
Monday, May 7, 2012

Tsunami in Solomon Islands, 2007

This is the first in the series of analyses of Tsunamis and the involvement of Neptune and other planets at the time of occurrence of the Tsunamis.

The adjacent chart is prepared for the time the event happened in Solomon Islands on 24 th April 2007 in the morning at 07.39 am.

Here in below is the description of the Event : 

2007: Solomon Islands 

On April 24, 2007, a powerful magnitude 8.1 (initially 7.6) earthquake hit the East Pacific region about 40 km (25 mi), south of Ghizo Island in the western Solomon Islands at 7:39 a.m., resulting in a tsunami that was up to 12 m (36 feet) tall. The wave, which struck the coast of Solomon Islands (mainly Choiseul, Ghizo Island, Ranongga, and Simbo), triggered region-wide tsunami warnings and watches extending from Japan to New Zealand to Hawaii and the eastern seaboard of Australia. The tsunami that followed the earthquake killed 52 people. Dozens more have been injured with entire towns inundated by the sweeping water which traveled 300 meters inland in some places. A state of national emergency was declared for the Solomon Islands. On the island of Choiseul, a wall of water reported to be 9.1 m (30 feet) high swept almost 400 meters inland destroying everything in its path. The largest waves hit the northern tip of Simbo Island. There two villages, Tapurai and Riquru, were completely destroyed by a 12 m wave, killing 10 people. Officials estimate that the tsunami displaced more than 5000 residents all over the archipelago.

 Astrological Pointers indicating a Tsunami at the time :

As we can see from the above  Rasi Chart , Neptune is in the sign Capricorn which is an Earthy sign opposing Cancer, a watery sign which has Saturn in it. Moon the watery planet too is in Cancer on the day.
Neptune the planet which signifies Oceans and all watery source being in a Earthy sign is of significance here.

Saturn too has much influence over the event as he is in a watery sign and is about to change over into Leo in a short span of 83 days.

Jupiter too has a part in the event as he is retrograde and in the sign of Scorpio, the mysterious Eigth house of the Zodiac.

Mercury is in Pisces, a watery sign which is also his debilitation sign.

So it can be deduced from the above that the watery signs of the Zodiac has strong malefic influences at the time.But Jupiter has aspect over Saturn in Cancer and Mercury in Pisces. This acted as  a modifying influence over the  malefic impact over the watery signs. So Saturn and Mercury are stopped from triggering the Tsunami but both are definitely supporting it. Only Neptune can fully contribute in triggering the Tsunami.

In Khavedamsa at the time :

As seen in the D40 chart included above,  Saturn and Mercury are in Earthy and Fire signs respectively and Significantly, Neptune is in the sign Scorpio which is a watery sign in conjunction with Uranus. Neptune has entered Scorpio in Khavedamsa only four days back ie on 20th April. So as seen in Rasi only Neptune is capable of triggering the Tsunami and his entering the watery sign of Scorpio in D40 has resulted in the Event.

In Khavedamsa, Jupiter is in his exaltation sign of Cancer which is a watery sign and is aspecting Neptune( in Khavedamsa), stopping the planet from causing much devastation.