seeing which, the pilots confused for aircrafts due to their speed and glowing colour as Pluto is conjunct with Ketu very closely.

Since the conjunction of  Pluto with R/K is very close,the objects being parts of a falling meteor is more likely
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